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SPI Name Description
ShardingAlgorithm Sharding algorithm
Implementation Class Description
BoundaryBasedRangeShardingAlgorithm Boundary based range sharding algorithm
VolumeBasedRangeShardingAlgorithm Volume based range sharding algorithm
ComplexInlineShardingAlgorithm Complex inline sharding algorithm
AutoIntervalShardingAlgorithm Mutable interval sharding algorithm
ClassBasedShardingAlgorithm Class based sharding algorithm
HintInlineShardingAlgorithm Hint inline sharding algorithm
IntervalShardingAlgorithm Fixed interval sharding algorithm
HashModShardingAlgorithm Hash modulo sharding algorithm
InlineShardingAlgorithm Inline sharding algorithm
ModShardingAlgorithm Modulo sharding algorithm


SPI Name Description
KeyGenerateAlgorithm Key generate algorithm
Implementation Class Description
SnowflakeKeyGenerateAlgorithm Snowflake key generate algorithm
UUIDKeyGenerateAlgorithm UUID key generate algorithm


SPI Name Description
DatetimeService Use current time for routing
Implementation Class Description
DatabaseDatetimeServiceDelegate Get the current time from the database for routing
SystemDatetimeService Get the current time from the application system for routing


SPI Name Description
DatabaseSQLEntry Database dialect for get current time
Implementation Class Description
MySQLDatabaseSQLEntry MySQL dialect for get current time
PostgreSQLDatabaseSQLEntry PostgreSQL dialect for get current time
OracleDatabaseSQLEntry Oracle dialect for get current time
SQLServerDatabaseSQLEntry SQLServer dialect for get current time