You can find all of the ShardingSphere contributors directly in GitHub’s contribution list.
The ShardingSphere community follows the Apache Community’s process on accepting a new committer. Contributors who actively participate in the ShardingSphere community may be invited to become a committer by the project’s PMC and existing committers.
You can read the Contributor Guide for more information on how you can contribute to the community, as well as the Committer Guide for more details on how to become a committer.
A contributor simply means that you take an interest in the project and contribute in some way, ranging from asking questions to providing new features as code patches. Contributions can be made in many ways, such as:
The first step towards becoming a contributor is to get involved. Dive into the Apache ShardingSphere concept & code, and say hi to the community; offer help, improve docs, complete a newbie ticket or answer a user. You may just be surprised how welcoming and open folks are here. The more visible and engaged you are in the project, the more fun you will have and the more access you will have to advice and feedback. Contributing is fun and beneficial.
Anyone who contributes to a project in any way is a contributor. If you become a valuable contributor to the project, the Project Management Committee (PMC) may invite you to become a committer.
It brings with it the privilege of write access to the project repository and resources, not just read source code files. A committer has the privilege to write and commit code and create pull requests to the default branch of the repository and in most cases, reviewers are also committers as you need to understand the code to review a PR.
In short, the committer is authorized to merge user contributions into the project.
Notably, anyone who is supportive of the community and works in any of the CoPDoC (Community, Project, Documentation, and Code) areas is a likely candidate for committership. Being a committer does not only mean you commit code; it means you are committed to the project and are productively contributing to its success.
Apart from many visible contributions of value in Apache projects (documentation, testing, coding user support, design, etc.), you will need to be a committer to carry out these activities:
Committer activity is a good and useful endeavor:
For more information, please read Guide for new project committers published by the Apache Software Foundation.