Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.readwritesplitting.api.ReadwriteSplittingRuleConfiguration
Name | DataType | Description |
dataSources (+) | Collection<ReadwriteSplittingDataSourceRuleConfiguration> | Data sources of write and reads |
loadBalancers (*) | Map<String, ShardingSphereAlgorithmConfiguration> | Load balance algorithm name and configurations of replica data sources |
Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.readwritesplitting.api.rule.ReadwriteSplittingDataSourceRuleConfiguration
Name | DataType | Description | Default Value |
name | String | Readwrite-splitting data source name | - |
type | String | Readwrite-splitting type, such as: Static, Dynamic | - |
props | Properties | Readwrite-splitting required properties. Static: write-data-source-name, read-data-source-names, Dynamic: auto-aware-data-source-name | - |
loadBalancerName (?) | String | Load balance algorithm name of replica sources | Round robin load balance algorithm |
Please refer to Built-in Load Balance Algorithm List for more details about type of algorithm. Please refer to Use Norms for more details about query consistent routing.