What’s the RDL?

RDL means rule definition language to create your distributed DBs, tables by SQL. In other words, this is a specific SQLs for ShardingSphere to inject some configurations. By means of RDL, users could inject data sources and configure sharding rules by SQL.

At present, there are the following RDLs,

  • Create DATASOURCES to add database resources to ShardingSphere
// SQL
[, ds_key=host_name:host_port:db_name:user_name:pwd, ...]

// Example
CREATE datasources (
  • CREATE SHARDINGRULE to create sharding rule made by table rules
// SQL

sharding_table_name=sharding_algorithm(algorithm_property[, algothrim_property])
[, sharding_table_name=sharding_algorithm_type(algorithm_property[, algothrim_property]), ...]

sharding_algorithm_type: {MOD | HASH_MODE} 
mod_algorithm_properties: sharding_column,shards_amount
mod_hash_algorithm_properties: sharding_column,shards_amount

// Example
CREATE shardingrules (
t_order=hash_mod(order_id, 4), 
t_item=mod(item_id, 2)

A common scenario for RDL


  1. Start the service of MySQL instances
  2. Create MySQL databases (Viewed as the resources for ShardingProxy)
  3. Create a role or user with creating privileges for ShardingProxy
  4. Start the service of Zookeeper (For persisting configuration)

Initialize ShardingProxy

  1. Add governance and authentication setting item to the server.yaml (Please refer to the example in this file)
  2. Start the ShardingProxy (Instruction)

Create Sharding DBs and Tables

  1. Connect to ShardingProxy
  2. Create a sharding database
CREATE DATABASE sharding_db;
  1. Use the sharding database
USE sharding_db;
  1. Add database resources for this sharding DB
CREATE datasources (
  1. Create Sharding rule
CREATE shardingrule (
t_order=hash_mod(order_id, 4), 
t_item=mod(item_id, 2)

Here hash_mode and mod are auto sharding algorithm. Please visit auto-sharding-algorithm to learn more.

  1. Create tables
CREATE TABLE `t_order` (
  `order_id` int NOT NULL,
  `user_id` int NOT NULL,
  `status` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`order_id`)

CREATE TABLE `t_item` (
  `item_id` int NOT NULL,
  `order_id` int NOT NULL,
  `user_id` int NOT NULL,
  `status` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`item_id`)
  1. Drop sharding tables
DROP TABLE t_order;
DROP TABLE t_item;
  1. Drop sharding database
DROP DATABASE sharding_db


  1. Currently, DROP DB only removes the logic sharding schema instead of removing the actual databases in MySQL instance (TODO).
  2. DROP TABLE will drop the logic sharding table and the corresponding actual tables in MySQL instance together.
  3. CREATE DB just create the logic sharding schema rather than create the actual databases in MySQL instance (TODO).
  4. Add more auto sharding algorithms(TODO).
  5. Improvement in ShardingAlgorithmPropertiesUtil (TODO).
  6. Synchronized execution for all the clients is necessary (TODO).
  7. Support to execute ALTER DB, ALTER TABLE (TODO).