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Apache ShardingSphere provides the way of property configuration to configure system level configuration.


Name Data Type Description Default Value
sql-show (?) boolean Whether show SQL or not in log.
Print SQL details can help developers debug easier. The log details include: logic SQL, actual SQL and SQL parse result.
Enable this property will log into log topic ShardingSphere-SQL, log level is INFO
sql-simple (?) boolean Whether show SQL details in simple style false
kernel-executor-size (?) int The max thread size of worker group to execute SQL. One ShardingSphereDataSource will use a independent thread pool, it does not share thread pool even different data source in same JVM infinite
max-connections-size-per-query (?) int Max opened connection size for each query 1
check-table-metadata-enabled (?) boolean Whether validate table meta data consistency when application startup or updated false
load-table-metadata-batch-size (?) int The number of table metadata loaded at a time when application startup or refreshes table metadata 1000


  1. Properties configuration is directly configured in the profile used by ShardingSphere-JDBC. The format is as follows:
    sql-show: true


The default value of the max-connections-size-per-query configuration is 1, meaning each query request can only use one connection per database instance. If you adjust this parameter to enable memory-restricted mode (see Memory-Strictly Mode for details), ensure that your database’s JDBC implementation supports streaming queries or can enable them. For example, in MySQL, you need to set statement.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE) to achieve streaming queries.


The example of ShardingSphere warehouse contains property configurations of various scenarios. Please refer to: