E-Hualu X ShardingSphere | Hulu Story’s Data Processing Shortcut
“ShardingSphere has greatly simplified sharding development and maintenance, which has played a very important role in our rapid product release. We estimate that ShardingSphere has saved us at least 4 months of R&D costs.” — Shi Moxuan, Technical Director, E-Hualu At the beginning of this year, E-hualu
Updates and FAQ — Your 1 Minute Quick Start Guide to ShardingSphere
Background Apache ShardingSphere is an Apache Top-Level project and is one of the most popular open-source big data projects. It was started about 5 years ago, and now ShardingSphere has over 14K+ stars and 270+ contributors in its community. The successful project has already launched and updated many versio
How Can Students Participate in Open-Source Communities?
Having some experience in Open-Source projects or communities is quite common for developers nowadays. Actually, not only adults but students should, and are increasingly likely to get involved in Open-Source projects. If you want to know more about why you should consider being part of Open-Source projects,
A Distributed Database Middleware Ecosystem Driven by Open Source
On July 21, 2021, Pan Juan, the SphereEx Co-Founder and Apache ShardingSphere PMC, was invited to give a keynote session at the 2021 AWS Cloud Summit Shanghai, on “Apache ShardingSphere: Open-Source Distributed Database Middleware Ecosystem Building”. She introduced the expansion of the Open-Source project, c
ShardingSphere’s Metadata Loading Process
1. Overview Metadata is the data that constitutes the data. In database terms, any data that describes the database is metadata. Column names, database names, usernames, table names, etc. and data customization library tables that store information about database objects are metadata. ShardingSphere core func
An Introduction to DistSQL
We believe that if you’re reading this then you’re familiar with SQL (Structured Query Language), the data query and programming language. It’s also used as the standard language of relational database management systems for accessing data, querying, updating and managing relational database systems. Similar
Why should you get involved in an Open-Source community?
You wouldn’t imagine how close Open-Source projects are to you, as they have been integrated into every aspect of our lives - from the office to your home, from gyms to restaurants etc. The saying goes something along the lines of “Open-Source projects belong to us, not me” , which explains
Following 6 months of development Apache ShardingSphere 5.0.0-beta has been officially released!
As an Apache top-level project, ShardingSphere goes through community verification, voting and many other steps before it can be released. Such steps ensure the release is compliant with the Apache Release License specifications, and meeting the users’ expectations set for the 5.0.0-beta milestone. The curren
After years of stagnation, ElasticJob is back with the first Apache version 3.0.0-alpha
Within a few months ElasticJob as the subproject of Apache ShardingSphere has fixed and merged 535 issues and pull requests. More importantly, the ElasticJob community released the first official version: 3.0.0-alpha after joined Apache Software Foundation. Background ElasticJob (https://github.com/apache/sha
News! The distributed scheduling project ElasticJob set sail again
ElasticJob is a distributed scheduling solution that provides distributed task sharding, elastic scaling, fully automated discovery. , multitasking based on time-driven, data-driven, resident and ad-hoc task types, task aggregation and dynamic resource provisioning, fault detection, auto-remediation, and fail