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Build the running mode through Java API.


Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.config.mode.ModeConfiguration


Name DataType Description Default Value
type String Type of mode configuration
Values could be: Standalone or Cluster
repository PersistRepositoryConfiguration Persist repository configuration
Standalone type uses StandalonePersistRepositoryConfiguration
Cluster type uses ClusterPersistRepositoryConfiguration

Standalone Persist Configuration

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.mode.repository.standalone.StandalonePersistRepositoryConfiguration


Name DataType Description
type String Type of persist repository
props Properties Properties of persist repository

Cluster Persist Configuration

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.mode.repository.cluster.ClusterPersistRepositoryConfiguration


Name Data Type Description
type String Type of persist repository
namespace String Namespace of registry center
server-lists String Server lists of registry center
props Properties Properties of persist repository


  1. Cluster mode deployment is recommended for production environment.
  2. The ZooKeeper registry center is recommended for cluster mode deployment.
  3. If there is configuration information in the ZooKeeper, please refer to the config information there.


Introduce Maven Dependency


Notice: Please change ${latest.release.version} to the actual version.


Standalone Mode

ModeConfiguration modeConfig = createModeConfiguration();
Map<String, DataSource> dataSourceMap = ... // Building real data sources
Collection<RuleConfiguration> ruleConfigs = ... // Build specific rules
Properties props = ... // Build property configuration
DataSource dataSource = ShardingSphereDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(databaseName, modeConfig, dataSourceMap, ruleConfigs, props);

private ModeConfiguration createModeConfiguration() {
    return new ModeConfiguration("Standalone", new StandalonePersistRepositoryConfiguration("JDBC", new Properties()));
ModeConfiguration modeConfig = createModeConfiguration();
Map<String, DataSource> dataSourceMap = ... // Building real data sources
Collection<RuleConfiguration> ruleConfigs = ... // Build specific rules
Properties props = ... // Build property configuration
DataSource dataSource = ShardingSphereDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(databaseName, modeConfig, dataSourceMap, ruleConfigs, props);

private ModeConfiguration createModeConfiguration() {
    return new ModeConfiguration("Cluster", new ClusterPersistRepositoryConfiguration("ZooKeeper", "governance-sharding-db", "localhost:2181", new Properties()));