Shadow DB

Root Configuration

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.shadow.api.config.ShadowRuleConfiguration


Name DataType Description Default Value
enable boolean Shadow DB switch. Optional values: true/false false
dataSources Map<String, ShadowDataSourceConfiguration> Shadow data source mapping name and configuration None
tables Map<String, ShadowTableConfiguration> Shadow table name and configuration None
defaultShadowAlgorithmName String default shadow algorithm name Option item
shadowAlgorithms Map<String, ShardingSphereAlgorithmConfiguration> Shadow algorithm name and configuration None

Shadow Data Source Configuration

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.shadow.api.config.datasource.ShadowDataSourceConfiguration


Name DataType Description Default Value
sourceDataSourceName String Production data source name None
shadowDataSourceName String Shadow data source name None

Shadow Table Configuration

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.shadow.api.config.table.ShadowTableConfiguration


Name DataType Description Default Value
dataSourceNames Collection<String> Shadow table location shadow data source names None
shadowAlgorithmNames Collection<String> Shadow table location shadow algorithm names None

Shadow Algorithm Configuration

Please refer to Built-in Shadow Algorithm List.