
SPI Name Description
ScalingEntry Entry of scaling
Implementation Class Description
MySQLScalingEntry MySQL entry of scaling
PostgreSQLScalingEntry PostgreSQL entry of scaling
OpenGaussScalingEntry openGauss entry of scaling


SPI Name Description
JobCompletionDetectAlgorithm Job completion check algorithm
Implementation Class Description
IdleRuleAlteredJobCompletionDetectAlgorithm Incremental task idle time based algorithm


SPI Name Description
DataConsistencyCheckAlgorithm Data consistency check algorithm on source and target database cluster
Implementation Class Description
DataMatchDataConsistencyCheckAlgorithm Records content match implementation. Type name: DATA_MATCH.
CRC32MatchDataConsistencyCheckAlgorithm Records CRC32 match implementation. Type name: CRC32_MATCH.


SPI Name Description
SingleTableDataCalculator Single table data calculator for data consistency check
Implementation Class Description
DataMatchSingleTableDataCalculator Single table data calculator for DATA_MATCH data consistency check
CRC32MatchMySQLSingleTableDataCalculator Single table data calculator for CRC32_MATCH data consistency check