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Terraform is an open source automated infrastructure orchestration tool, which uses the concept of “infrastructure as code” to manage infrastructure changes. Public cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Azure, Alibaba Cloud, and Ucloud support it, as well as various community-supported providers have become a standard in the field of “infrastructure is code”.

Terraform has the following advantages:

  • Support multi-cloud deployment

    Terraform is applicable to multi-cloud solutions. It deploys similar infrastructure to Alibaba Cloud, other cloud providers or local data centers. Developers can use the same tools and similar configuration files to manage the resources of different cloud providers at the same time.

  • Automated manage infrastructure

    Terraform can create modules that can be reused to reduce deployment and management errors caused by human factors.

  • Infrastructure as Code

    You can use code to manage maintenance resources. Allows you to save infrastructure state, enabling you to track changes to different components in your system (infrastructure as code) and share these configurations with others.

  • Reduce development costs

    You reduce costs by creating development and deployment environments on demand. Also, you can evaluate before the system changes.


You can use Terraform to create a ShardingSphere high availability cluster on Amazon AWS. The cluster architecture is shown below. More cloud providers will be supported in the near future.

The Amazon resources created are the following:

  1. One ZooKeeper instance per AZ.
  2. One Auto Scaling Group.
  3. A Launch Template, which is used by the Auto Scaling Group to start the SharedingSphere Proxy instance.
  4. An intranet Network LoadBalancer for applications.

Quick Start


To create a ShardingSphere Proxy highly available cluster, you need to prepare the following resources in advance:

  1. An ssh keypair used to remotely connect EC2 instances.
  2. One VPC.
  3. The subnet of each AZ.
  4. A SecurityGroup can release the 2888, 3888, and 2181 ports used by ZooKeeper Server.
  5. An intranet HostedZone.
  6. A common AMI image, such as Amazon linux2.

Modify the parameters in according to the above prepared resources.


  1. Enter the terraform directory, modify the parameters in according to the above prepared resources.
git clone --depth=1
cd shardingsphere-on-cloud/terraform/amazon

The commands mentioned below need to be executed in the ‘amazon’ directory.

  1. Run the following command to initialize the terraform.
terraform init

  1. Run the following command to check the plan that terraform will execute, and check whether it meets your expectations.
terraform plan

  1. If the plan is as expected, you can execute the following command to create a cluster.
terraform apply

After creation, the following outputs will be available:

You need to record the value corresponding to shardingsphere_domain. Applications can access the proxy by connecting to the domain name.

  1. If you want to delete the created cluster, you can run the following command:
terraform destroy

User Manual


Name Version
aws 4.37.0

Module List

Name Source
zk ./zk
shardingsphere ./shardingsphere


Name Type Description
shardingsphere_domain string The final SharidngSphere proxy domain name provided internally, through which other applications can connect to the proxy
zk_node_domain list(string) List of domain names corresponding to ZooKeeper service

Module Details


Internal resource list

Name Type
aws_instance.zk resource
aws_network_interface.zk resource
aws_route53_record.zk resource
aws_ami.base data source
aws_availability_zones.available data source data source


Name Description Type Default Value Dependent on or not
cluster_size Cluster size of the same number as the availability zone number n/a yes
hosted_zone_name Private zone name string “” no
instance_type EC2 instance type string n/a yes
key_name SSH key pair string n/a yes
security_groups Security Group list. 2181, 2888, 3888 ports must be released list(string) [] no
subnet_ids Subnet list sorted by AZ in VPC list(string) n/a yes
tags ZooKeeper Server instance tags The default is: Name=zk-${count.idx}” map(any) {} no
vpc_id VPC id string n/a yes
zk_config Default configuration of ZooKeeper Server map {
"client_port”: 2181,
"zk_heap”: 1024
zk_version ZooKeeper Server version string “3.7.1” no


Name Description
zk_node_domain List of domain names corresponding to ZooKeeper Server
zk_node_private_ip The intranet IP address of the ZooKeeper Server example


Internal resource list

Name Type
aws_autoscaling_attachment.asg_attachment_lb resource resource resource resource resource
aws_lb_target_group.ss_tg resource resource resource
aws_availability_zones.available data source data source
aws_vpc.vpc data source


Name Description Type Default Value Dependent on or not
cluster_size Cluster size of the same number as the availability zone number n/a yes
hosted_zone_name Private zone name string “” no
image_id AMI iamge ID string n/a yes
instance_type EC2 instance type string n/a yes
key_name SSH key pair string n/a yes
lb_listener_port ShardingSphere Proxy startup port string n/a yes
security_groups Security Group list list(string) [] no
shardingsphere_version ShardingSphere Proxy version string n/a yes
subnet_ids Subnet list sorted by AZ in VPC list(string) n/a yes
vpc_id VPC ID string n/a yes
zk_servers Zookeeper Servers list(string) n/a yes


Name Description
shardingsphere_domain The domain name provided by the shardingSphere Proxy cluster. Other applications can connect to the proxy through this domain name.


By default, ZooKeeper and ShardingSphere Proxy services created using our Terraform configuration can be managed using systemd.



systemctl start zookeeper


systemctl stop zookeeper


systemctl restart zookeeper

ShardingSphere Proxy


systemctl start shardingsphere-proxy


systemctl stop shardingsphere-proxy


systemctl restart shardingsphere-proxy