


SHOW ENCRYPT TABLE RULE tableName [from schemaName]
  • Support to query all data encryption rules and specify logical table name query

Return Value Description

Column Description
table Logical table name
logic_column Logical column name
logic_data_type Logical column data type
cipher_column Ciphertext column name
cipher_data_type Ciphertext column data type
plain_column Plaintext column name
plain_data_type Plaintext column data type
assisted_query_column Assisted query column name
assisted_query_data_type Assisted query column data type
encryptor_type Encryption algorithm type
encryptor_props Encryption algorithm parameter
query_with_cipher_column Whether to use encrypted column for query


Show Encrypt Rules

mysql> show encrypt rules from encrypt_db;
| table       | logic_column | logic_data_type | cipher_column | cipher_data_type | plain_column | plain_data_type | assisted_query_column | assisted_query_data_type | encryptor_type | encryptor_props         | query_with_cipher_column |
| t_encrypt   | user_id      |                 | user_cipher   |                  | user_plain   |                 |                       |                          | AES            | aes-key-value=123456abc | true                     |
| t_encrypt   | order_id     |                 | order_cipher  |                  |              |                 |                       |                          | MD5            |                         | true                     |
| t_encrypt_2 | user_id      |                 | user_cipher   |                  | user_plain   |                 |                       |                          | AES            | aes-key-value=123456abc | false                    |
| t_encrypt_2 | order_id     |                 | order_cipher  |                  |              |                 |                       |                          | MD5            |                         | false                    |
4 rows in set (0.78 sec)

Show Encrypt Table Rule Table Name

mysql> show encrypt table rule t_encrypt;
| table       | logic_column | logic_data_type | cipher_column | cipher_data_type | plain_column | plain_data_type | assisted_query_column | assisted_query_data_type | encryptor_type | encryptor_props         | query_with_cipher_column |
| t_encrypt   | user_id      |                 | user_cipher   |                  | user_plain   |                 |                       |                          | AES            | aes-key-value=123456abc | true                     |
| t_encrypt   | order_id     |                 | order_cipher  |                  |              |                 |                       |                          | MD5            |                         | true                     |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> show encrypt table rule t_encrypt from encrypt_db;
| table       | logic_column | logic_data_type | cipher_column | cipher_data_type | plain_column | plain_data_type | assisted_query_column | assisted_query_data_type | encryptor_type | encryptor_props         | query_with_cipher_column |
| t_encrypt   | user_id      |                 | user_cipher   |                  | user_plain   |                 |                       |                          | AES            | aes-key-value=123456abc | true                     |
| t_encrypt   | order_id     |                 | order_cipher  |                  |              |                 |                       |                          | MD5            |                         | true                     |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec))