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The following code of conduct is based on full compliance with ASF CODE OF CONDUCT.

Development Guidelines

  • Dedication Uphold a sense of responsibility and awe, continuously honing your craft.
  • Readability Code should be self-explanatory, revealing its purpose through reading, not debugging.
  • Cleanliness Embrace the principles of “Refactoring” and “Clean Code”, striving for clean and elegant code.
  • Consistency Maintain complete consistency in code style, naming, and usage.
  • Simplicity Strive for minimalist code, conveying the correct meaning with the least amount of code. Aim for high reusability, no duplicate code or configurations. Promptly remove unused code.
  • Abstraction Ensure clear division of levels, reasonable abstraction of concepts. Maintain methods, classes, packages, and modules at the same level of abstraction.
  • Excellence Reject arbitrariness, every line of code, every character, every space must have its purpose.

Contributor Covenant Submitting of Conduct

  • Conform to Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct below.
  • Make sure Maven build process success. Run ./mvnw clean install -B -T1C -Pcheck command in shell to start Maven build process.
  • Through the uniform code style of spotless, execute the ./mvnw spotless:apply -Pcheck formatted code.
  • Make sure the test coverage rate is not lower than the master branch.
  • Careful consideration for each pull request; Small and frequent pull request with complete unit function is welcomed.
  • If you are using IDEA, please import src/resources/idea/code-style.xml to maintain consistency in code style.
  • If you are using IDEA, please import src/resources/idea/inspections.xml to detect potential issues in the code.

Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

  • Use linux line separators.
  • No meaningless blank lines. Please extract private methods to instead of blank lines if too long method body or different logic code fragments.
  • Naming covenant:
    • Use meaningful names.
    • Avoid to use abbreviation. Some variables could use abbreviation.
      • Variable arguments could abbreviate to args;
      • Variable parameters could abbreviate to params;
      • Variable environment could abbreviate to env;
      • Variable properties could abbreviate to props;
      • Variable configuration could abbreviate to config.
    • Abbreviation composed less than 3 characters should be uppercase, more than 3 characters must use camel case naming rule.
      • Example for abbreviation composed less than 3 characters: SQL92Lexer, XMLTransfer, MySQLAdminExecutorCreator;
      • Example for abbreviation composed more than 3 characters: JdbcUrlAppender, YamlAgentConfigurationSwapper;
      • A variable composed of abbreviation should use lower camel case: mysqlAuthenticationMethod, sqlStatement, mysqlConfig.
    • Local variables that meet the following conditions shall be named according to the following rules:
      • Except return an input parameter as result, returning variable should be named with result;
      • Variables in the loop structure are named with each;
      • Replace each with entry in map;
      • Exceptions when catch are named with ex;
      • Exceptions when catch but do nothing are named with ignored.
    • It is prohibited to use result, each, or entry as method parameter names.
    • Utility class should be named in the form of xxUtils.
    • Name property files with Spinal Case(a variant of Snake Case which uses hyphens - to separate words).
  • Split codes that need to add notes with it into small methods, which are explained with method names.
  • Have constants on the left and variable on the right in = and equals conditional expressions; Have variable on the left and constants on the right in greater than and less than conditional expressions.
  • Beside using same names as input parameters and global fields in assign statement, avoid using this modifier.
  • Local variables should not be set as final.
  • Design class as final class except abstract class for extend.
  • Make nested loop structures a new method.
  • Order of members definition and parameters should be consistent during classes and methods.
  • Use guard clauses in priority.
  • Minimize the access permission for classes and methods.
  • Private method should be just next to the method in which it is used; Multiple private methods should be in the same as the appearance order of original methods.
  • No null parameters or return values.
  • Replace constructors, getters, setter methods and log variable with lombok in priority.
  • Use LinkedList in priority. Use ArrayList for use index to get element only.
  • Use capacity based Collection such as ArrayList, HashMap must indicate initial capacity to avoid recalculate capacity.
  • Replace if else return and assign statement with ternary operator in priority.
  • Nested using ternary operator is forbidden.
  • Use forward semantics in priority for better understanding code logic in conditional expressions. For example: if (null == param) {} else {}.
  • Use concentrate @SuppressWarnings("xxx") instead of @SuppressWarnings("all").
  • Reasonably use the @HighFrequencyInvocation annotation to focus on optimizing the performance of critical methods.
    • Occasions for using the @HighFrequencyInvocation annotation:
      • In frequently invoked requests, add annotation to classes, methods, or constructors with high frequency calls; precise matching within the scope of annotation;
      • The canBeCached attribute being set as true indicates that the target is a reusable cached resource. For example: a database connection.
    • Code segments with annotation @HighFrequencyInvocation must strictly guarantee code performance. The following are prohibited code segments within:
      • It is prohibited to call Java Stream API;
      • It is prohibited to concat String using “+";
      • It is prohibited to call LinkedList’s get(int index) method.
  • Comments & Logs covenant:
    • Use English in all the logs and javadoc.
    • Include Javadoc, todo and fixme only in the comments.
    • Only public classes and methods need javadoc, the Javadoc for the user API and SPI needs to be written clearly and comprehensively, other methods, classes and override methods do not need javadoc.

Contributor Covenant Unit Test of Conduct

  • Test codes and production codes should follow the same kind of code of conduct.
  • Unit test should follow AIR (Automatic, Independent, Repeatable) principle.
    • Automatic: Unit test should run automatically, not interactively. Check test result manually and System.out, log are prohibited, use assert to check test results.
    • Independent: Call each other and sequence dependency during unit test cases are prohibited. Every test case should run independent.
    • Repeatable: Unit test case should not dependency external environment, they can run repeatable.
  • Unit test should follow BCDE (Border, Correct, Design, Error) design principle.
    • Border: Border value test, test for loop border, special value and value sequence to get expect result.
    • Correct: Correct value test, test for correct value to get expect result.
    • Design: Design with production codes.
    • Error: Error value test, test for error input, exception to get expect result.
  • Without particular reasons, test cases should be fully covered.
  • Test cases should be fully covered expect simply getter /setter methods, and declared static codes of SPI, such as: getType / getOrder.
  • Every test case need precised assertion, try not to use not, containsString to make assertions.
  • Environment preparation codes should be separate from test codes.
  • Only those that relate to Mockito, junit Assertions, hamcrest CoreMatchers and MatcherAssert can use static import.
  • Usage of assertion methods: for boolean type asserts, assertTrue and assertFalse should be used, assertNull and assertNotNull should be used to assert whether the assertion is null, and assertThat should be used for other scenarios.
  • Usage of assertion methods:
    • Use assertTrue and assertFalse for boolean value;
    • Use assertNull and assertNotNull for null value;
    • Use assertThat for other values.
  • Actual values of test cases should be named actualXXX, expected values expectedXXX.
  • Class for test case and @Test annotation do not need javadoc.
  • Mockito mockStatic and mockConstruction methods must be used with try-with-resource or closed in the teardown method to avoid leaks.
  • Using mock should follow following specifications:
    • Using mock when unit tests need to connect to an environment;
    • Using mock when unit tests contain objects that are not easy to build, for example, objects that are more than two layers nested and unrelated to the test.
    • When mocking static methods or constructors, it is recommended to use the testing framework’s AutoMockExtension and StaticMockSettings to release resources automatically; If using Mockito’s mockStatic and mockConstruction methods, please use try-with-resource or close them in the cleanup method to avoid resource leaks.
    • When verifying only one invocation, there is no need to use times(1) parameter, please use the single-argument method of verify.

SQL Parser of Conduct

Common Conduct

Maintenance Conduct

  • The G4 syntax files and SQLVisitor implementation classes involved in the SQL parsing module need to be marked with differential codes according to the following database relationships. When database A does not provide the corresponding database driver and protocol, but directly uses the driver and protocol of database B, database A can be considered to be a branch database of database B. Usually branch databases will directly use the SQL parsing logic of the trunk database. However, in order to adapt to the unique syntax of the branch database, some branch databases will copy and maintain their own SQL parsing logic from the trunk database. At this time, for the unique syntax of the branch database, you need to use Comments are marked, and other parts need to be consistent with the implementation of the backbone database;

    Trunk Database Branch Database
    MySQL MariaDB, Doris
    PostgreSQL -
    openGauss -
    Oracle -
    SQLServer -
    ClickHouse -
    Hive -
    Presto -
    SQL92 -
  • Difference code markup syntax, when adding, replace {DatabaseType} with the uppercase name of the database type, for example: DORIS.

    • New syntax: //{DatabaseType} ADDED BEGIN and // {DatabaseType} ADDED END;
    • Modified syntax: //{DatabaseType} CHANGED BEGIN and // {DatabaseType} CHANGED END.

Contributor Covenant G4 of Conduct

  • Common Conduct
    • Every line cannot over 200 chars, guarantee every line have complete semantics.
  • Lexer Conduct
    • Every rule should be in single line, no empty line between rules.
    • Rule of lexer name should capitalization. If name composite with more than one word, use underline to separate. Rule name of DataType and Symbol should end with underline. If rule name is conflicted with ANTLR’s keyword, should take an underline behind rule name.
    • For private rule in lexer should use fragment, rule with fragment should define behind of public rule which they served.
    • Common rule of lexer should put in file Keyword.g4, every database may have customized rule file by themselves. For example: MySQLKeyword.g4.
  • Parser Conduct
    • After every rule finish, blank line should no indents.
    • No space before rule name definition. One space between colon and rule, semicolon should take a new line and keep indents (including blank lines) consistent with the previous one.
    • If a rule’s branch is over than 5, every branch take a new line.
    • Rule name of parser should same with java variable’s camel case.
    • Define separate files for every SQL type, file name should consist of database + SQL type + Statement. For example: MySQLDQLStatement.g4.

GitHub Action of Conduct

  • Workflow file name must end with .yml.
  • Workflow file name must consist with the lowercase of triggerType-actionType. For example: nightly-check.yml. Omit trigger type for pull_request. For example: check.yml.
  • Trigger type includes: pull_request (without prefix), nightly, schedule.
  • Action type includes: check, ci, e2e, build, report.
  • name property in workflow file should be same with file name, Words separated by -, add space between - and words, first letter of every word should be capital. For example: Nightly - Check.
  • name property in step should describe the usage of step, first letter of every word should be capital, preposition should be lowercase. For example: Build Project with Maven.
  • job property in workflow should be unique in that workflow file.
  • When using matrix property, must add job parallelism limit to 20. For example: max-parallel: 20.
  • Must set timeout for job, max timeout is 1 hour. For example: timeout-minutes: 10.