
Proxy Initialization

  1. Download the latest version of Sharding-Proxy.
  2. If users use docker, they can implement docker pull shardingsphere/sharding-proxy to get the clone. Please refer to Docker Clone for more details.
  3. After the decompression, revise conf/server.yaml and documents begin with config- prefix, conf/config-xxx.yaml for example, to configure sharding rules and read-write split rules. Please refer to Configuration Manual for the configuration method.
  4. Please run bin/ for Linux operating system; run bin/start.bat for Windows operating system to start Sharding-Proxy. To configure start port and document location, please refer to Quick Start.
  5. Use any PostgreSQL server client end to connect, such as psql -U root -h -p 3307.

Use of Registry Center

If users want to use the database orchestration function of Sharding-Proxy, they need to implement instance disabling and slave database disabling functions in the registry center. Please refer to Available Registry Centers for more details.


  1. Sharding-Proxy has provided the registry center solution of Zookeeper in default. Users only need to follow Configuration Rules to set the registry center and use it.

Other Third Party Registry Center

  1. Deletesharding-orchestration-reg-zookeeper-curator-${sharding-sphere.version}.jar under the lib catalog of Sharding-Proxy.
  2. Use SPI methods in logic coding and put the generated jar package to the lib catalog of Sharding-Proxy.
  3. Follow Configuration Rules to set the registry center and use it.

Use of user-defined sharding algorithm class


Distributed Transactions

Sharding-Proxy supports LOCAL, XA, BASE transactions, LOCAL transaction is default value, it is original transaction of relational database.

XA transaction

Default XA transaction manager of ShardingSphere is Atomikos. Users can customize Atomikos configuration items through adding in conf catelog of Sharding-Proxy. Please refer to Official Documents of Atomikos for detailed configurations.

BASE Transaction

Since we have not pack the BASE implementation jar into Sharding-Proxy, you should copy relevant jar which implement ShardingTransactionManager SPI to conf/lib, then switch the transaction type to BASE.

SCTL (Sharding-Proxy control language)

SCTL supports modify and query the state of Sharing-Proxy at runtime. The current supported syntax is:

statement function example
sctl:set transaction_type=XX Modify transaction_type of the current TCP connection, supports LOCAL, XA, BASE sctl:set transaction_type=XA
sctl:show transaction_type Query the transaction type of the current TCP connection sctl:show transaction_type
sctl:show cached_connections Query the number of cached physical database connections in the current TCP connection sctl:show cached_connections
sctl:explain SQL View the execution plan for logical SQL. sctl:explain select * from t_order
sctl:hint set MASTER_ONLY=true For current TCP connection, set database operation force route to master database only or not sctl:hint set MASTER_ONLY=true
sctl:hint set DatabaseShardingValue=yy For current TCP connection, set sharding value for database sharding only, yy: sharding value sctl:hint set DatabaseShardingValue=100
sctl:hint addDatabaseShardingValue xx=yy For current TCP connection, add sharding value for database, xx: logic table, yy: sharding value sctl:hint addDatabaseShardingValue t_order=100
sctl:hint addTableShardingValue xx=yy For current TCP connection, add sharding value for table, xx: logic table, yy: sharding value sctl:hint addTableShardingValue t_order=100
sctl:hint clear For current TCP connection, clear all hint settings sctl:hint clear
sctl:hint show status For current TCP connection, query hint status, master_only:true/false, sharding_type:databases_only/databases_tables sctl:hint show status
sctl:hint show table status For current TCP connection, query sharding values of logic tables sctl:hint show table status

Sharding-Proxy does not support hint by default, to support it, set the props property proxy.hint.enabled to true in conf/server.yaml.In Sharding-Proxy. In Sharding-Proxy, the generic of HintShardingAlgorithm can only be a String type.


  1. Sharding-Proxy uses 3307 port in default. Users can start the script parameter as the start port number, like bin/ 3308.
  2. Sharding-Proxy uses conf/server.yaml to configure the registry center, authentication information and public properties.
  3. Sharding-Proxy supports multi-logic data source, with each yaml configuration document named by config- prefix as a logic data source.