
Configuration Item Explanation

Memory mode

Configuration Entrance

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.config.mode.ModeConfiguration


Name Data Type Description
type (?) String Memory

Standalone mode

Configuration Entrance

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.config.mode.ModeConfiguration

Name Data Type Description
type String Standalone  
repository PersistRepositoryConfiguration Configuration StandalonePersistRepositoryConfiguration
overwrite boolean Local configurations overwrite file configurations or not; if they overwrite, each start takes reference of local configurations

StandalonePersistRepositoryConfiguration Configuration

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.mode.repository.standalone.StandalonePersistRepositoryConfiguration


Name Data Type Description
type String Standalone Configuration persist type, such as: File
props (?) Properties Configuration persist properties, such as: path

Standalone Properties Configuration:

Name Data Type Description Default
path String Configuration information persist path .shardingsphere directory

Cluster mode

Configuration Entrance

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.config.mode.ModeConfiguration


Name Data Type Description
type String Cluster  
repository PersistRepositoryConfiguration Configuration ClusterPersistRepositoryConfiguration
overwrite boolean Local configurations overwrite config center configurations or not; if they overwrite, each start takes reference of local configurations

ClusterPersistRepositoryConfiguration Configuration

Class name: org.apache.shardingsphere.mode.repository.cluster.ClusterPersistRepositoryConfiguration


Name Data Type Description
type String Cluster mode typ, such as: Zookeeper, Etcd
namespace String Cluster mode instance namespace, such as: cluster-sharding-mode
server-lists String Zookeeper or Etcd server list,including IP and port number, use commas to separate, such as: host1:2181,host2:2181
props Properties Properties for center instance config, such as options of zookeeper

ZooKeeper Properties Configuration

Name Data Type Description Default Value
digest (?) String Connect to authority tokens in registry center No need for authority
operationTimeoutMilliseconds (?) int The operation timeout milliseconds 500 milliseconds
maxRetries (?) int The maximum retry count 3
retryIntervalMilliseconds (?) int The retry interval milliseconds 500 milliseconds
timeToLiveSeconds (?) int Time to live seconds for ephemeral nodes 60 seconds

Etcd Properties Configuration

Name Data Type Description Default Value
timeToLiveSeconds (?) long Time to live seconds for data persist 30 seconds