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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  package;
20  import java.sql.Connection;
21  import java.util.Collection;
22  import java.util.HashMap;
23  import java.util.HashSet;
24  import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
25  import java.util.LinkedList;
26  import java.util.Map;
27  import java.util.Optional;
28  import java.util.Set;
29  import;
31  /**
32   * Constraints properties appender for PostgreSQL.
33   */
34  public final class PostgreSQLConstraintsPropertiesAppender extends AbstractPostgreSQLDDLAdapter {
36      private static final Integer PG_CONSTRAINTS_INCLUDE_VERSION = 11;
38      public PostgreSQLConstraintsPropertiesAppender(final Connection connection, final int majorVersion, final int minorVersion) {
39          super(connection, majorVersion, minorVersion);
40      }
42      /**
43       * Append constraints properties.
44       * 
45       * @param context create table sql context
46       */
47      public void append(final Map<String, Object> context) {
48          loadPrimaryOrUniqueConstraint(context, "primary_key", "p");
49          loadPrimaryOrUniqueConstraint(context, "unique_constraint", "u");
50          context.put("foreign_key", fetchForeignKeys(context));
51          context.put("check_constraint", fetchCheckConstraints(context));
52          context.put("exclude_constraint", getExclusionConstraints(context));
53      }
55      private Collection<Map<String, Object>> fetchCheckConstraints(final Map<String, Object> context) {
56          Collection<Map<String, Object>> result = new LinkedList<>();
57          for (Map<String, Object> each : getCheckConstraints((Long) context.get("tid"))) {
58              if (!isPartitionAndConstraintInherited(each, context)) {
59                  result.add(each);
60              }
61          }
62          return result;
63      }
65      private Collection<Map<String, Object>> fetchForeignKeys(final Map<String, Object> context) {
66          Collection<Map<String, Object>> result = new LinkedList<>();
67          for (Map<String, Object> each : getForeignKeys((Long) context.get("tid"))) {
68              if (!isPartitionAndConstraintInherited(each, context)) {
69                  result.add(each);
70              }
71          }
72          return result;
73      }
75      private void loadPrimaryOrUniqueConstraint(final Map<String, Object> context, final String name, final String type) {
76          Collection<Map<String, Object>> constraintsProps = fetchConstraintsProperties(context, type);
77          fetchConstraintsColumns(constraintsProps);
78          context.put(name, -> !isPartitionAndConstraintInherited(each, context)).collect(Collectors.toList()));
79      }
81      private void fetchConstraintsColumns(final Collection<Map<String, Object>> constraintsProps) {
82          for (Map<String, Object> each : constraintsProps) {
83              Collection<Map<String, Object>> columns = new LinkedList<>();
84              for (Map<String, Object> col : fetchConstraintsCols(each)) {
85                  Map<String, Object> column = new HashMap<>();
86                  column.put("column", stripQuote((String) col.get("column")));
87                  columns.add(column);
88              }
89              each.put("columns", columns);
90              appendConstraintsInclude(each);
91          }
92      }
94      private void appendConstraintsInclude(final Map<String, Object> constraintsProp) {
95          Map<String, Object> params = new LinkedHashMap<>();
96          params.put("cid", constraintsProp.get("oid"));
97          Collection<Object> includes = new LinkedList<>();
98          if (getMajorVersion() >= PG_CONSTRAINTS_INCLUDE_VERSION) {
99              for (Map<String, Object> each : executeByTemplate(params, "component/index_constraint/%s/get_constraint_include.ftl")) {
100                 includes.add(each.get("colname"));
101             }
102         }
103         constraintsProp.put("include", includes);
104     }
106     private String stripQuote(final String column) {
107         String result = column;
108         if (column.startsWith("\"")) {
109             result = result.substring(1);
110         }
111         if (column.endsWith("\"")) {
112             result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
113         }
114         return result;
115     }
117     private Collection<Map<String, Object>> fetchConstraintsCols(final Map<String, Object> constraintColProps) {
118         Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
119         params.put("cid", constraintColProps.get("oid"));
120         params.put("colcnt", constraintColProps.get("col_count"));
121         return executeByTemplate(params, "component/index_constraint/%s/get_costraint_cols.ftl");
122     }
124     private Collection<Map<String, Object>> fetchConstraintsProperties(final Map<String, Object> context, final String constraintType) {
125         Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
126         params.put("did", context.get("did"));
127         params.put("tid", context.get("tid"));
128         params.put("cid", context.get("cid"));
129         params.put("constraint_type", constraintType);
130         return executeByTemplate(params, "component/index_constraint/%s/properties.ftl");
131     }
133     private Collection<Map<String, Object>> getExclusionConstraints(final Map<String, Object> context) {
134         Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
135         params.put("tid", context.get("tid"));
136         params.put("did", context.get("did"));
137         Collection<Map<String, Object>> result = executeByTemplate(params, "component/exclusion_constraint/%s/properties.ftl");
138         for (Map<String, Object> each : result) {
139             getExclusionConstraintsColumns(each);
140         }
141         return result;
142     }
144     private void getExclusionConstraintsColumns(final Map<String, Object> exclusionConstraintsProps) {
145         Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
146         params.put("cid", exclusionConstraintsProps.get("oid"));
147         params.put("col_count", exclusionConstraintsProps.get("col_count"));
148         Collection<Map<String, Object>> columns = new LinkedList<>();
149         for (Map<String, Object> each : executeByTemplate(params, "component/exclusion_constraint/%s/get_constraint_cols.ftl")) {
150             boolean order = 0 == (((int) each.get("options")) & 1);
151             boolean nullsOrder = 0 != (((int) each.get("options")) & 2);
152             Map<String, Object> col = new HashMap<>();
153             col.put("column", strip((String) each.get("coldef")));
154             col.put("oper_class", each.get("opcname"));
155             col.put("order", order);
156             col.put("nulls_order", nullsOrder);
157             col.put("operator", each.get("oprname"));
158             col.put("col_type", each.get("datatype"));
159             col.put("is_exp", each.get("is_exp"));
160             columns.add(col);
161         }
162         exclusionConstraintsProps.put("columns", columns);
163         Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
164         map.put("cid", exclusionConstraintsProps.get("oid"));
165         Collection<String> include = new LinkedList<>();
166         if (getMajorVersion() >= PG_CONSTRAINTS_INCLUDE_VERSION) {
167             for (Map<String, Object> each : executeByTemplate(map, "exclusion_constraint/%s/get_constraint_include.ftl")) {
168                 include.add(each.get("colname").toString());
169             }
170         }
171         exclusionConstraintsProps.put("include", include);
172     }
174     private Collection<Map<String, Object>> getForeignKeys(final Long tid) {
175         Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
176         params.put("tid", tid);
177         Collection<Map<String, Object>> result = executeByTemplate(params, "component/foreign_key/%s/properties.ftl");
178         for (Map<String, Object> each : result) {
179             Collection<Map<String, Object>> columns = new LinkedList<>();
180             Set<String> cols = new HashSet<>();
181             for (Map<String, Object> col : getForeignKeysCols(tid, each)) {
182                 Map<String, Object> foreignKeysRef = new HashMap<>();
183                 foreignKeysRef.put("local_column", col.get("conattname"));
184                 foreignKeysRef.put("references", each.get("confrelid"));
185                 foreignKeysRef.put("referenced", col.get("confattname"));
186                 foreignKeysRef.put("references_table_name", each.get("refnsp") + "." + each.get("reftab"));
187                 columns.add(foreignKeysRef);
188                 cols.add((String) col.get("conattname"));
189             }
190             setRemoteName(each, columns);
191             Optional<String> coveringindex = searchCoveringIndex(tid, cols);
192             each.put("coveringindex", coveringindex.orElse(null));
193             each.put("autoindex", !coveringindex.isPresent());
194             each.put("hasindex", coveringindex.isPresent());
195             each.put("columns", columns);
196         }
197         return result;
198     }
200     private void setRemoteName(final Map<String, Object> foreignKey, final Collection<Map<String, Object>> columns) {
201         Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
202         params.put("tid", columns.iterator().next().get("references"));
203         Map<String, Object> parents = executeByTemplateForSingleRow(params, "component/foreign_key/%s/get_parent.ftl");
204         foreignKey.put("remote_schema", parents.get("schema"));
205         foreignKey.put("remote_table", parents.get("table"));
206     }
208     private Collection<Map<String, Object>> getForeignKeysCols(final Long tid, final Map<String, Object> foreignKeyProps) {
209         Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
210         params.put("tid", tid);
211         Collection<Map<String, Object>> keys = new LinkedList<>();
212         Map<String, Object> key = new HashMap<>();
213         key.put("confkey", foreignKeyProps.get("confkey"));
214         key.put("conkey", foreignKeyProps.get("conkey"));
215         keys.add(key);
216         params.put("keys", keys);
217         return executeByTemplate(params, "component/foreign_key/%s/get_constraint_cols.ftl");
218     }
220     private boolean isPartitionAndConstraintInherited(final Map<String, Object> constraint, final Map<String, Object> context) {
221         return context.containsKey("relispartition") && (boolean) context.get("relispartition") && constraint.containsKey("conislocal") && (boolean) constraint.get("conislocal");
222     }
224     private Optional<String> searchCoveringIndex(final Long tid, final Set<String> cols) {
225         Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
226         params.put("tid", tid);
227         for (Map<String, Object> each : executeByTemplate(params, "component/foreign_key/%s/get_constraints.ftl")) {
228             Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
229             map.put("cid", each.get("oid"));
230             map.put("colcnt", each.get("col_count"));
231             Collection<Map<String, Object>> rows = executeByTemplate(map, "component/foreign_key/%s/get_cols.ftl");
232             Set<String> indexCols = new HashSet<>();
233             for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) {
234                 indexCols.add(strip(row.get("column").toString()));
235             }
236             if (isSame(indexCols, cols)) {
237                 return Optional.of((String) each.get("idxname"));
238             }
239         }
240         return Optional.empty();
241     }
243     private boolean isSame(final Set<String> indexCols, final Set<String> cols) {
244         Set<String> copyIndexCols = new HashSet<>(indexCols);
245         Set<String> copyCols = new HashSet<>(cols);
246         copyIndexCols.removeAll(copyCols);
247         if (copyIndexCols.isEmpty()) {
248             cols.removeAll(indexCols);
249             return cols.isEmpty();
250         }
251         return false;
252     }
254     private String strip(final String column) {
255         if (column.startsWith("\"")) {
256             return column.substring(1);
257         }
258         if (column.endsWith("\"")) {
259             return column.substring(0, column.length() - 1);
260         }
261         return column;
262     }
264     private Collection<Map<String, Object>> getCheckConstraints(final Long tid) {
265         Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
266         params.put("tid", tid);
267         return executeByTemplate(params, "component/check_constraint/%s/properties.ftl");
268     }
269 }