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AWS CloudFormation is a simple tool leveraging infrastructure as code to configure and start any environment and infrastructure. The AWS CloudFormation Stack template can help you to quickly start Apache ShardingSphere on AWS.


Before getting started, you need to confirm the following checklist:

  • The selected region is ap-north-1 (Beijing). Currently, the AMI and related components that protect Apache ShardingSphere Proxy are only valid in the ap-north-1 region
  • An existing VPC is used to deploy Apache ShardingSphere Proxy
  • The next planned CIDR and corresponding subnet of the VPC
  • Security group configuration that allows applications to access databases (such as port 3307) and control traffic (such as port 22)
  • The key pair that can be used to access the instance resources
  • Label of resource design related to CloudFormation Stack

Start ShardingSphere Proxy Cluster

1. Create CloudFormation stack with new resources

As shown in the figure below:

2. Upload the template file in this warehouse

Upload local file cloudformation/apache-shardingsphere-5.2.0.json to CloudFormation, and then click Next.

3. Specify CloudFormation stack details.

Fill in the blank items on this page. The required items are ready in the preconditions.

4. Configure stack options

Adding labels to the stack is helpful for subsequent cost analysis.

5. Review and confirm configuration

Review the configuration contents and confirm that all contents meet the expectations before submission.

6. Check EC2 instances

After a few minutes, the EC2 instance will have started.

7. Check the status of ShardingSphere Proxy and ZooKeeper

Use systemctl status shardingsphere and ./bin/ status to check the running status of components.

8. Test simple sharding example

Create database sharding_db and add two independent database instances resources. Then create logical table t_order and insert two rows of data. The following inspection results: