ElasticJob has been verified for availability under GraalVM Native Image.
To build a GraalVM Native Image with the Maven dependency org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob:elasticjob-bootstrap:${elasticjob.version}
you need to use GraalVM Native Build Tools.
GraalVM Native Build Tools provides Maven Plugin and Gradle Plugin to simplify the long-winded shell commands of GraalVM CE’s native-image
command line tool.
ElasticJob requires the following or higher versions of GraalVM CE
to build the GraalVM Native Image. Users can quickly switch JDKs through SDKMAN!
This also applies to downstream distributions of GraalVM CE
such as https://sdkman.io/jdks#graal, https://sdkman.io/jdks#nik and https://sdkman.io/jdks#mandrel.
of SDKMAN!Users can still use old versions of GraalVM CE such as 21.0.2-graalce
on SDKMAN! to build ElasticJob’s GraalVM Native Image product.
ElasticJob does not set CI for GraalVM CE versions that have stopped maintenance.
Users need to actively use the GraalVM Reachability Metadata Central Repository. The following configuration is for reference. To configure additional Maven Profiles for the project, refer to the documentation of GraalVM Native Build Tools.
Users need to actively use the GraalVM Reachability Metadata Central Repository. The following configuration is for reference. To configure additional Gradle Tasks for the project, refer to the documentation of GraalVM Native Build Tools. Due to the limitations of https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/17559, users need to introduce the Metadata Repository JSON file in the form of Maven dependencies. Refer to https://github.com/graalvm/native-build-tools/issues/572.
plugins {
id 'org.graalvm.buildtools.native' version '0.10.2'
dependencies {
implementation 'org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob:elasticjob-bootstrap:${elasticjob.version}'
implementation(group: 'org.graalvm.buildtools', name: 'graalvm-reachability-metadata', version: '0.10.2', classifier: 'repository', ext: 'zip')
graalvmNative {
metadataRepository {
Users need to actively use the GraalVM Reachability Metadata Central Repository. The following configuration is for reference. To configure additional Maven Profiles for the project, refer to the documentation of GraalVM Native Build Tools.
Users need to actively use the GraalVM Reachability Metadata Central Repository. The following configuration is for reference. To configure additional Gradle Tasks for the project, refer to the documentation of GraalVM Native Build Tools. Due to the limitations of https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/17559, users need to introduce the Metadata Repository JSON file in the form of Maven dependencies. Refer to https://github.com/graalvm/native-build-tools/issues/572 .
plugins {
id 'org.springframework.boot' version '3.3.2'
id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.1.6'
id 'org.graalvm.buildtools.native' version '0.10.2'
dependencies {
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-jdbc'
implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
implementation 'org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob:elasticjob-spring-boot-starter:${elasticjob.version}'
implementation(group: 'org.graalvm.buildtools', name: 'graalvm-reachability-metadata', version: '0.10.2', classifier: 'repository', ext: 'zip')
graalvmNative {
metadataRepository {
Such requirements require opening additional issues at https://github.com/graalvm/native-build-tools and providing plugin implementations for the corresponding build tools.
Users still need to configure GraalVM Reachability Metadata in separate files in the src/main/resources/META-INF/native-image
folder or the src/test/resources/META-INF/native-image
Users can quickly collect GraalVM Reachability Metadata through the GraalVM Tracing Agent of GraalVM Native Build Tools.
For org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob.bootstrap.type.ScheduleJobBootstrap
with elasticJobType
under Linux,
if script.command.line
is set to the relative path of a .sh
file in the private project’s classpath under the GraalVM Native Image when building the GraalVM Native Image,
then the .sh
file must at least have the POSIX file permission of rwxr-xr-x
set in advance.
This is because com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.resources.NativeImageResourceFileSystem
obviously does not support java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFileAttributeView
Long story short, users should avoid including logic like the following in their jobs,
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermissions;
public class ExampleUtils {
public void setPosixFilePermissions() throws IOException {
URL resource = ExampleUtils.class.getResource("/script/demo.sh");
assert resource != null;
Path path = Paths.get(resource.getPath());
Files.setPosixFilePermissions(path, PosixFilePermissions.fromString("rwxr-xr-x"));
WeCom Notification Policy
, DingTalk Notification Policy
, and Email Notification Policy
are not yet available under GraalVM Native Image.
The Spring namespace integration module org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob:elasticjob-spring-namespace
of ElasticJob is not yet available under GraalVM Native Image.
ElasticJob’s usability verification under GraalVM Native Image is done by the Maven Plugin subproject of GraalVM Native Build Tools.
Unit test coverage under GraalVM Native Image is tested by running unit tests under JVM,
tagging unit tests with junit-platform-unique-ids*
, and then building GraalVM Native Image for nativeTest.
Contributors are requested not to use test libraries such as io.kotest:kotest-runner-junit5-jvm:5.5.4
that failed to discover tests in test listener
ElasticJob defines the elasticjob-test-native
Maven Module to provide a small subset of unit tests for native Test,
which avoids the use of third-party libraries such as Mockito that cannot be used under native Test.
ElasticJob defines the nativeTestInElasticJob
Maven profile to execute nativeTest for the elasticjob-test-native
Assuming the contributor is on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS instance, he can use SDKMAN! to manage JDK and toolchains with the following bash command,
and execute nativeTest for the elasticjob-test-native
Contributors must install Docker Engine to execute the testcontainers-java
related unit tests.
sudo apt install unzip zip curl sed -y
curl -s "https://get.sdkman.io" | bash
source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh"
sdk install java 22.0.2-graalce
sdk use java 22.0.2-graalce
sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev -y
git clone git@github.com:apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob.git
cd ./shardingsphere-elasticjob/
./mvnw -PnativeTestInElasticJob -T1C -e clean test
When contributors find that GraalVM Reachability Metadata for third-party libraries not related to ElasticJob is missing,
they should open a new issue at https://github.com/oracle/graalvm-reachability-metadata,
and submit a PR with missing GraalVM Reachability Metadata for dependent third-party libraries.
ElasticJob proactively hosts GraalVM Reachability Metadata for some third-party libraries in the elasticjob-reachability-metadata
If nativeTest fails, generate preliminary GraalVM Reachability Metadata for unit tests,
and manually adjust the contents of the META-INF/native-image/org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob/elasticjob-reachability-metadata/
folder in the classpath of the elasticjob-reachability-metadata
submodule to fix nativeTest.
If necessary,
use the org.junit.jupiter.api.condition.DisabledInNativeImage
annotation or the org.graalvm.nativeimage.imagecode
System Property to shield some unit tests from running under the GraalVM Native Image.
ElasticJob defines the generateMetadata
Maven Profile to execute unit tests with the GraalVM Tracing Agent under the GraalVM JIT Compiler,
and generates or overwrites the existing GraalVM Reachability Metadata file in the META-INF/native-image/org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob/generated-reachability-metadata/
folder in the classpath of the elasticjob-reachability-metadata
This process can be easily handled by the following bash command.
Contributors may still need to manually adjust specific JSON entries and adjust the filter chain of the Maven Profile and GraalVM Tracing Agent as appropriate.
For the elasticjob-reachability-metadata
manually added, deleted, and modified JSON entries should be located in the META-INF/native-image/org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob/elasticjob-reachability-metadata/
while the entries in META-INF/native-image/org.apache.shardingsphere.elasticjob/generated-reachability-metadata/
should only be generated by the generateMetadata
Maven Profile.
The following command is just an example of generating Conditional GraalVM Reachability Metadata for elasticjob-test-native
The generated GraalVM Reachability Metadata is located in the elasticjob-reachability-metadata
For GraalVM Reachability Metadata used independently by test classes and test files,
contributors should place it in the classpath of the shardingsphere-test-native submodule under META-INF/native-image/elasticjob-test-native-test-metadata/
git clone git@github.com:apache/shardingsphere.git
cd ./shardingsphere/
./mvnw -PgenerateMetadata -DskipNativeTests -e -T1C clean test native:metadata-copy