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Through which developers can quickly and clearly understand the functions provided by ElasticJob.

This chapter is a configuration manual for ElasticJob, which can also be referred to as a dictionary if necessary.

ElasticJob has provided 3 kinds of configuration methods for different situations.

Registry Center Configuration


Name Data Type Default Value Description
serverLists String ZooKeeper server IP list
namespace String ZooKeeper namespace
baseSleepTimeMilliseconds int 1000 The initial value of milliseconds for the retry interval
maxSleepTimeMilliseconds String 3000 The maximum value of milliseconds for the retry interval
maxRetries String 3 Maximum number of retries
sessionTimeoutMilliseconds int 60000 Session timeout in milliseconds
connectionTimeoutMilliseconds int 15000 Connection timeout in milliseconds
digest String no need Permission token to connect to ZooKeeper

Core Configuration Description


Include IP and port, multiple addresses are separated by commas, such as: host1:2181,host2:2181

Job Configuration


Name Data Type Default Value Description
jobName String Job name
shardingTotalCount int Sharding total count
cron String CRON expression, control the job trigger time
timeZone String time zone of CRON
shardingItemParameters String Sharding item parameters
jobParameter String Job parameter
monitorExecution boolean true Monitor job execution status
failover boolean false Enable or disable job failover
misfire boolean true Enable or disable the missed task to re-execute
maxTimeDiffSeconds int -1(no check) The maximum value for time difference between server and registry center in seconds
reconcileIntervalMinutes int 10 Service scheduling interval in minutes for repairing job server inconsistent state
jobShardingStrategyType String AVG_ALLOCATION Job sharding strategy type
jobExecutorThreadPoolSizeProvider String CPU Job thread pool handler type
jobErrorHandlerType String Job error handler type
description String Job description
props Properties Job properties
disabled boolean false Enable or disable start the job
overwrite boolean false Enable or disable local configuration override registry center configuration

Core Configuration Description


The sequence numbers and parameters of the Sharding items are separated by equal sign, and multiple key-value pairs are separated by commas. The Sharding sequence number starts from 0 and can’t be greater than or equal to the total number of job fragments. For example: 0=a,1=b,2=c


With this parameter, user can pass parameters for the business method of job scheduling, which is used to implement the job with parameters. For example: Amount of data acquired each time, Primary key of the job instance read from the database, etc.


When the execution time and interval of each job are very short, it is recommended not to monitor the running status of the job to improve efficiency. There is no need to monitor because it is a transient state. User can add data accumulation monitoring by self. And there is no guarantee that the data will be selected repeatedly, idempotency should be achieved in the job. If the job execution time and interval time are longer, it is recommended to monitor the job status, and it can guarantee that the data will not be selected repeatedly.


If the time error exceeds the configured seconds, an exception will be thrown when the job starts.


In a distributed system, due to network, clock and other reasons, ZooKeeper may be inconsistent with the actual running job. This inconsistency cannot be completely avoided through positive verification. It is necessary to start another thread to periodically calibrate the consistency between the registry center and the job status, that is, to maintain the final consistency of ElasticJob.

Less than 1 means no repair is performed.


For details, seeJob Sharding Strategy


For details, seeThread Pool Strategy


For details, seeError Handler Strategy


For details, seeJob Properties


It can be used for deployment, forbid jobs to start, and then start them uniformly after the deployment is completed.


If the value is true, local configuration override registry center configuration every time the job is started.

Job Listener Configuration

Common Listener Configuration

Configuration: no

Distributed Listener Configuration


Name Data Type Default Value Description
started-timeout-milliseconds long Long.MAX_VALUE The timeout in milliseconds before the last job is executed
completed-timeout-milliseconds long Long.MAX_VALUE The timeout in milliseconds after the last job is executed

Event Tracing Configuration


Name Data Type Default Value Description
type String The type of event tracing storage adapter
storage Generics Type The object of event tracing storage adapter