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Git Installation

Use the latest version.

You could download Git from Git Downloads.

If you’re running macOS or Linux, you could install Git from software repository.

Git Settings

If you’re running Windows, following settings should be done before cloning ShardingSphere code.

Execute following command in PowerShell or cmd to prevent from filename too long error on cloning ShardingSphere code:

git config --global core.longpaths true

JDK Installation

Use JDK 11 or higher.

You could download JDK from OpenJDK Downloads.

You could search JDK installation guide for your platform on Google.


Optional. You could use mvn command if Maven is ready, else use mvnw instead (download and install Maven automatically, use version defined in .mvn/wrapper/

Use 3.6+.

You could download Maven from Downloading Apache Maven.

Please refer to Installing Apache Maven for more details.



You could use any of them:

  • Terminal : Preinstalled on macOS
  • iTerm2 : Could be installed by yourself


You could use any of them:

  • PowerShell : Preinstalled on Windows
  • Git Bash : Could be installed in official Git client
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) : Could be installed by yourself


Different terminal on different distribution.

Environment Variables

Set up JAVA_HOME, MAVEN_HOME and PATH system environment variables.

You could find how to do it on Google.


You could use any of them:

  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Eclipse
  • NetBeans

IDE Plugins

These plugins might be useful for you:

  • Lombok : Required. It’s already preinstalled in the latest IntelliJ IDEA.
  • CheckStyle : Optional. It provides both real-time and on-demand scanning of Java files. Notice: Not all Code of Conduct could be checked.
  • ANTLR v4 : Optional. It’s recommended if you contribute to SQL extension.

CheckStyle Settings

  1. Add Configuration File : use src/resources/checkstyle.xml
  2. Select Checkstyle version : use 9.3