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ShardingSphere Proxy cluster is an important part of the data infrastructure, and especially significant for its high availability feature. This section introduces how to use CloudFormation to build a ShardingSphere proxy cluster from scratch on Amazon AWS to achieve high availability.


We will create a ShardingSphere Proxy highly available cluster as shown in the following architecture diagram:

The AWS resources created are the following:

  1. Each AZ has one ZooKeeper instance.

  2. Each AZ has an Auto Scaling Group.

  3. Each AZ has a Launch Template, which is used to start the SharedingSphere Proxy instance for the Auto Scaling Group.

  4. An intranet Network LoadBalancer for applications.

Quick Start


To create a ShardingSphere Proxy highly available cluster, you need to prepare the following resources:

  1. An ssh keypair used to remotely connect EC2 instances.
  2. One VPC.
  3. The subnet of each AZ.
  4. A SecurityGroup can release the 2888, 3888, 2181 ports used by ZooKeeper Server.
  5. An intranet HostedZone.
  6. A common AMI image, Amazon linux2.
  7. Prepare CloudFormation configuration file.


  1. Enter Amazon’s CloudFormation service and create Stacks.

Click Choose File button to upload the prepared CloudFormation configuration.

Click Next after uploading.

  1. Fill the resources you have prepared into the relevant locations below.

After filling in the corresponding parameters, click Next.

  1. Configure ‘stack’ related parameters according to your context.

Click Next after configuration.

  1. Configure ‘Review’.

Confirm and click Submit.

  1. After performing the above operations, you will enter the creation phase.

  1. Wait for a bit, and after the creation, enter the ‘Outputs’ tab as shown in the following figure.

The value corresponding to ‘ssinernaldomain’ is the domain name we need.

The internal domain name created by default is, the port is 3307, and the username and password are root.

User Manual

CloudFormation Configuration

Parameter List

Name Description Type Default Value
HostedZoneId Intranet HostedZone Id String
HostedZoneName Intranet HostedZone Name String
ImageId AMI Id, should be Amazon Linux 2 type or package management of yum Linux series String
KeyName SSH key pair String
VpcId VPC Id String
Subnets The subnet list in the VPC must be in the same order as the alphabetical order of the AZ CommaDelimitedList
SecurityGroupIds Security group list. Needs to release ports 2181, 2888, 3888 of ZooKeeper Server CommaDelimitedList
ShardingSphereInstanceType EC2 instance type of ShardingSphere Proxy Server String
ShardingSphereJavaMemOpts jvm memory parameters of ShardingSphere Proxy Server String -Xmx512m -Xms512m -Xmn128m
ShardingSpherePort Port of ShardingSphere Proxy String 3307
ShardingSphereVersion Version of ShardingSphere Proxy String 5.2.1
ZookeeperHeap jvm Heap size of ZooKeeper, unit is m String 512
ZookeeperInstanceType EC2 instance type of ZooKeeper Server String t2.nano
ZookeeperVersion Version number of Zookeeper Server String 3.7.1

Output List

Name Description Export Name Value
ZK1 Zookeeper Server1 information {‘Fn::Sub’: ‘${AWS::StackName}-Zookeeper-Server-1’} {‘Fn::Join’: [':', [{‘Ref’: ‘ZK1’}, {‘Fn::GetAtt’: [‘ZK1’, ‘PrivateIp’]}, {‘Fn::GetAtt’: [‘ZK1’, ‘AvailabilityZone’]}]]}
ZK2 Zookeeper Server2 information {‘Fn::Sub’: ‘${AWS::StackName}-Zookeeper-Server-2’} {‘Fn::Join’: [':', [{‘Ref’: ‘ZK2’}, {‘Fn::GetAtt’: [‘ZK2‘, ‘PrivateIp’]}, {‘Fn::GetAtt’: [‘ZK2’, ‘AvailabilityZone’]}]]}
ZK3 Zookeeper Server3 information {‘Fn::Sub’: ‘${AWS::StackName}-Zookeeper-Server-3’} {‘Fn::Join’: [':', [{‘Ref’: ‘ZK2’}, {‘Fn::GetAtt’: [‘ZK2’, ‘PrivateIp’]}, {‘Fn::GetAtt’: [‘ZK2’, ‘AvailabilityZone’]}]]}
zoneZK1 Zookeeper Server1 Internal domain name {‘Fn::Sub’: ‘${AWS::StackName}-Zookeeper-Domain-1’} {‘Ref’: ‘zoneZK1’}
zoneZK2 Zookeeper Server2 Internal domain name {‘Fn::Sub’: ‘${AWS::StackName}-Zookeeper-Domain-2’} {‘Ref’: ‘zoneZK2’}
zoneZK3 Zookeeper Server3 Internal domain name {‘Fn::Sub’: ‘${AWS::StackName}-Zookeeper-Domain-3’} {‘Ref’: ‘zoneZK3’}
ssinternaldomain Internal domain name used externally by ShardingSphere Proxy {‘Fn::Sub’: ‘${AWS::StackName}-ShardingSphere-Internal-Domain’} {‘Ref’: ‘ssinternaldomain’}


By default, ZooKeeper and SharedingSphere Proxy services created using our CloudFormation can be managed using Systemd.



systemctl start zookeeper


systemctl stop zookeeper


systemctl restart zookeeper

ShardingSphere Proxy


systemctl start shardingsphere


systemctl stop shardingsphere


systemctl restart shardingsphere

Development Manual

This CloudFormation involves the following resource lists:

Resource Name Type
ZK1 AWS::EC2::Instance
ZK2 AWS::EC2::Instance
ZK3 AWS::EC2::Instance
zoneZK1 AWS::Route53::RecordSet
zoneZK2 AWS::Route53::RecordSet
zoneZK3 AWS::Route53::RecordSet
networkiface0 AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface
networkiface1 AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface
networkiface2 AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface
launchtemplate0 AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate
launchtemplate1 AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate
launchtemplate2 AWS::EC2::LaunchTemplate
ssinternallb AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
sslbtg AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
autoscaling0 AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
autoscaling1 AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
autoscaling2 AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup
sslblistener AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
ssinternaldomain AWS::Route53::RecordSet


We use cfndsl to generate CloudFormation configurations.

You need to follow the steps provided in cfndsl to install.


  1. Initialize ‘cfndsl’ and run it only once.
cfndsl -u 94.0.0
  1. After modifying the configuration of cf.rb, run the following command to generate a CloudFormation configuration.
 cfndsl cf.rb -o cf.json --pretty