Seata BASE transaction

Seata BASE transaction

Seata is a distributed transaction framework developed by Alibaba Group and Ant Finance. As of 0.5.x, it includes AT and TCC transactions. The goal of AT transaction is to provide incremental transaction ACID semantics under the micro-service architecture, so that users can use distributed transactions as they use local transactions. The core idea of AT transaction is the same as ShardingSphere.

Seata AT transaction model

Seata AT transaction model includes TM (transaction manager), RM (resource manager), TC (transaction coordinator). TC is an independent service that needs to be deployed separately. TM and RM are deployed together with business applications in the form of jar packages. They establish long connections with TC and keep RPC communication throughout the transaction life cycle. The initiator of global transaction is TM, and the participant of global transaction is RM; TM is in charge of begin and commit/rollback of global transaction, RM is in charge of reporting the execution results of branch transaction, and commit/rollback is executed through TC coordination.

Seata AT transaction model