schemaName: # Logic schema name.
dataSources: # Data sources configuration, multiple <data-source-name> available.
<data-source-name>: # Different from ShardingSphere-JDBC configuration, it does not need to be configured with database connection pool.
url: # Database URL.
username: # Database username.
password: # Database password.
connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: # Connection timeout milliseconds.
idleTimeoutMilliseconds: # Idle timeout milliseconds.
maxLifetimeMilliseconds: # Maximum life milliseconds.
maxPoolSize: 50 # Maximum connection count in the pool.
minPoolSize: 1 # Minimum connection count in the pool.
rules: # Keep consist with ShardingSphere-JDBC configuration.
# ...
It is used to verify the authentication to log in ShardingSphere-Proxy, which must use correct user name and password after the configuration of them.
- root@localhost:root # <username>@<hostname>:<password>
- sharding@:sharding
type: NATIVE # Must be explicitly specified.
If the hostname is % or empty, it means no restrict to the user’s host.
The type of the provider must be explicitly specified. Refer to 5.11 Proxy for more implementations.
sql-show: # Whether show SQL or not in log. Print SQL details can help developers debug easier. The log details include: logic SQL, actual SQL and SQL parse result.Enable this property will log into log topic ShardingSphere-SQL, log level is INFO.
sql-simple: # Whether show SQL details in simple style.
executor-size: # The max thread size of worker group to execute SQL. One ShardingSphereDataSource will use a independent thread pool, it does not share thread pool even different data source in same JVM.
max-connections-size-per-query: # Max opened connection size for each query.
check-table-metadata-enabled: # Whether validate table meta data consistency when application startup or updated.
proxy-frontend-flush-threshold: # Flush threshold for every records from databases for ShardingSphere-Proxy.
proxy-transaction-type: # Default transaction type of ShardingSphere-Proxy. Include: LOCAL, XA and BASE.
proxy-opentracing-enabled: # Whether enable opentracing for ShardingSphere-Proxy.
proxy-hint-enabled: # Whether enable hint for ShardingSphere-Proxy. Using Hint will switch proxy thread mode from IO multiplexing to per connection per thread, which will reduce system throughput.
xa-transaction-manager-type: # XA Transaction manager type. Include: Atomikos, Narayana and Bitronix.
schemaName: # Logic schema name.
username: # Database username.
password: # Database password.
connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: # Connection timeout milliseconds.
idleTimeoutMilliseconds: # Idle timeout milliseconds.
maxLifetimeMilliseconds: # Maximum life milliseconds.
maxPoolSize: 50 # Maximum connection count in the pool.
minPoolSize: 1 # Minimum connection count in the pool.
dataSources: # Data sources configuration, multiple <data-source-name> available.
<data-source-name>: # Different from ShardingSphere-JDBC configuration, it does not need to be configured with database connection pool.
url: # Database URL.
rules: # Keep consist with ShardingSphere-JDBC configuration.
# ...
If you want to override the ‘dataSourceCommon’ property, configure it separately for each data source.
dataSources: # Data sources configuration, multiple <data-source-name> available.
<data-source-name>: # Different from ShardingSphere-JDBC configuration, it does not need to be configured with database connection pool.
url: # Database URL.
username: # Database username, Override dataSourceCommon username property.
password: # Database password, Override dataSourceCommon password property.
connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: # Connection timeout milliseconds, Override dataSourceCommon connectionTimeoutMilliseconds property.
idleTimeoutMilliseconds: # Idle timeout milliseconds, Override dataSourceCommon idleTimeoutMilliseconds property.
maxLifetimeMilliseconds: # Maximum life milliseconds, Override dataSourceCommon maxLifetimeMilliseconds property.
maxPoolSize: 50 # Maximum connection count in the pool, Override dataSourceCommon maxPoolSize property.
minPoolSize: 1 # Minimum connection count in the pool, Override dataSourceCommon minPoolSize property.
It is used to verify the authentication to log in ShardingSphere-Proxy, which must use correct user name and password after the configuration of them.
root: # Self-defined username.
password: root # Self-defined password.
sharding: # Self-defined username.
password: sharding # Self-defined password.
authorizedSchemas: sharding_db, replica_query_db # Schemas authorized to this user, please use commas to connect multiple schemas. Default authorized schemas is all of the schemas.
sql-show: # Whether show SQL or not in log. Print SQL details can help developers debug easier. The log details include: logic SQL, actual SQL and SQL parse result.Enable this property will log into log topic ShardingSphere-SQL, log level is INFO.
sql-simple: # Whether show SQL details in simple style.
acceptor-size: # The max thread size of accepter group to accept TCP connections.
executor-size: # The max thread size of worker group to execute SQL. One ShardingSphereDataSource will use a independent thread pool, it does not share thread pool even different data source in same JVM.
max-connections-size-per-query: # Max opened connection size for each query.
check-table-metadata-enabled: # Whether validate table meta data consistency when application startup or updated.
query-with-cipher-column: # Whether query with cipher column for data encrypt. User you can use plaintext to query if have.
proxy-frontend-flush-threshold: # Flush threshold for every records from databases for ShardingSphere-Proxy.
proxy-transaction-type: # Default transaction type of ShardingSphere-Proxy. Include: LOCAL, XA and BASE.
proxy-opentracing-enabled: # Whether enable opentracing for ShardingSphere-Proxy.
proxy-hint-enabled: # Whether enable hint for ShardingSphere-Proxy. Using Hint will switch proxy thread mode from IO multiplexing to per connection per thread, which will reduce system throughput.
schemaName: # Logic data schema name.
dataSources: # Data source configuration, which can be multiple data_source_name.
<data_source_name>: # Different from Sharding-JDBC configuration, it does not need to be configured with database connection pool.
url: # Database url connection.
username: # Database username.
password: # Database password.
connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: 30000 # Connection timeout.
idleTimeoutMilliseconds: 60000 # Idle timeout setting.
maxLifetimeMilliseconds: 1800000 # Maximum lifetime.
maxPoolSize: 65 # Maximum connection number in the pool.
shardingRule: #Omit data sharding configuration and be consistent with Sharding-JDBC configuration.
schemaName: # Logic data schema name.
dataSources: # Omit data source configurations; keep it consistent with data sharding.
masterSlaveRule: # Omit data source configurations; keep it consistent with Sharding-JDBC.
dataSource: # Ignore data sources configuration.
type: # encryptor type.
props: # Properties, e.g. `aes.key.value` for AES encryptor.
cipherColumn: # ciphertext column name.
assistedQueryColumn: # AssistedColumns for query,when use ShardingQueryAssistedEncryptor, it can help query encrypted data.
encryptor: # encrypt name.
query.with.cipher.column: true #Whether use cipherColumn to query or not
It is the same with Sharding-JDBC configuration.
# Omit configurations that are the same with Sharding-JDBC.
acceptor.size: # The thread number of accept connection; default to be 2 times of cpu core.
proxy.transaction.type: # Support LOCAL, XA, BASE; Default is LOCAL transaction, for BASE type you should copy ShardingTransactionManager associated jar to lib directory.
proxy.opentracing.enabled: # Whether to enable opentracing, default not to enable; refer to [APM](/en/features/orchestration/apm/) for more details.
check.table.metadata.enabled: # Whether to check metadata consistency of sharding table when it initializes; default value: false.
It is used to verify the authentication to log in Sharding-Proxy, which must use correct user name and password after the configuration of them.
root: # self-defined username.
password: root # self-defined password.
sharding: # self-defined username.
password: sharding # self-defined password.
authorizedSchemas: sharding_db, masterslave_db # schemas authorized to this user, please use commas to connect multiple schemas. Default authorizedSchemas is all of the schemas.
schemaName: # Logic database schema name.
dataSources: # Data sources configuration, multiple `data_source_name` available.
<data_source_name>: # Different with Sharding-JDBC, do not need configure data source pool here.
url: # Database URL.
username: # Database username.
password: # Database password.
autoCommit: true # The default config of hikari connection pool.
connectionTimeout: 30000 # The default config of hikari connection pool.
idleTimeout: 60000 # The default config of hikari connection pool.
maxLifetime: 1800000 # The default config of hikari connection pool.
maximumPoolSize: 65 # The default config of hikari connection pool.
shardingRule: # Ignore sharding rule configuration, same as Sharding-JDBC.
schemaName: # Logic database schema name.
dataSources: # Ignore data source configuration, same as sharding.
masterSlaveRule: # Ignore read-write splitting rule configuration, same as Sharding-JDBC.
Same as configuration of Sharding-JDBC.
# Ignore configuration which same as Sharding-JDBC.
acceptor.size: # Max thread count to handle client's requests, default value is CPU*2.
proxy.transaction.enabled: # Enable transaction, only support XA now, default value is false.
proxy.opentracing.enabled: # Enable open tracing, default value is false. More details please reference[APM](/en/features/orchestration/apm/).
check.table.metadata.enabled: # To check the metadata consistency of all the tables or not, default value : false.
To perform Authorization for Sharding Proxy when login in. After configuring the username and password, you must use the correct username and password to login into the Proxy.
username: root