schemaName: # Logic schema name
username: # Database username
password: # Database password
connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: #Connection timeout milliseconds
idleTimeoutMilliseconds: #Idle timeout milliseconds
maxLifetimeMilliseconds: #Maximum life milliseconds
maxPoolSize: 50 #Maximum connection count in the pool
minPoolSize: 1 #Minimum connection count in the pool
dataSources: # Data sources configuration, multiple <data-source-name> available
<data-source-name>: # Different from ShardingSphere-JDBC configuration, it does not need to be configured with database connection pool
url: # Database URL
rules: # Keep consist with ShardingSphere-JDBC configuration
# ...
If you want to override the ‘dataSourceCommon’ property, configure it separately for each data source.
dataSources: # Data sources configuration, multiple <data-source-name> available
<data-source-name>: # Different from ShardingSphere-JDBC configuration, it does not need to be configured with database connection pool
url: # Database URL
username: # Database username ,Override dataSourceCommon username property
password: # Database password ,Override dataSourceCommon password property
connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: #Connection timeout milliseconds ,Override dataSourceCommon connectionTimeoutMilliseconds property
idleTimeoutMilliseconds: #Idle timeout milliseconds ,Override dataSourceCommon idleTimeoutMilliseconds property
maxLifetimeMilliseconds: #Maximum life milliseconds ,Override dataSourceCommon maxLifetimeMilliseconds property
maxPoolSize: 50 #Maximum connection count in the pool ,Override dataSourceCommon maxPoolSize property
minPoolSize: 1 #Minimum connection count in the pool ,Override dataSourceCommon minPoolSize property