Retro Eye care Haitian Deep Dark Default


Data Structure in Registry Center

Under a defined namespace, rules, props and metadata nodes persist in YAML. Modifying nodes can dynamically refresh configurations. nodes persist the runtime node of the database access object, to distinguish different database access instances. statistics persist data records in system tables.

   ├──rules                                              # Global rule configuration
   ├     ├──transaction
   ├     ├     ├──active_version                                     
   ├     ├     ├──versions  
   ├     ├     ├     ├──0       
   ├──props                                              # Properties configuration
   ├     ├──active_verison                                     
   ├     ├──versions  
   ├     ├     ├──0                  
   ├──metadata                                           # Metadata configuration
   ├     ├──${databaseName} 
   ├     ├     ├──data_sources                          
   ├     ├     ├     ├──units 							 # Storage unit configuration
   ├     ├     ├     ├    ├──${dataSourceName}                        
   ├     ├     ├     ├    ├     ├──active_verison             # Active version                                 
   ├     ├     ├     ├    ├     ├──versions                   # version list
   ├     ├     ├     ├    ├     ├     ├──0
   ├     ├     ├     ├    ├──...   
   ├     ├     ├     ├──nodes 							 # Storage node configuration
   ├     ├     ├     ├    ├──${dataSourceName}                        
   ├     ├     ├     ├    ├     ├──active_verison             # Active version                                 
   ├     ├     ├     ├    ├     ├──versions                   # version list
   ├     ├     ├     ├    ├     ├     ├──0
   ├     ├     ├     ├    ├──...                             
   ├     ├     ├──schemas                                # Schema list
   ├     ├     ├     ├──${schemaName}                    
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──tables                     # Table configuration
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──${tableName}         
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──active_verison # Active version                                 
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──versions       # version list
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──0
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──...  
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──views                      # View configuration
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──${viewName}
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──active_verison # Active version                           
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──versions       # version list
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──0
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──...  
   ├     ├     ├──rules
   ├     ├     ├     ├──sharding
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──algorithms
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──${algorithmName}     # algorithm name
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──active_verison # Active version                           
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──versions       # version list
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──0
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──...
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──key_generators
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──${keyGeneratorName}  # keyGenerator name
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──active_verison # Active version                           
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──versions       # version list
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──0
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──...         
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──tables
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──${tableName}         # logic table name
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──active_verison # Active version                           
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──versions       # version list
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──0
   ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──...          
   ├    ├──compute_nodes
   ├    ├     ├──online
   ├    ├     ├     ├──proxy
   ├    ├     ├     ├     ├──UUID             # Proxy instance identifier
   ├    ├     ├     ├     ├──....
   ├    ├     ├     ├──jdbc
   ├    ├     ├     ├     ├──UUID             # JDBC instance identifier
   ├    ├     ├     ├     ├──....   
   ├    ├     ├──status
   ├    ├     ├     ├──UUID                   
   ├    ├     ├     ├──....
   ├    ├     ├──worker_id
   ├    ├     ├     ├──UUID
   ├    ├     ├     ├──....
   ├    ├     ├──show_process_list_trigger
   ├    ├     ├     ├──process_id:UUID
   ├    ├     ├     ├──....
   ├    ├     ├──labels                      
   ├    ├     ├     ├──UUID
   ├    ├     ├     ├──....               
   ├    ├──storage_nodes                       
   ├    ├     ├──${databaseName.groupName.ds} 
   ├    ├     ├──${databaseName.groupName.ds}
   ├    ├──shardingsphere
   ├    ├     ├──schemas
   ├    ├     ├     ├──shardingsphere
   ├    ├     ├     ├     ├──tables             # system tables
   ├    ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──sharding_table_statistics    # sharding statistics table
   ├    ├     ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──8a2dcb0d97c3d86ef77b3d4651a1d7d0  # md5
   ├    ├     ├     ├     ├     ├──cluster_information    # cluster information table


These are the global rule configurations, transaction configuration.

  defaultType: XA
  providerType: Atomikos


These are the properties' configurations. Please refer to the Configuration Manual for more details.

kernel-executor-size: 20
sql-show: true


Database connection pools, whose properties (e.g. HikariCP) are to be configured by the user.

  initializationFailTimeout: 1
  validationTimeout: 5000
  maxLifetime: 1800000
  leakDetectionThreshold: 0
  minimumIdle: 1
  password: root
  idleTimeout: 60000
  jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://
  dataSourceClassName: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
  maximumPoolSize: 50
  connectionTimeout: 30000
  username: root
  poolName: HikariPool-1


Database connection pools, whose properties (e.g. HikariCP) are to be configured by the user.

  initializationFailTimeout: 1
  validationTimeout: 5000
  maxLifetime: 1800000
  leakDetectionThreshold: 0
  minimumIdle: 1
  password: root
  idleTimeout: 60000
  jdbcUrl: jdbc:mysql://
  dataSourceClassName: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
  maximumPoolSize: 50
  connectionTimeout: 30000
  username: root
  poolName: HikariPool-1


Sharding configuration。

actualDataNodes: ds_${0..1}.t_order_${0..1}
  allowHintDisable: true
    - t_order_dml_sharding_conditions_0
    shardingAlgorithmName: t_order_database_inline
    shardingColumn: user_id
  column: another_id
  keyGeneratorName: t_order_snowflake
logicTable: t_order
    shardingAlgorithmName: t_order_table_inline
    shardingColumn: order_id


Use separate node storage for each table.

name: t_order                             # Table name
columns:                                  # Columns
  id:                                     # Column name
    caseSensitive: false
    dataType: 0
    generated: false
    name: id
    primaryKey: trues
    caseSensitive: false
    dataType: 0
    generated: false
    name: order_id
    primaryKey: false
indexs:                                   # Index
  t_user_order_id_index:                  # Index name
    name: t_user_order_id_index


It includes running instance information of database access object, with sub-nodes as the identifiers of the currently running instance, which is automatically generated at each startup using UUID.

The identifiers are temporary nodes, which are registered when instances are online and cleared when instances are offline. The registry center monitors the change of those nodes to govern the database access of running instances and other things.


It can orchestrate a replica database, and delete or disable data dynamically.