Cloud native deployment for a high-performance data gateway + new API driver: Apache ShardingSphere 5.1.2 is released
Following the release of Apache ShardingSphere 5.1.1, our community integrated 1,028 PRs from contributors all over the world to bring you the latest 5.1.2 version. The new version includes a lot of improvements in terms of functions, performance, tests, documentation, examples, etc. Standout new features inc
Heterogeneous migration: reducing Dangdang’s customer system RTO 60x and increasing speed by 20%
Apache ShardingSphere helps Dangdang rebuild its customer system with 350 million users, and seamlessly transition from a PHP+SQL Server technology stack to a Java+ShardingSphere+MySQL stack. The performance, availability, and maintainability of its customer system have been significantly improved, which is t
Understanding Apache ShardingSphere's SPI, and why it’s simpler than Dubbo’s
Why learn ShardingSphere’s SPI? You might already be familiar with Java and Dubbo’s SPI (Service Provider Interface) mechanism, so you may wonder “why would I learn about ShardingSphere’s SPI mechanism?” The reasons are quite simple: ShardingSphere’s source code is simpler and easier to adapt. The execution
Apache ShardingSphere Enterprise Applications — Bilibili
To further understand application scenarios, and enterprises’ needs, and improve dev teams’ understanding of Apache ShardingSphere, our community launched the “Enterprise Visits” series. Apache ShardingSphere’s core contributor team was invited to the headquarters of Bilibili in Shanghai. Our PMC Chair, Zhan
How does Apache ShardingSphere standardize and format code? We use Spotless
Why do we need to format code? Simply put, it’s to make code easier to read, understand, and modify. As a Top-Level Apache open source project, ShardingSphere has 400 contributors as of today. Since most developers do not have the same coding style, it is not easy to standardize the project’s overall code for
Database Mesh 2.0: Database Governance in a Cloud Native Environment
In March 2018, an article titled Service Mesh is the broad trend, what about Database Mesh?, was pubslished on InfoQ China and went viral in the technical community. In this article, Zhang Liang, the founder of Apache ShardingSphere, described Database Mesh concept along with the idea of Service Mesh. Four ye
Your Guide to DistSQL Cluster Governance Capability——Apache ShardingSphere Feature Update
Since Apache ShardingSphere 5.0.0-Beta version included DistSQL, it made the project increasingly loved by developers and Ops teams for its advantages such as dynamic effects, no restart, and elegant syntax close to standard SQL. With upgrades to 5.0.0 and 5.1.0, the ShardingSphere community has once again ad
Apache ShardingSphere Enterprise User Case: Zhongshang Huimin’s Transaction Middle Platform Architecture
The FMCG (fast moving consumer-goods) industry can no longer meet current development requirements. The traditional way of only upgrading the end of the supply chain cannot achieve high-quality business development. Huimin focuses on order fulfillment and delivery service for over one million community superm
How does Apache ShardingSphere implement distributed transactions?
With increasing amounts of data and increasing traffic load, business systems are facing significant challenges, and a strong demand for the scalability of database systems has emerged. Problems in online scaling of traditional standalone databases such as Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL is now more
What’s the Database Plus concept and what challenges can it solve?
Background For a long time, unification or fragmentation were the two most popular predictions for the future of databases. With the advance of digitization, a single scenario cannot meet the needs of diversified applications — making database fragmentation an irreversible trend. While Oracle, the commercial