
SPI Name Description
RuleBuilder Used to convert user configurations to rule objects
Implementation Class Description
AlgorithmProvidedReadwriteSplittingRuleBuilder Used to convert algorithm-based read-write separation user configuration into read-write separation rule objects
AlgorithmProvidedDatabaseDiscoveryRuleBuilder Used to convert algorithm-based database discovery user configuration into database discovery rule objects
AlgorithmProvidedShardingRuleBuilder Used to convert algorithm-based sharding user configuration into sharding rule objects
AlgorithmProvidedEncryptRuleBuilder Used to convert algorithm-based encryption user configuration into encryption rule objects
AlgorithmProvidedShadowRuleBuilder Used to convert algorithm-based shadow database user configuration into shadow database rule objects
ReadwriteSplittingRuleBuilder Used to convert read-write separation user configuration into read-write separation rule objects
DatabaseDiscoveryRuleBuilder Used to convert database discovery user configuration into database discovery rule objects
SingleTableRuleBuilder Used to convert single-table user configuration into a single-table rule objects
AuthorityRuleBuilder Used to convert permission user configuration into permission rule objects
ShardingRuleBuilder Used to convert sharding user configuration into sharding rule objects
EncryptRuleBuilder Used to convert encrypted user configuration into encryption rule objects
ShadowRuleBuilder Used to convert shadow database user configuration into shadow database rule objects
TransactionRuleBuilder Used to convert transaction user configuration into transaction rule objects


SPI Name Description
YamlRuleConfigurationSwapper Used to convert YAML configuration to standard user configuration
Implementation Class Description
ReadwriteSplittingRuleAlgorithmProviderConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert algorithm-based read-write separation configuration into read-write separation standard configuration
DatabaseDiscoveryRuleAlgorithmProviderConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert algorithm-based database discovery configuration into database discovery standard configuration
ShardingRuleAlgorithmProviderConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert algorithm-based sharding configuration into sharding standard configuration
EncryptRuleAlgorithmProviderConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert algorithm-based encryption configuration into encryption standard configuration  
ShadowRuleAlgorithmProviderConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert algorithm-based shadow database configuration into shadow database standard configuration
ReadwriteSplittingRuleConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert the YAML configuration of read-write separation into the standard configuration of read-write separation
DatabaseDiscoveryRuleConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert the YAML configuration of database discovery into the standard configuration of database discovery
AuthorityRuleConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert the YAML configuration of permission rules into standard configuration of permission rules
ShardingRuleConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert the YAML configuration of the shard into the standard configuration of the shard
EncryptRuleConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert encrypted YAML configuration into encrypted standard configuration
ShadowRuleConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert the YAML configuration of the shadow database into the standard configuration of the shadow database
TransactionRuleConfigurationYamlSwapper Used to convert the YAML configuration of the transaction into the standard configuration of the transaction


SPI Name Description
ShardingSphereYamlConstruct Used to convert customized objects and YAML to each other
Implementation Class Description
NoneShardingStrategyConfigurationYamlConstruct Used to convert non sharding strategy and YAML to each other