SQL Parse Test Engine

Prepare Data

Not like Integration test, SQL parse test does not need a specific database environment, just define the sql to parse, and the assert data:

SQL Data

As mentioned sql-case-id in Integration test,test-case-id could be shared in different module to test, and the file is at /sharding-sql-test/src/main/resources/sql/sharding/SQL-TYPE/*.xml

Parser Assert Data

The assert data is at /sharding-core/sharding-core-parse/sharding-core-parse-test/src/test/resources/sharding/SQL-TYPE/*.xml in that xml file, it could assert against the table name, token or sql condition and so on. For example:

<parser-result sql-case-id="insert_with_multiple_values">
            <table name="t_order" />
            <table-token start-index="12" table-name="t_order" length="7" />
                <condition column-name="order_id" table-name="t_order" operator="EQUAL">
                    <value literal="1" type="int" />
                <condition column-name="user_id" table-name="t_order" operator="EQUAL">
                    <value literal="1" type="int" />
                <condition column-name="order_id" table-name="t_order" operator="EQUAL">
                    <value literal="2" type="int" />
                <condition column-name="user_id" table-name="t_order" operator="EQUAL">
                    <value literal="2" type="int" />

When these configs are ready, launch the test engine in sharding-core-parse-test to test SQL parse.