Encryption Algorithm

MD5 Encrypt Algorithm

Type: MD5

Attributes: None

AES Encrypt Algorithm

Type: AES


Name DataType Description
aes-key-value String AES KEY

RC4 Encrypt Algorithm

Type: RC4


Name DataType Description
rc4-key-value String RC4 KEY

SM3 Encrypt Algorithm

Type: SM3


Name DataType Description
sm3-salt String SM3 SALT (should be blank or 8 bytes long)

SM4 Encrypt Algorithm

Type: SM4


Name DataType Description
sm4-key String SM4 KEY (should be 16 bytes)
sm4-mode String SM4 MODE (should be CBC or ECB)
sm4-iv String SM4 IV (should be specified on CBC, 16 bytes long)
sm4-padding String SM4 PADDING (should be PKCS5Padding or PKCS7Padding, NoPadding excepted)