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SQL 错误码以标准的 SQL State,Vendor Code 和详细错误信息提供,在 SQL 执行错误时返回给客户端。


SQL State Vendor Code 错误信息
01000 10000 Circuit break open, the request has been ignored
08000 10001 The URL `%s` is not recognized, please refer to the pattern `%s`
42000 10002 Can not support 3-tier structure for actual data node `%s` with JDBC `%s`
42000 10003 Unsupported SQL node conversion for SQL statement `%s`
HY004 10004 Unsupported conversion data type `%s` for value `%s`
HY004 10100 Can not register driver, reason is: %s
34000 10200 Can not get cursor name from fetch statement
42000 11000 You have an error in your SQL syntax: %s
42000 11001 configuration error
42000 11002 Resource does not exist
42000 11003 Rule does not exist
HY000 11004 File access failed, reason is: %s
42000 11200 Can not support database `%s` in SQL translation
42000 11201 Translation error, SQL is: %s
25000 11320 Switch transaction type failed, please terminate the current transaction
25000 11321 JDBC does not support operations across multiple logical databases in transaction
25000 11322 Failed to create `%s` XA data source
42S02 11400 Can not get traffic execution unit
42000 12000 Unsupported command: %s
44000 13000 SQL check failed, error message: %s
HY000 14000 The table `%s` of schema `%s` is locked
HY000 14001 The table `%s` of schema `%s` lock wait timeout of %s ms exceeded
HY000 14010 Can not find `%s` file for datetime initialize
HY000 14011 Load datetime from database failed, reason: %s
HY000 15000 Work ID assigned failed, which can not exceed 1024
HY000 16000 Can not find pipeline job `%s`
HY000 16001 Failed to get DDL for table `%s`
42S02 17000 Single table `%s` does not exist
42S02 17001 Schema `%s` does not exist
0A000 17002 Can not drop schema `%s` because of contains tables
0A000 17010 DROP TABLE … CASCADE is not supported
HY000 20000 Sharding algorithm class `%s` should be implement `%s`
44000 20001 Can not get uniformed table structure for logic table `%s`, it has different meta data of actual tables are as follows: %s
42S02 20002 Can not get route result, please check your sharding rule configuration
44000 20003 Can not find table rule with logic tables `%s`
44000 20010 Sharding value can’t be null in insert statement
HY004 20011 Found different types for sharding value `%s`
44000 20012 Can not update sharding value for table `%s`
0A000 20013 Can not support operation `%s` with sharding table `%s`
0A000 20014 Can not support DML operation with multiple tables `%s`
0A000 20015 The CREATE VIEW statement contains unsupported query statement
42000 20016 %s … LIMIT can not support route to multiple data nodes
44000 20017 PREPARE statement can not support sharding tables route to same data sources
42000 20018 INSERT INTO … SELECT can not support applying key generator with absent generate key column
44000 20019 The table inserted and the table selected must be the same or bind tables
44000 20020 Inline sharding algorithms expression `%s` and sharding column `%s` do not match
42S01 20030 Index `%s` already exists
42S02 20031 Index `%s` does not exist
44000 20032 Actual tables `%s` are in use
42S01 20033 View name has to bind to %s tables
HY000 20050 Routed target `%s` does not exist, available targets are `%s`
HY000 20051 `%s %s` can not route correctly for %s `%s`
42S02 20052 Can not find data source in sharding rule, invalid actual data node `%s`
HY004 24000 Encrypt algorithm `%s` initialize failed, reason is: %s
0A000 24001 The SQL clause `%s` is unsupported in encrypt rule
44000 24002 Altered column `%s` must use same encrypt algorithm with previous column `%s` in table `%s`
42000 24003 Insert value of index `%s` can not support for encrypt
44000 24004 Can not find logic encrypt column by `%s`
HY004 25000 Shadow column `%s` of table `%s` does not support `%s` type
42000 25003 Insert value of index `%s` can not support for shadow
HY004 30000 Unknown exception: %s