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This function is an experimental one and is currently not suitable for use in core system production environments. When multiple tables in a join query are distributed across different database instances, enabling federated query allows for cross-database join queries, as well as subqueries.


Class: org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.config.SQLFederationRuleConfiguration


name DataType Description Default Value
sqlFederationEnabled boolean SQL federation enabled configuration -
allQueryUseSQLFederation boolean all query use SQL federation configuration -
executionPlanCache org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.api.CacheOption execution plan cache configuration -

Cache option Configuration

Class: org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.api.CacheOption


name DataType Description Default Value
initialCapacity int Initial capacity of local cache execution plan local cache default value of 2000
maximumSize long Maximum capacity of local cache execution plan local cache maximum default value 65535


private SQLFederationRuleConfiguration createSQLFederationRuleConfiguration() {
    CacheOption executionPlanCache = new CacheOption(2000, 65535L);
    return new SQLFederationRuleConfiguration(true, false, executionPlanCache);