The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.
Tag Class | Total number of occurrences | Tag strings used by tag class |
@todo | 0 | @todo |
TODO | 362 | TODO |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurrences found in the code: 362 | Line |
can't use JsonFormat, might change the original value without error prompt. there need to cover more types, | 95 | | Line |
Combine small transactions into a large transaction, to improve transformation performance. | 104 |
openGauss CSN should be incremented for every transaction. Currently, CSN might be duplicated in transactions. | 134 |
Use channels watermark depth to improve performance. | 135 | | Line |
Use DAG to build it | 80 | | Line |
if different schema have same table names, table name may be overwritten, because the table name at sharding rule not contain schema. | 111 |
Add globalCSNSupported to isolate it with decodeWithTx flag, they're different. And also update CDCJobPreparer needSorting flag. | 122 | | Line |
support virtual data source name | 58 | | Line |
To avoid precision inconsistency issues, the current comparison of Timestamp columns across heterogeneous databases ignores `milliseconds` precision. In the future, different strategies with different database types could be considered. | 90 | | Line |
use final for fields | 26 |
embed ConsistencyCheckJobItemProgress to reduce fields | 27 | | Line |
extends from PipelineSQLException | 23 | | Line |
It's better to use transaction, but delete operation may not take effect on PostgreSQL sometimes | 95 |
There to be compatible with PostgreSQL before value is null except primary key and unsupported updating sharding value now. | 215 |
if table without unique key the conditionColumns before values is null, so update will fail at PostgreSQL | 222 | | Line |
support more types, e.g. byte[] (MySQL varbinary) | 77 | | Line |
Compatible with multiple unique indexes | 147 | | Line |
Refactor structure, List<TableProgress> | 35 | | Line |
remove it after set search_path is supported. | 76 |
remove it after set search_path is supported. | 151 | | Line |
Get estimate count from meta table, native DataSource is ok, but ShardingSphereDataSource has problem | 58 | | Line |
Add registry center cache. Refer to RegistryCenterFactory.createCoordinatorRegistryCenter | 44 |
Merge registry center code in ElasticJob and ShardingSphere mode; Use SPI to load impl | 51 | | Line |
use t_order_0, and also others | 75 | | Line |
check is it need to be ConcurrentHashMap? | 58 |
check is it need to be ShardingSphereIdentifier with column names? | 59 | | Line |
not support sha256_password now | 102 | | Line |
use ";" to split is not always correct if return value's comments contains ";" | 72 | | Line |
completion columns | 111 |
Unique key may be a column within unique index | 113 | | Line |
without unique key, job has been interrupted, which may lead to data duplication | 51 |
support partitions etc. If user use partition table, after sharding, the partition definition will not be needed. So we need to remove it after supported. | 75 |
use ";" to split is not always correct if return value's comments contains ";" | 89 | | Line |
Provide only the necessary tables. | 204 |
use origin database name for now. It can be reduce metadata refresh scope after reloadDatabaseMetaData case-sensitive problem fixed. | 305 | | Line |
--No comment-- | 79 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.db.protocol.mysql.packet.binlog.row.MySQLBinlogRowsEventPacket | Line |
--No comment-- | 114 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.db.protocol.mysql.packet.binlog.row.MySQLBinlogTableMapEventPacket | Line |
--No comment-- | 115 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.db.protocol.mysql.packet.command.query.binary.prepare.MySQLComStmtPrepareOKPacket | Line |
Column Definition Block should be added in future when the meta data of the columns is cached. | 46 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.db.protocol.mysql.payload.MySQLPacketPayload | Line |
--No comment-- | 132 |
--No comment-- | 311 |
--No comment-- | 321 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.db.protocol.opengauss.codec.OpenGaussPacketCodecEngine | Line |
consider what severity to use | 121 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.db.protocol.postgresql.codec.PostgreSQLPacketCodecEngine | Line |
consider what severity to use | 119 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.db.protocol.postgresql.packet.command.query.extended.PostgreSQLColumnType | Line |
Temporary solution for | 198 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.handler.engine.update.rdl.rule.engine.database.type.DropDatabaseRuleOperator | Line |
refactor to new metadata refresh way | 61 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.handler.engine.update.rdl.rule.spi.database.DatabaseRuleDropExecutor | Line |
Remove temporary default implementation Build to be dropped rule configuration. | 34 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.statement.ral.updatable.RefreshDatabaseMetaDataStatement | Line |
Remove it. | 34 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.driver.executor.engine.batch.preparedstatement.DriverExecuteBatchExecutor | Line |
add raw SQL executor | 119 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.driver.executor.engine.transaction.DriverTransactionSQLStatementExecutor | Line |
support more TCL statements | 62 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.driver.jdbc.adapter.AbstractStatementAdapter | Line |
Confirm MaxRows for multiple databases is need special handle. eg: 10 statements maybe MaxRows / 10 | 108 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.driver.jdbc.core.datasource.metadata.ShardingSphereDatabaseMetaData | Line |
consider get actual catalog by logic catalog rather than random physical datasource's catalog. | 233 |
consider get actual schema by logic catalog rather than random physical datasource's schema. | 243 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.driver.jdbc.core.resultset.ShardingSphereResultSet | Line |
To be supported: encrypt, mask, and so on | 304 | | Line |
decorate encrypt column index when we support index rewrite | 90 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.encrypt.rewrite.condition.EncryptConditionEngine | Line |
check this logic when items contain multiple values @duanzhengqiang | 167 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.encrypt.rewrite.token.pojo.EncryptAlterTableToken | Line |
refactor alter table token | 48 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.encrypt.rule.EncryptRule | Line |
How to process changed encryptors and tables if check failed? It should check before rule change | 92 |
check and remove unused INLINE encryptors | 176 |
Process update table | 179 |
Process CRUD encryptors | 180 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.encrypt.rule.changed.EncryptTableChangedProcessor | Line |
refactor DistSQL to only persist config | 51 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.algorithm.core.exception.AlgorithmExecuteException | Line |
It is runnable exception, consider about move out from AlgorithmDefinitionException | 26 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.algorithm.core.exception.InvalidAlgorithmConfigurationException | Line |
consider about merge with AlgorithmInitializationException | 25 | | Line |
handle offsetSegment instance of ExpressionRowNumberValueSegment | 117 |
handle offsetSegment instance of ExpressionRowNumberValueSegment | 127 | | Line |
replace avg to constant, avoid calculate useless avg | 137 | | Line |
support subquery projection | 51 | | Line |
support subquery projection | 51 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.binder.context.segment.table.TablesContext | Line |
support bind with all statement contains table segment @duanzhengqiang | 80 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.binder.context.statement.dal.ExplainStatementContext | Line |
extract table from declare, execute, createMaterializedView, refreshMaterializedView | 50 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.binder.engine.segment.dml.expression.ExpressionSegmentBinder | Line |
support more ExpressionSegment bound | 107 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.binder.engine.segment.dml.from.type.SimpleTableSegmentBinder | Line |
getSchemaName according to search path | 126 |
refactor table exists check with spi @duanzhengqiang | 136 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.binder.engine.segment.dml.projection.ProjectionsSegmentBinder | Line |
support more ProjectionSegment bound | 119 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.binder.engine.statement.ddl.AlterTableStatementBinder | Line |
bind column and reference table if kernel need use them | 47 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.config.rule.checker.RuleConfigurationCheckEngine | Line |
Remove after implementing the checker of BroadcastRuleConfiguration and SingleRuleConfiguration | 53 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.database.core.metadata.database.DialectDatabaseMetaData | Line |
Reuse java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.nullsAreSortedHigh and java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.nullsAreSortedLow | 58 |
Reuse java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getSQLKeywords | 67 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.database.core.metadata.database.enums.QuoteCharacter | Line |
Should use unwrap instead of this method after new rules defined in G4's property key and property key, which should include string but cannot permit blank on first and last of the value | 116 |
@longtao | 117 | | Line |
Support set hive.metastore uris when register storage unit. | 67 | | Line |
user defined collation which deterministic is false | 180 | | Line |
need to support caseSensitive when version < 12.2. | 149 |
The table name needs to be in uppercase, otherwise the index cannot be found. | 222 | | Line |
user defined collation which deterministic is false | 219 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.datanode.DataNode | Line |
add final for schemaName | 51 |
remove duplicated splitting? | 60 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.executor.kernel.model.ExecutionGroupReportContext | Line |
processID should same with connectionId | 33 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.executor.sql.execute.engine.driver.jdbc.JDBCExecutorCallback | Line |
It is better to judge whether need sane result before execute, can avoid exception thrown | 62 |
use metadata to replace storageUnits to support multiple logic databases | 81 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.executor.sql.execute.engine.raw.RawExecutor | Line |
Load query header for first query | 60 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.executor.sql.execute.result.query.type.memory.AbstractMemoryQueryResult | Line |
Support connection property character encoding | 107 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.executor.sql.prepare.driver.DriverExecutionPrepareEngine | Line |
use metadata to replace storageUnits to support multiple logic databases | 105 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.expr.espresso.ReflectContext | Line |
<a href="">oracle/graal#4555</a> not yet closed. Maybe sometimes shardingsphere need `.option("", System.getenv("JAVA_HOME")). | 41 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.merge.result.impl.memory.MemoryMergedResult | Line |
implement with calendar | 85 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.metadata.statistics.builder.ShardingSphereStatisticsFactory | Line |
can `protocolType instanceof SchemaSupportedDatabaseType ? "PostgreSQL" : protocolType.getType()` replace to trunk database type? | 76 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.rewrite.engine.RouteSQLRewriteEngineTest | Line |
check why data node is "ds.tbl_0", not "ds_0.tbl_0" | 150 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.route.engine.tableless.TablelessRouteEngineFactory | Line |
remove this logic when proxy and jdbc support all dal statement @duanzhengqiang | 73 |
Support more TCL statements by transaction module, then remove this. | 77 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.rule.PartialRuleUpdateSupported | Line |
remove return value when support alter | 42 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.rule.builder.database.DatabaseRulesBuilder | Line |
consider about order for new put items | 126 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.util.yaml.YamlConfiguration | Line |
Only global.yaml and database.yaml handle empty YAML file currently. Other scenarios reading YAML files should also consider overriding this method to check for empty files. | 31 | | Line |
use general type convertor | 59 |
use general type convertor | 88 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.mask.rule.MaskRule | Line |
check and remove unused INLINE mask algorithms | 101 |
Process update table | 104 |
Process CRUD mask algorithms | 105 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.mask.rule.changed.MaskTableChangedProcessor | Line |
refactor DistSQL to only persist config | 50 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.mode.manager.cluster.dispatch.handler.database.datasource.StorageNodeChangedHandler | Line |
--No comment-- | 61 |
--No comment-- | 65 |
--No comment-- | 69 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.mode.metadata.factory.init.type.RegisterCenterMetaDataContextsInitFactory | Line |
load global data sources from persist service | 57 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.mode.repository.cluster.etcd.EtcdRepository | Line |
--No comment-- | 117 |
--No comment-- | 173 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.mode.repository.cluster.zookeeper.ZookeeperRepository | Line |
wait 500ms, close cache before close client, or will throw exception Because of asynchronous processing, may cause client to close first and cache has not yet closed the end. Wait for new version of Curator to fix this. BUG address: | 282 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.mode.repository.standalone.jdbc.JDBCRepository | Line |
remove it later. Add for reset standalone test e2e's env. Need to close DataSource to release H2's memory data | 68 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.backend.config.ProxyConfigurationLoader | Line |
remove COMPATIBLE_GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE in next major version | 58 |
remove COMPATIBLE_DATABASE_CONFIG_FILE_PATTERN in next major version | 67 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.backend.config.ProxyConfigurationLoaderTest | Line |
assert mode | 61 |
assert authority rule | 62 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.backend.connector.ProxySQLExecutor | Line |
implement DDL statement commit/rollback in PostgreSQL/openGauss transaction | 147 |
handle query header | 217 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.backend.handler.ProxyBackendHandlerFactoryTest | Line |
--No comment-- | 173 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.backend.handler.distsql.ral.updatable.UnlockClusterExecutor | Line |
unlock snapshot info if locked | 47 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.backend.handler.transaction.TransactionXAHandler | Line |
Currently XA transaction started with `XA START` doesn't support for database with multiple datasource, a flag should be added for this both in init progress and add datasource from DistSQL. | 47 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.backend.mysql.handler.admin.MySQLAdminExecutorCreator | Line |
remove DefaultDatabaseMetaDataExecutor when sql federation can support all system table query | 162 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.backend.mysql.handler.admin.executor.sysvar.MySQLSystemVariable | Line |
Get or set session value. | 78 |
Properly handling character set of session. | 147 |
Retrieve proper system time zone. | 934 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.backend.mysql.response.header.query.MySQLQueryHeaderBuilder | Line |
to be confirmed, QueryHeaderBuilder should not has default value, just throw unsupported exception if database type missing | 77 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.backend.session.RequiredSessionVariableRecorder | Line |
Refactor the following switch by SPI if we support more database in future | 68 |
Refactor the following switch by SPI if we support more database in future | 105 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.frontend.mysql.authentication.authenticator.MySQLAuthenticatorType | Line |
impl OLD_PASSWORD Authenticator | 34 |
impl WINDOWS_NATIVE Authenticator | 41 |
impl SHA256 Authenticator | 44 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.frontend.mysql.command.query.binary.prepare.MySQLComStmtPrepareExecutor | Line |
Multi statements should be identified by SQL Parser instead of checking if sql contains ";". | 97 |
Calculate column definition flag for other projection types | 158 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.frontend.mysql.command.query.binary.prepare.MySQLComStmtPrepareParameterMarkerExtractor | Line |
Support more statements and syntax. Find corresponding columns of parameter markers. | 49 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.frontend.mysql.command.query.text.query.MySQLComQueryPacketExecutor | Line |
Multi statements should be identified by SQL Parser instead of checking if sql contains ";". | 74 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.frontend.mysql.command.query.text.query.MySQLMultiStatementsHandler | Line |
Multi statements should be split by SQL Parser instead of simple regexp. | 120 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.frontend.netty.CDCChannelInboundHandler | Line |
add CDC exception to wrapper this exception, and add the parameters requestId and whether to close connect | 93 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.frontend.netty.FrontendChannelLimitationInboundHandler | Line |
This is not how actual databases does and should be refactored. | 44 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.frontend.postgresql.authentication.PostgreSQLAuthenticationEngine | Line |
implement PostgreSQLServerInfo like MySQLServerInfo | 111 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.frontend.postgresql.authentication.authenticator.PostgreSQLAuthenticatorType | Line |
impl SCRAM_SHA256 Authenticator | 37 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.proxy.frontend.postgresql.command.generic.PostgreSQLUnsupportedCommandExecutor | Line |
consider what severity and error code to use | 38 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.readwritesplitting.rule.changed.ReadwriteSplittingDataSourceChangedProcessor | Line |
refactor DistSQL to only persist config | 63 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.schedule.core.job.statistics.collect.StatisticsCollectJobWorker | Line |
Merge registry center code in ElasticJob and ShardingSphere mode; Use SPI to load impl | 79 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.shadow.rule.changed.ShadowDataSourceChangedProcessor | Line |
refactor DistSQL to only persist config | 47 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.cache.route.cache.ShardingRouteCacheValue | Line |
This could be simplified if all fields of DataNode were immutable | 68 |
Implements deep copy for route stage contexts | 88 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.merge.dql.groupby.aggregation.AverageAggregationUnit | Line |
use metadata to fetch float number precise for database field | 56 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.merge.dql.groupby.aggregation.DistinctAverageAggregationUnit | Line |
use metadata to fetch float number precise for database field | 64 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.rewrite.token.generator.impl.ShardingConstraintTokenGenerator | Line |
make sure can remove null check here? @duanzhengqiang | 54 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.route.engine.checker.ddl.ShardingDropTableRouteContextChecker | Line |
check actual tables not be used in multi rules, and remove this check logic | 65 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.route.engine.condition.engine.WhereClauseShardingConditionEngine | Line |
remove startIndex when federation has perfect support for subquery | 93 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.route.engine.type.ShardingRouteEngineFactory | Line |
config for cartesian set | 147 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.route.engine.type.standard.SQLRouteTest | Line |
add assertion for ShardingRouteAssert.assertRoute | 37 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.route.engine.type.standard.ShardingStandardRouteEngineTest | Line |
remove @Disabled when autoTables support config actualDataNodes in #33364 | 93 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.route.engine.type.standard.SubqueryRouteTest | Line |
add assertion for ShardingRouteAssert.assertRoute | 34 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.route.strategy.type.standard.StandardShardingStrategy | Line |
add ShardingRouteAlgorithmException check when autoTables support config actualDataNodes in #33364 | 77 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.rule.ShardingRule | Line |
check sharding rule configuration according to aggregated data sources | 141 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sharding.yaml.swapper.ShardingRuleConfigurationConverter | Line |
Move to pipeline module | 32 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.single.distsql.statement.rql.ShowUnloadedSingleTablesStatement | Line |
support like later | 35 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.clickhouse.visitor.statement.ClickHouseStatementVisitor | Line |
deal with hexadecimalLiterals | 124 |
deal with bitValueLiterals | 130 |
FIXME, sql case id: insert_with_str_to_date | 480 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.clickhouse.visitor.statement.type.ClickHouseDMLStatementVisitor | Line |
Unsupported for withClause. | 185 |
Unsupported for union SQL. | 193 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.doris.visitor.statement.DorisStatementVisitor | Line |
deal with TemporalLiterals | 309 |
deal with hexadecimalLiterals | 315 |
deal with bitValueLiterals | 321 |
optimize operatorToken | 446 |
FIXME, sql case id: insert_with_str_to_date | 1357 |
FIXME, since there is no segment for insertValuesClause, InsertStatement is created by sub rule. | 1443 |
FIXME, since there is no segment for replaceValuesClause, ReplaceStatement is created by sub rule. | 1518 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.doris.visitor.statement.type.DorisDALStatementVisitor | Line |
Consider setting all three system variables: character_set_client, character_set_results, character_set_connection | 944 |
Consider setting all three system variables: character_set_client, character_set_results, character_set_connection | 983 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.doris.visitor.statement.type.DorisDDLStatementVisitor | Line |
parse not null | 365 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.firebird.visitor.statement.FirebirdStatementVisitor | Line |
deal with hexadecimalLiterals | 155 |
deal with bitValueLiterals | 161 |
FIXME, sql case id: insert_with_str_to_date | 510 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.firebird.visitor.statement.type.FirebirdDDLStatementVisitor | Line |
visit pk and table ref | 236 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.firebird.visitor.statement.type.FirebirdDMLStatementVisitor | Line |
Unsupported for withClause. | 227 |
Unsupported for union SQL. | 235 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.hive.visitor.statement.HiveStatementVisitor | Line |
deal with TemporalLiterals | 147 |
deal with hexadecimalLiterals | 153 |
deal with bitValueLiterals | 159 |
optimize operatorToken | 279 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.hive.visitor.statement.type.HiveDMLStatementVisitor | Line |
FIXME, sql case id: insert_with_str_to_date | 767 |
FIXME, since there is no segment for insertValuesClause, InsertStatement is created by sub rule. | 853 |
Unsupported for withClause. | 1047 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.mysql.visitor.format.MySQLFormatVisitorIT | Line |
fix only comment parse Arguments.of("only_comment", "/* c_zz_xdba_test_4 login */", "", ""), | 115 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.mysql.visitor.statement.MySQLStatementVisitor | Line |
deal with TemporalLiterals | 313 |
deal with hexadecimalLiterals | 319 |
deal with bitValueLiterals | 325 |
optimize operatorToken | 450 |
FIXME, sql case id: insert_with_str_to_date | 1336 |
FIXME, since there is no segment for insertValuesClause, InsertStatement is created by sub rule. | 1422 |
FIXME, since there is no segment for replaceValuesClause, ReplaceStatement is created by sub rule. | 1500 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.mysql.visitor.statement.type.MySQLDALStatementVisitor | Line |
Consider setting all three system variables: character_set_client, character_set_results, character_set_connection | 950 |
Consider setting all three system variables: character_set_client, character_set_results, character_set_connection | 986 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.mysql.visitor.statement.type.MySQLDDLStatementVisitor | Line |
parse not null | 367 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.opengauss.visitor.statement.OpenGaussStatementVisitor | Line |
replace aggregation segment | 450 |
FIXME, since there is no segment for insertValuesClause, InsertStatement is created by sub rule. | 705 |
deal with insert select | 706 |
Unsupported for withClause. | 938 |
deal with functionTable and xmlTable | 1236 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.opengauss.visitor.statement.type.OpenGaussDALStatementVisitor | Line |
visit declare statement | 166 |
visit create materialized view statement | 173 |
visit refresh materialized view statement | 176 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.opengauss.visitor.statement.type.OpenGaussDDLStatementVisitor | Line |
parse not null | 450 |
visit pk and table ref | 494 | | Line |
deal with hexadecimalLiterals | 287 |
deal with bitValueLiterals | 293 |
throw exception if more than one defaultString exists in a xml name space clause | 939 |
FIXME, sql case id: insert_with_str_to_date | 1188 | | Line |
More alter definition parse | 589 |
Support rename constraint | 617 |
handle no columnDefinition and multiple columnDefinitions | 654 |
visit pk and reference table | 682 |
handle SQL in dynamicString | 1515 |
visit collection_method_call | 1544 |
Handling dynamicSqlStmt if we can | 1634 |
Visit intoClause | 1640 | | Line |
FIXME, since there is no segment for insertValuesClause, InsertStatement is created by sub rule. | 306 |
Visit selectIntoClause, bulkCollectIntoClause | 432 |
Visit hierarchicalQueryClause | 440 |
Visit windowClause | 444 |
Visit rowLimitingClause | 448 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.postgresql.visitor.statement.PostgreSQLStatementVisitor | Line |
replace aggregation segment | 451 |
FIXME, since there is no segment for insertValuesClause, InsertStatement is created by sub rule. | 702 |
deal with insert select | 703 |
Unsupported for withClause. | 907 |
deal with functionTable and xmlTable | 1202 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.postgresql.visitor.statement.type.PostgreSQLDALStatementVisitor | Line |
visit declare statement | 171 |
visit refresh materialized view statement | 180 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.postgresql.visitor.statement.type.PostgreSQLDDLStatementVisitor | Line |
parse not null | 565 |
visit pk and table ref | 609 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.presto.visitor.statement.PrestoStatementVisitor | Line |
deal with TemporalLiterals | 158 |
deal with hexadecimalLiterals | 164 |
deal with bitValueLiterals | 170 |
optimize operatorToken | 302 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.presto.visitor.statement.type.PrestoDMLStatementVisitor | Line |
FIXME, sql case id: insert_with_str_to_date | 763 |
FIXME, since there is no segment for insertValuesClause, InsertStatement is created by sub rule. | 812 |
Unsupported for withClause. | 1006 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.sql92.visitor.statement.SQL92StatementVisitor | Line |
deal with hexadecimalLiterals | 155 |
deal with bitValueLiterals | 161 |
FIXME, sql case id: insert_with_str_to_date | 509 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.sql92.visitor.statement.type.SQL92DDLStatementVisitor | Line |
parse not null | 107 |
visit pk and table ref | 208 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.sql92.visitor.statement.type.SQL92DMLStatementVisitor | Line |
Unsupported for withClause. | 209 |
Unsupported for union SQL. | 217 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.sqlserver.visitor.statement.SQLServerStatementVisitor | Line |
deal with hexadecimalLiterals | 298 |
deal with bitValueLiterals | 304 |
FIXME, sql case id: insert_with_str_to_date | 894 |
Unsupported for union | except | intersect SQL. | 965 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.sqlserver.visitor.statement.type.SQLServerDDLStatementVisitor | Line |
parse not null | 170 |
visit pk and table ref | 293 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.statement.core.extractor.ExpressionExtractor | Line |
support more expression type if necessary | 125 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.statement.core.segment.dml.expr.ExpressionWithParamsSegment | Line |
extends ExpressionSegment | 33 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.statement.core.segment.dml.expr.TypeCastExpression | Line |
Parse data type after fixed | 39 | | Line |
return column label according to database result | 42 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sql.parser.statement.core.value.literal.impl.NumberLiteralValue | Line |
make sure with double and float | 42 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.engine.SQLFederationEngine | Line |
BEGIN: move this logic to SQLFederationDecider implement class when we remove sql federation type | 142 |
END | 146 |
open useCache flag when ShardingSphereTable contains version | 226 |
replace DEFAULT_METADATA_VERSION with actual version in ShardingSphereTable | 253 |
register only the required tables | 268 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.executor.enumerable.EnumerableScanExecutor | Line |
pass grantee from proxy and jdbc adapter | 129 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.executor.utils.StatisticsAssembleUtils | Line |
move this logic to ShardingSphere statistics | 49 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.optimizer.context.OptimizerContextFactory | Line |
consider to use sqlParserRule in global rule | 50 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.optimizer.context.parser.dialect.impl.H2OptimizerBuilder | Line |
No suitable type of Lex | 36 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.optimizer.converter.segment.expression.ExpressionConverter | Line |
--No comment-- | 92 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.optimizer.converter.segment.expression.impl.FunctionConverter | Line |
optimize sql parse logic for select current_user. | 57 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.optimizer.converter.segment.projection.ProjectionsConverter | Line |
process other projection | 83 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.optimizer.metadata.schema.SQLFederationSchema | Line |
implement table statistic logic after using custom operators | 59 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.optimizer.operator.physical.EnumerableModify | Line |
generate modification statements based on dataset and related table information. | 49 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.optimizer.planner.cache.ExecutionPlanCacheKey | Line |
replace sql with parameterized sql | 37 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.optimizer.planner.util.SQLFederationPlannerUtils | Line |
remove withRemoveSortInSubQuery when calcite can expand view which contains order by correctly | 255 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.resultset.SQLFederationResultSet | Line |
implement with calendar | 476 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqlfederation.resultset.SQLFederationResultSetMetaData | Line |
remove this logic when calcite supports BigInteger type | 155 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.sqltranslator.natived.NativeSQLTranslator | Line |
--No comment-- | 37 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.container.compose.ContainerComposerRegistry | Line |
cluster mode often throw exception sometimes, issue is #15517 | 66 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.container.compose.mode.ClusterContainerComposer | Line |
support other types of governance | 55 | | Line |
Use registerStorageUnit instead, and remove the method, keep it now | 259 |
use DAO to query via DistSQL | 506 |
proxy support for some fields still needs to be optimized, such as binary of MySQL, after these problems are optimized, Proxy dataSource can be used. | 597 | | Line |
add full=false test case later | 184 | | Line |
Need to add after the stop then to start, can continue the consistency check from the previous progress | 159 | | Line |
PostgreSQL update delete events not support if table without unique keys at increment task. | 96 |
Insert binary string in VARBINARY column. But KeyGenerateAlgorithm.generateKey() require returning Comparable, and byte[] is not Comparable | 223 |
Select by byte[] from proxy doesn't work, so unhex function is used for now | 227 | | Line |
Use MariaDB docker image | 47 | | Line |
0000-00-00 00:00:00 now will cause consistency check failed of MySQL. DataSourceUtil.execute(dataSource, String.format("UPDATE %s SET t_datetime='0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE order_id = ?", orderTableName) | 95 | | Line |
It's not scenario. Remove it later | 34 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.driver.AbstractDriverTest | Line |
merge in to sql-e2e | 34 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.arg.E2ETestCaseArgumentsProvider | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 47 |
make sure test case can not be null | 53 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.DALE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 64 |
fix wrong column label when execuete SHOW TABLES with jdbc adapter | 95 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.DCLE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 56 |
make sure test case can not be null | 87 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.DDLE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 73 |
make sure test case can not be null | 109 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.RALE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 67 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.RDLE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 67 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.RQLE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 62 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.dml.AdditionalDMLE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 51 |
support oracle insert statement return auto generated keys | 69 |
--No comment-- | 99 |
--No comment-- | 134 |
make sure test case can not be null | 173 |
make sure test case can not be null | 212 |
--No comment-- | 251 |
--No comment-- | 288 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.dml.BaseDMLE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 105 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.dml.BatchDMLE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 47 |
make sure test case can not be null | 105 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.dml.GeneralDMLE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 48 |
make sure test case can not be null | 96 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.dql.AdditionalDQLE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 50 |
fix e2e test blocked exception with PostgreSQL or openGauss in #23643 | 56 |
make sure test case can not be null | 71 |
fix e2e test blocked exception with PostgreSQL or openGauss in #23643 | 77 |
make sure test case can not be null | 93 |
fix e2e test blocked exception with PostgreSQL or openGauss in #23643 | 99 |
make sure test case can not be null | 114 |
fix e2e test blocked exception with PostgreSQL or openGauss in #23643 | 120 |
Fix jdbc adapter | 136 |
Fix jdbc adapter | 195 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.dql.BaseDQLE2EIT | Line |
Since mysql 8.0.23, for the DATETIME type, the mysql driver returns the LocalDateTime type, but the proxy returns the Timestamp type. | 189 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.engine.type.dql.GeneralDQLE2EIT | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 49 |
Fix jdbc adapter and empty_storage_units proxy adapter | 67 |
make sure test case can not be null | 149 |
Fix jdbc adapter | 167 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.env.DataSetEnvironmentManager | Line |
ExecutorEngine.execute and callback | 62 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.env.E2EEnvironmentSetupProcessor | Line |
make sure test case can not be null | 36 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.showprocesslist.engine.ShowProcessListE2EIT | Line |
add jdbc | 49 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.transaction.cases.autocommit.MySQLAutoCommitTestCase | Line |
Currently XA transaction does not support two transactions in the same thread at the same time | 76 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.transaction.cases.cursor.OpenGaussCursorTestCase | Line |
fix #25236 | 63 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.e2e.transaction.engine.base.TransactionBaseE2EIT | Line |
zhangcheng make sure the test cases should not empty | 348 | | Line |
Rename createJobConfiguration | 56 | | Line |
support appendLiteralCases for exits cases and remove duplicate cases | 101 | | Line |
assert assign operator | 55 | | Line |
create a new assert class named `SchemaAssert` | 44 |
extract and assert start index, stop index, start delimiter and end delimiter | 45 | | Line |
should assert index for all databases(mysql and sqlserver do not parse index right now) | 64 | | Line |
should assert index for all databases(mysql and sqlserver do not parse index right now) | 68 | | Line |
should assert index for all databases(mysql and sqlserver do not parse index right now) | 69 | | Line |
add more test case | 54 | | Line |
add more test case | 75 | | Line |
should remove the method when yaml rule swapper fixed by map's key | 91 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.natived.commons.TestShardingService | Line |
It looks like HiveServer2 insert statements are inserted out of order. Waiting for further investigation. The result of the insert is not currently asserted. | 116 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.natived.commons.repository.OrderRepository | Line |
There is a bug in this function in shadow's unit test and requires additional fixes. | 126 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.natived.jdbc.databases.ClickHouseTest | Line |
The {@code shardingsphere-parser-sql-clickhouse} module needs to be fixed to use SQL like `create table`, `truncate table` and `drop table`. | 129 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.natived.jdbc.modes.cluster.EtcdTest | Line |
On low-performance devices in Github Actions, `TRUNCATE TABLE` related SQLs may throw a `java.sql.SQLException: Table or view 't_address' does not exist.` error under nativeTest. So that we need to wait for a period of time after executing `CREATE TABLE` related SQLs before executing `TRUNCATE TABLE` related SQLs. This may mean that the implementation of {@link org.apache.shardingsphere.mode.repository.cluster.etcd.EtcdRepository} needs optimization. | 88 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.natived.jdbc.modes.cluster.ZookeeperTest | Line |
On low-performance devices in Github Actions, `TRUNCATE TABLE` related SQLs may throw a `java.sql.SQLException: Table or view 't_address' does not exist.` error under nativeTest. So that we need to wait for a period of time after executing `CREATE TABLE` related SQLs before executing `TRUNCATE TABLE` related SQLs. This may mean that the implementation of {@link org.apache.shardingsphere.mode.repository.cluster.zookeeper.ZookeeperRepository} needs optimization. | 86 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.natived.jdbc.transactions.base.SeataTest | Line |
Apparently there is a real connection leak on Seata Client 2.2.0. Waiting for <a href="">apache/incubator-seata#7044</a>. | 73 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.test.natived.proxy.transactions.base.SeataTest | Line |
Apparently there is a real connection leak on Seata Client 2.2.0. Waiting for <a href="">apache/incubator-seata#7044</a>. | 94 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.transaction.rule.TransactionRule | Line |
Consider shutting down the transaction manager gracefully | 133 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.transaction.xa.jta.connection.dialect.FirebirdXAConnectionWrapperTest | Line |
Fix the error with getting XAResource assertThat(actual.getXAResource(), instanceOf(FBXAConnection.class)); | 51 |