复古 护眼 海天 深邃 暗黑 默认


GPG 设置


设置 settings.xml 文件

将以下模板添加到 ~/.m2/settings.xml 中,所有密码需要加密后再填入。 加密设置可参考这里

      <username> <!-- APACHE LDAP 用户名 --> </username>
      <password> <!-- APACHE LDAP 加密后的密码 --> </password>
      <username> <!-- APACHE LDAP 用户名 --> </username>
      <password> <!-- APACHE LDAP 加密后的密码 --> </password>

Apache Snapshot 发布

部署到 Apache Snapshot 仓库

1. 确保本地构建项目正常

./mvnw clean install

2. 部署 Snapshot 仓库

./mvnw deploy -DrepositoryId=apache.snapshots.https -T1C

3. 检查 Snapshot 仓库上传结果


Apache Release 发布

部署到 Apache Maven 中央仓库

1. 更新版本说明和示例版本

在 Github 主干上更新如下文件,并提交 PR 到主干:


更新 examples 模块的 pom,将版本由 ${CURRENT.VERSION} 替换为 ${RELEASE.VERSION}。

2. 创建发布分支

假设从 Github 下载的 ElasticJob 源代码在 ~/elasticjob/ 目录;假设即将发布的版本为 ${RELEASE.VERSION}。 创建 ${RELEASE.VERSION}-release 分支,接下来的操作都在该分支进行。

## ${name}为源码所在分支,如:master,dev-4.x
git clone --branch ${name} https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob.git ~/elasticjob
cd ~/elasticjob/
git pull
git checkout -b ${RELEASE.VERSION}-release
git push origin ${RELEASE.VERSION}-release

3. 发布预校验

mvn release:prepare -Prelease -Darguments="-DskipTests" -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DdryRun=true -Dusername=${Github用户名}

-Prelease: 选择 release 的 profile,这个 profile 会打包所有源码和 jar 文件。


-DdryRun=true:演练,即不产生版本号提交,不生成新的 tag。

4. 准备发布


mvn release:clean
mvn release:prepare -Prelease -Darguments="-DskipTests" -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DpushChanges=false -Dusername=${Github用户名}

和上一步演练的命令基本相同,去掉了 -DdryRun=true 参数。

-DpushChanges=false:不要将修改后的版本号和 tag 自动提交至 Github。

将本地文件检查无误后,提交至 Github。

git push origin ${RELEASE.VERSION}-release
git push origin --tags

5. 部署发布

mvn release:perform -Prelease -Darguments="-DskipTests" -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -Dusername=${Github用户名}

执行完该命令后,待发布版本会自动上传到 Apache 的临时筹备仓库 (staging repository)。 访问 https://repository.apache.org/#stagingRepositories, 使用 Apache 的 LDAP 账户登录后,就会看到上传的版本,Repository 列的内容即为 ${STAGING.REPOSITORY}。 点击 Close 来告诉 Nexus 这个构建已经完成,只有这样该版本才是可用的。 如果电子签名等出现问题,Close 会失败,可以通过 Activity 查看失败信息。

发布 Apache SVN 仓库

1. 检出 shardingsphere 发布目录


mkdir -p ~/ss_svn/dev/
cd ~/ss_svn/dev/

创建完毕后,从 Apache SVN 检出 shardingsphere 发布目录。

svn --username=${APACHE LDAP 用户名} co https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/shardingsphere
cd ~/ss_svn/dev/shardingsphere

2. 添加 gpg 公钥

仅第一次部署的账号需要添加,只要 KEYS 中包含已经部署过的账户的公钥即可。

gpg -a --export ${GPG用户名} >> KEYS

3. 将待发布的内容添加至 SVN 目录


mkdir -p ~/ss_svn/dev/shardingsphere/elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}
cd ~/ss_svn/dev/shardingsphere/elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}

将源码包和二进制包添加至 SVN 工作目录。

cp -f ~/elasticjob/elasticjob-distribution/elasticjob-src-distribution/target/*.zip* ~/ss_svn/dev/shardingsphere/elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}
cp -f ~/elasticjob/elasticjob-distribution/elasticjob-lite-distribution/target/*.tar.gz* ~/ss_svn/dev/shardingsphere/elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}
cp -f ~/elasticjob/elasticjob-distribution/elasticjob-cloud-executor-distribution/target/*.tar.gz* ~/ss_svn/dev/shardingsphere/elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}
cp -f ~/elasticjob/elasticjob-distribution/elasticjob-cloud-scheduler-distribution/target/*.tar.gz* ~/ss_svn/dev/shardingsphere/elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}

4. 提交 Apache SVN

svn add *
svn --username=${APACHE LDAP 用户名} commit -m "release elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}"


检查 sha512 哈希

shasum -c apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-*.sha512

检查 gpg 签名

首先导入发布人公钥。从 svn 仓库导入 KEYS 到本地环境。(发布版本的人不需要再导入,帮助做验证的人需要导入,用户名填发版人的即可)。

curl https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/shardingsphere/KEYS >> KEYS
gpg --import KEYS
gpg --edit-key "${发布人的gpg用户名}"
  > trust

Please decide how far you trust this user to correctly verify other users' keys
(by looking at passports, checking fingerprints from different sources, etc.)

  1 = I don't know or won't say
  2 = I do NOT trust
  3 = I trust marginally
  4 = I trust fully
  5 = I trust ultimately
  m = back to the main menu

Your decision? 5

  > save

然后进行 gpg 签名检查。

gpg --verify apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-src.zip.asc apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-src.zip
gpg --verify apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-lite-bin.tar.gz.asc apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-lite-bin.tar.gz
gpg --verify apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-cloud-executor-bin.tar.gz.asc apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-cloud-executor-bin.tar.gz
gpg --verify apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-cloud-scheduler-bin.tar.gz.asc apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-cloud-scheduler-bin.tar.gz


对比源码包与 Github 上 tag 的内容差异

curl -Lo tag-${RELEASE.VERSION}.zip https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob/archive/${RELEASE.VERSION}.zip
unzip tag-${RELEASE.VERSION}.zip
unzip apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-src.zip
diff -r apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-src-release shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}


  • 检查源码包是否包含由于包含不必要文件,致使 tarball 过于庞大;
  • NOTICE 文件中的年份正确;
  • 只存在文本文件,不存在二进制文件;
  • 所有文件的开头都有 ASF 许可证;
  • 能够正确编译,单元测试可以通过(./mvnw -T 1C install);
  • 检查是否有多余文件或文件夹,例如空文件夹等。


解压缩 apache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-lite-bin.tar.gzapache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-cloud-executor-bin.tar.gzapache-shardingsphere-elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}-cloud-scheduler-bin.tar.gz 进行如下检查:

  • NOTICE 文件中的年份正确;
  • 所有文本文件开头都有 ASF 许可证;
  • 检查第三方依赖许可证:
    • 第三方依赖的许可证兼容;
    • 所有第三方依赖的许可证都在 LICENSE 文件中声明;
    • 依赖许可证的完整版全部在 license 目录;
    • 如果依赖的是 Apache 许可证并且存在 NOTICE 文件,那么这些 NOTICE 文件也需要加入到版本的 NOTICE 文件中。



  1. ShardingSphere 社区投票,发起投票邮件到 dev@shardingsphere.apache.org。PMC 需要先按照文档检查版本的正确性,然后再进行投票。 经过至少 72 小时并统计到 3 个 +1 PMC member 票后,即可进入下一阶段的投票。

  2. 宣布投票结果,发起投票结果邮件到 dev@shardingsphere.apache.org


  1. ShardingSphere 社区投票模板


[VOTE] Release Apache ShardingSphere ElasticJob-${RELEASE.VERSION}


Hello ShardingSphere Community,

This is a call for vote to release Apache ShardingSphere ElasticJob-${RELEASE.VERSION}

Release notes:

The release candidates:

Maven 2 staging repository:

Git tag for the release:

Release Commit ID:

Keys to verify the Release Candidate:

Look at here for how to verify this release candidate:

GPG user ID:

The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until necessary number of votes are reached.

Please vote accordingly:

[ ] +1 approve 

[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 disapprove with the reason

PMC vote is +1 binding, all others is +1 non-binding.

Checklist for reference:

[ ] Download links are valid.

[ ] Checksums and PGP signatures are valid.

[ ] Source code distributions have correct names matching the current release.

[ ] LICENSE and NOTICE files are correct for each ShardingSphere repo.

[ ] All files have license headers if necessary.

[ ] No compiled archives bundled in source archive.
  1. 宣布投票结果模板:


[RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache ShardingSphere ElasticJob-${RELEASE.VERSION}


We’ve received 3 +1 binding votes and one +1 non-binding vote:

+1 binding, xxx
+1 binding, xxx
+1 binding, xxx

+1 non-binding, xxx

Thank you everyone for taking the time to review the release and help us. 
I will process to publish the release and send ANNOUNCE.


1. 将源码、二进制包以及 KEYS 从 svn 的 dev 目录移动到 release 目录

svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/shardingsphere/elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION} https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/shardingsphere/ -m "transfer packages for elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}"
svn delete https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/shardingsphere/KEYS -m "delete KEYS"
svn cp https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/shardingsphere/KEYS https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/shardingsphere/ -m "transfer KEYS for elasticjob-${RELEASE.VERSION}"

2. 在 Apache Staging 仓库找到 ShardingSphere 并点击 Release

3. 合并 Github 的 release 分支到 master, 合并完成后删除 release 分支

git checkout master
git merge origin/${RELEASE.VERSION}-release
git pull
git push origin master
git push --delete origin ${RELEASE.VERSION}-release
git branch -d ${RELEASE.VERSION}-release

4. 发布 Docker

4.1 准备工作

本地安装 Docker,并启动服务。

4.2 编译 Docker 镜像

git checkout ${RELEASE.VERSION}
cd ~/elasticjob/elasticjob-distribution/elasticjob-cloud-scheduler-distribution/
mvn clean package -Prelease,docker

4.3 给本地 Docker 镜像打标记

通过 docker images 查看到 IMAGE ID,例如为:e9ea51023687。

docker tag e9ea51023687 apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob-cloud-scheduler:latest
docker tag e9ea51023687 apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob-cloud-scheduler:${RELEASE.VERSION}

4.4 发布 Docker 镜像

docker login
docker push apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob-cloud-scheduler:latest
docker push apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob-cloud-scheduler:${RELEASE_VERSION}

4.5 确认发布成功

登录 Docker Hub 查看是否有发布的镜像。

5. GitHub 版本发布

GitHub Releases 页面的 ${RELEASE_VERSION} 版本上点击 Edit

编辑版本号及版本说明,并点击 Publish release

6. 更新下载页面

等待并确认新的发布版本同步至 Apache 镜像后,更新如下页面:



GPG 签名文件和哈希校验文件的下载连接应该使用这个前缀:https://downloads.apache.org/shardingsphere/

最新版本 中保留一个最新的版本。

7. 邮件通知版本发布完成

发送邮件到 dev@shardingsphere.apache.organnounce@apache.org 通知完成版本发布。



[ANNOUNCE] Apache ShardingSphere ElasticJob-${RELEASE.VERSION} available


Hi all,

Apache ShardingSphere Team is glad to announce the new release of Apache ShardingSphere ElasticJob-${RELEASE.VERSION}.

ElasticJob is a distributed scheduling solution consisting of two separate projects, ElasticJob-Lite and ElasticJob-Cloud.
Through the functions of flexible scheduling, resource management and job management, it creates a distributed scheduling solution suitable for Internet scenarios, and provides diversified job ecosystem through open architecture design. It uses a unified job API for each project. Developers only need code one time and can deploy at will.
ElasticJob became an Apache ShardingSphere Sub project on May 28 2020.

Download Links: https://shardingsphere.apache.org/elasticjob/current/en/downloads/

Release Notes: https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob/blob/master/RELEASE-NOTES.md

Website: http://shardingsphere.apache.org/elasticjob/

ShardingSphere-ElasticJob Resources:
- Issue: https://github.com/apache/shardingsphere-elasticjob/issues/
- Mailing list: dev@shardingsphere.apache.org
- Documents: https://shardingsphere.apache.org/elasticjob/current/en/overview/

- Apache ShardingSphere Team