The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 9.3 with /home/runner/work/shardingsphere-doc/shardingsphere-doc/shardingsphere/src/resources/checkstyle.xml ruleset.
Files | Info | Warnings | Errors |
8174 | 0 | 682 | 0 |
Category | Rule | Violations | Severity |
coding | NestedForDepth | 2 | Warning |
metrics | BooleanExpressionComplexity | 5 | Warning |
202 | Warning | |
ClassFanOutComplexity | 262 | Warning | |
CyclomaticComplexity | 103 | Warning | |
JavaNCSS | 13 | Warning | |
NPathComplexity | 69 | Warning | |
sizes | ExecutableStatementCount
4 | Warning |
MethodCount | 22 | Warning |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [DatabaseSegment, FormatStatement, MetricConfiguration, MySQLCommitStatement, MySQLCreateDatabaseStatement, MySQLCreateUserStatement, MySQLDeleteStatement, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, MySQLShowDatabasesStatement, MySQLUpdateStatement, RegisterStorageUnitStatement, SQLParseCountAdvice, ShowMigrationListStatement, ShowStorageUnitsStatement, TargetAdviceObjectFixture]. | 49 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConnectionContext, HintValueContext, MetricConfiguration, MySQLDeleteStatement, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, MySQLUpdateStatement, QueryContext, SQLRouteCountAdvice, TargetAdviceObjectFixture, UnknownSQLStatementContext]. | 46 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [ComputeNodeInstance, ComputeNodeInstanceContext, ContextManager, EventBusContext, InetSocketAddress, ModeConfiguration, PluginConfiguration, PrometheusPluginLifecycleService, Property, ShardingSphereMetaData, Socket, StandaloneWorkerIdGenerator]. | 51 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [CDCExecuteCallback, CDCJobItemContext, CDCJobPreparer, CDCJobRunnerCleaner, CDCTaskConfiguration, CDCTasksRunner, DumperCommonContext, ImporterConfiguration, IncrementalDumperContext, PipelineJobItemManager, PipelineJobRunnerManager, PipelineProcessConfigurationPersistService, ShardingColumnsExtractor, TableAndSchemaNameMapper, TransmissionProcessContext]. | 81 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 36 (max allowed is 20). | 81 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 32 (max allowed is 10) classes [CDCJob, CDCJobId, CDCJobItemInfo, CDCJobType, DumperCommonContext, IncrementalDumperContext, IncrementalTaskPositionManager, IncrementalTaskProgress, JobDataNodeEntry, JobDataNodeLine, JobItemIncrementalTasksProgress, OneOffJobBootstrap, PipelineContextKey, PipelineDataSourceManager, PipelineInternalException, PipelineJobConfigurationManager, PipelineJobCreationWithInvalidShardingCountException, PipelineJobItemManager, PipelineJobManager, PrepareJobWithGetBinlogPositionException, ShardingSpherePipelineDataSourceConfiguration, StandardPipelineDataSourceConfiguration, TableAndSchemaNameMapper, TransmissionJobItemProgress, TransmissionJobManager, YamlCDCJobConfiguration, YamlCDCJobConfigurationSwapper, YamlDataSourceConfigurationSwapper, YamlPipelineDataSourceConfigurationSwapper, YamlRootConfiguration, YamlRuleConfigurationSwapperEngine, YamlSinkConfiguration]. | 93 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 49 (max allowed is 20). | 93 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 62 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 15 (max allowed is 10). | 55 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 12,288 (max allowed is 200). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [AtomicBoolean, AtomicReference, CDCChannelProgressPair, CDCImporter, CDCIncrementalTask, CDCInventoryTask, CopyOnWriteArrayList, CreateIncrementalDumperParameter, IncrementalTaskPositionManager, InventoryDumper, InventoryDumperContext, InventoryDumperContextSplitter, PlaceholderInventoryDataRecordPositionCreator, PrepareJobWithGetBinlogPositionException, UniqueKeyInventoryDataRecordPositionCreator]. | 68 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 34 (max allowed is 20). | 68 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 56 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [CDCExceptionWrapper, CDCJobType, DatabaseTypeRegistry, MissingRequiredStreamDataSourceException, PipelineCDCSocketSink, PipelineInternalException, PipelineInvalidParameterException, PipelineJobConfigurationManager, PipelineJobNotFoundException, Properties, StreamDataParameter, StreamDatabaseNotFoundException]. | 75 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 26 (max allowed is 20). | 75 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 10). | 63 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 56 (max allowed is 50). | 63 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 16,777,216 (max allowed is 200). | 63 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | sizes | ExecutableStatementCount | Executable statement count is 61 (max allowed is 50). | 46 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 62 (max allowed is 50). | 46 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 15 (max allowed is 10). | 68 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 16,384 (max allowed is 200). | 68 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 55 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 288 (max allowed is 200). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 50 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [DataRecord, FinishedRecord, FixtureTransmissionJobItemContext, ImporterConfiguration, IngestFinishedPosition, IngestPlaceholderPosition, NormalColumn, PipelineDataSourceSink, ShardingSphereIdentifier, SingleChannelConsumerImporter, StandardPipelineDataSourceConfiguration, TableAndSchemaNameMapper]. | 63 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 63 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [AtomicLong, AtomicReference, BuildDivisibleSQLParameter, DataRecord, FinishedRecord, IngestException, IngestFinishedPosition, InventoryColumnValueReaderEngine, InventoryPointQueryParameter, InventoryRangeQueryParameter, NormalColumn, PipelineInternalException, PipelineInvalidParameterException, PipelineInventoryDumpSQLBuilder, QueryRange]. | 73 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 36 (max allowed is 20). | 73 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 34 (max allowed is 10). | 61 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 63 (max allowed is 50). | 61 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 59 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 51 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 27 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmSegment, AlterTransmissionRuleStatement, CheckMigrationStatement, CommitMigrationStatement, DataNode, DropMigrationCheckStatement, HostnameAndPortBasedDataSourceSegment, IdentifierValue, MigrateTableStatement, Properties, ReadOrWriteSegment, RegisterMigrationSourceStorageUnitStatement, RollbackMigrationStatement, ShowMigrationCheckStatusStatement, ShowMigrationListStatement, ShowMigrationRuleStatement, ShowMigrationSourceStorageUnitsStatement, ShowMigrationStatusStatement, ShowPluginsStatement, SourceTargetEntry, StartMigrationCheckStatement, StartMigrationStatement, StopMigrationCheckStatement, StopMigrationStatement, TransmissionRuleSegment, URLBasedDataSourceSegment, UnregisterMigrationSourceStorageUnitStatement]. | 98 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 66 (max allowed is 20). | 98 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 21 (max allowed is 10) classes [ArrayBlockingQueue, Bootstrap, ChannelAttrInitializer, ChannelInitializer, DefaultPromise, MySQLBinlogEventHandler, MySQLBinlogEventPacketDecoder, MySQLComBinlogDumpCommandPacket, MySQLComQueryPacket, MySQLComRegisterSlaveCommandPacket, MySQLCommandPacketDecoder, MySQLCommandResponseHandler, MySQLNegotiateHandler, MySQLNegotiatePackageDecoder, MySQLPacketCodecEngine, MySQLSequenceIdInboundHandler, NioEventLoopGroup, PacketCodec, PipelineInternalException, PlaceholderBinlogEvent, UnsupportedSQLOperationException]. | 71 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 37 (max allowed is 20). | 71 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [MySQLBinlogContext, MySQLBinlogEventHeader, MySQLBinlogFormatDescriptionEventPacket, MySQLBinlogRotateEventPacket, MySQLBinlogRowsEventPacket, MySQLBinlogTableMapEventPacket, MySQLDeleteRowsBinlogEvent, MySQLPacketPayload, MySQLQueryBinlogEvent, MySQLUpdateRowsBinlogEvent, MySQLWriteRowsBinlogEvent, MySQLXidBinlogEvent, PipelineInternalException, PlaceholderBinlogEvent]. | 51 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 148 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 20). | 61 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 17 (max allowed is 10) classes [ActualAndLogicTableNameMapper, DumperCommonContext, IncrementalDumperContext, MemoryPipelineChannel, MySQLBinlogPosition, MySQLDeleteRowsBinlogEvent, MySQLIncrementalDumper, MySQLUpdateRowsBinlogEvent, MySQLWriteRowsBinlogEvent, PipelineColumnMetaData, PipelineDataSourceManager, PipelineTableMetaData, PlaceholderBinlogEvent, Serializable, ShardingSphereIdentifier, StandardPipelineDataSourceConfiguration, TableAndSchemaNameMapper]. | 72 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 72 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 33 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [BeginTXEvent, BigDecimal, CommitTXEvent, DecodingException, DeleteRowEvent, IngestException, PGInterval, PGobject, PlaceholderEvent, UpdateRowEvent, WriteRowEvent]. | 52 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 52 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 36 (max allowed is 10). | 184 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 56 (max allowed is 50). | 184 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 280 (max allowed is 200). | 184 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 60 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [ActualAndLogicTableNameMapper, DumperCommonContext, IncrementalDumperContext, IngestException, MemoryPipelineChannel, PipelineDataSourceManager, PostgreSQLIncrementalDumper, PostgreSQLLogSequenceNumber, SQLWrapperException, ShardingSphereIdentifier, StandardPipelineDataSourceConfiguration, StandardPipelineTableMetaDataLoader, TableAndSchemaNameMapper, WALPosition]. | 65 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 29 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 19 (max allowed is 10) classes [AbstractRowEvent, ActualAndLogicTableNameMapper, BeginTXEvent, CommitTXEvent, DeleteRowEvent, DumperCommonContext, IncrementalDumperContext, PipelineColumnMetaData, PipelineDataSourceManager, PipelineTableMetaData, PlaceholderEvent, PostgreSQLLogSequenceNumber, ShardingSphereIdentifier, StandardPipelineDataSourceConfiguration, StandardPipelineTableMetaDataLoader, TableAndSchemaNameMapper, UpdateRowEvent, WALEventConverter, WriteRowEvent]. | 70 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 70 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 10). | 169 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 612 (max allowed is 200). | 169 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 205 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 384 (max allowed is 200). | 205 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 51 (max allowed is 50). | 71 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [CreateTableConfiguration, DatabaseTypeRegistry, ImporterConfiguration, MigrationIncrementalDumperContextCreator, MigrationJobItemContext, MigrationJobPreparer, MigrationTaskConfiguration, QualifiedTable, ShardingColumnsExtractor, TransmissionProcessContext, TransmissionTasksRunner]. | 55 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 24 (max allowed is 10) classes [DatabaseTypeRegistry, DuplicateStorageUnitException, EmptyRuleException, JobDataNodeEntry, JobDataNodeLine, MigrationJobId, MigrationJobType, MissingRequiredStorageUnitsException, PipelineDataSource, PipelineDataSourcePersistService, PipelineInvalidParameterException, PipelineJobConfigurationManager, PipelineJobManager, PipelinePrepareSQLBuilder, ShardingSpherePipelineDataSourceConfiguration, StandardPipelineDataSourceConfiguration, TableAndSchemaNameMapper, YamlDataSourceConfigurationSwapper, YamlMigrationJobConfiguration, YamlMigrationJobConfigurationSwapper, YamlPipelineDataSourceConfiguration, YamlRootConfiguration, YamlRuleConfigurationSwapperEngine, YamlSingleRuleConfiguration]. | 95 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 42 (max allowed is 20). | 95 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConsistencyCheckJobItemProgressContext, DataNode, DataSourcePoolProperties, MigrateTableStatement, MigrationJobType, PipelineDataSource, PipelineDataSourcePersistService, PipelineJobConfigurationManager, PipelineJobItemManager, PipelineJobManager, PipelineProcessConfigurationPersistService, SourceTargetEntry, TransmissionJobManager, TransmissionProcessContext, YamlTransmissionJobItemProgress]. | 95 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 38 (max allowed is 20). | 95 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 26 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [CreateIncrementalDumperParameter, GlobalLockDefinition, IncrementalTask, IncrementalTaskPositionManager, InventoryDumperContext, InventoryTaskSplitter, JobOffsetInfo, MigrationJobType, PipelineDataSourceCheckEngine, PipelineJobDataSourcePreparer, PipelineJobItemManager, PrepareJobWithGetBinlogPositionException, PrepareTargetSchemasParameter, PrepareTargetTablesParameter, SingleChannelConsumerImporter, UnsupportedSQLOperationException]. | 85 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 40 (max allowed is 20). | 85 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 16 (max allowed is 10). | 88 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 22 (max allowed is 10) classes [EnumMap, MySQLBitBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLBlobBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLDateBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLDatetime2BinlogProtocolValue, MySQLDatetimeBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLDecimalBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLDoubleBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLFloatBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLInt24BinlogProtocolValue, MySQLJsonBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLLongBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLLongLongBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLShortBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLStringBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLTime2BinlogProtocolValue, MySQLTimeBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLTimestamp2BinlogProtocolValue, MySQLTimestampBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLTinyBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLVarcharBinlogProtocolValue, MySQLYearBinlogProtocolValue]. | 52 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 52 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). | 51 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 17 (max allowed is 10). | 144 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 326 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [OpenGaussComBatchBindPacket, PostgreSQLAggregatedCommandPacket, PostgreSQLComBindPacket, PostgreSQLComClosePacket, PostgreSQLComDescribePacket, PostgreSQLComExecutePacket, PostgreSQLComFlushPacket, PostgreSQLComParsePacket, PostgreSQLComQueryPacket, PostgreSQLComSyncPacket, PostgreSQLComTerminationPacket, PostgreSQLPacketPayload, PostgreSQLUnsupportedCommandPacket]. | 46 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 71 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). | 77 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 8,192 (max allowed is 200). | 77 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [PostgreSQLAggregatedCommandPacket, PostgreSQLComBindPacket, PostgreSQLComClosePacket, PostgreSQLComDescribePacket, PostgreSQLComExecutePacket, PostgreSQLComFlushPacket, PostgreSQLComParsePacket, PostgreSQLComQueryPacket, PostgreSQLComSyncPacket, PostgreSQLComTerminationPacket, PostgreSQLPacketPayload, PostgreSQLUnsupportedCommandPacket]. | 41 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 17 (max allowed is 10). | 41 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 932 (max allowed is 200). | 41 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [PostgreSQLBitValueParser, PostgreSQLBoolValueParser, PostgreSQLDateValueParser, PostgreSQLDoubleValueParser, PostgreSQLFloatValueParser, PostgreSQLIntValueParser, PostgreSQLJsonValueParser, PostgreSQLLongValueParser, PostgreSQLNumericValueParser, PostgreSQLProtocolException, PostgreSQLTextArrayValueParser, PostgreSQLTimeValueParser, PostgreSQLTimestampValueParser, PostgreSQLUnspecifiedValueParser, PostgreSQLVarcharArrayValueParser, PostgreSQLVarcharValueParser]. | 49 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 21 (max allowed is 10) classes [PostgreSQLBoolArrayBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLBoolBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLByteaBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLDateBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLDoubleBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLFloat4ArrayBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLFloat8ArrayBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLFloatBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLInt2ArrayBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLInt2BinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLInt4ArrayBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLInt4BinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLInt8ArrayBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLInt8BinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLNumericBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLStringArrayBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLStringBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLTextArrayBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLTimeBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLUUIDBinaryProtocolValue, PostgreSQLUnspecifiedBinaryProtocolValue]. | 32 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 20). | 32 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 35 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmSegment, AlterComputeNodeStatement, AlterStorageUnitStatement, ConvertYamlConfigurationStatement, DatabaseSegment, ExportDatabaseConfigurationStatement, ExportMetaDataStatement, ExportStorageNodesStatement, HostnameAndPortBasedDataSourceSegment, IdentifierValue, ImportDatabaseConfigurationStatement, ImportMetaDataStatement, LabelComputeNodeStatement, LockClusterStatement, Properties, RefreshDatabaseMetaDataStatement, RefreshTableMetaDataStatement, RegisterStorageUnitStatement, SetComputeNodeStateStatement, SetDistVariableStatement, ShowComputeNodeInfoStatement, ShowComputeNodeModeStatement, ShowComputeNodesStatement, ShowDistVariableStatement, ShowDistVariablesStatement, ShowLogicalTablesStatement, ShowPluginsStatement, ShowRulesUsedStorageUnitStatement, ShowStorageUnitsStatement, ShowTableMetaDataStatement, StringLiteralValue, URLBasedDataSourceSegment, UnlabelComputeNodeStatement, UnlockClusterStatement, UnregisterStorageUnitStatement]. | 114 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 83 (max allowed is 20). | 114 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 20). | 53 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [BatchExecutionUnit, BatchPreparedStatementExecutor, ExecutionGroup, ExecutionGroupContext, ExecutionGroupReportContext, ExecutionUnit, JDBCExecutionUnit, JDBCExecutor, RuleAttributes, RuleMetaData, SQLException, SQLUnit, UUID]. | 69 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 20). | 69 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 54 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 54 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 60 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Number of public methods is 147 (max allowed is 100). | 29 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 147 (max allowed is 100). | 29 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [ByteArrayInputStream, ConfigurationProperties, Date, DefaultSQLFederationRuleConfigurationBuilder, DefaultSQLParserRuleConfigurationBuilder, Properties, RuleMetaData, SQLFederationRule, SQLParserRule, ShardingSpherePreparedStatement, StringReader, Time, Timestamp]. | 59 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 59 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConnectionClosedException, CopyOnWriteArrayList, DatabaseTypeRegistry, DriverDatabaseConnectionManager, ForceExecuteTemplate, ProcessEngine, SQLException, SQLFeatureNotSupportedException, ShardingSphereDatabaseMetaData, ShardingSpherePreparedStatement, ShardingSphereStatement]. | 52 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 52 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Number of package methods is 174 (max allowed is 100). | 57 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 175 (max allowed is 100). | 57 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 32 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 72 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Number of public methods is 176 (max allowed is 100). | 28 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 176 (max allowed is 100). | 28 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Number of package methods is 176 (max allowed is 100). | 29 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 176 (max allowed is 100). | 29 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmSegment, AlterEncryptRuleStatement, DistSQLUpdateExecuteEngine, EncryptColumnItemSegment, EncryptColumnSegment, EncryptRuleConfiguration, EncryptRuleSegment, EncryptTableRuleConfiguration, Properties, RuleMetaData, ShardingSphereDatabase]. | 52 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmSegment, CreateEncryptRuleStatement, DistSQLUpdateExecuteEngine, EncryptColumnItemSegment, EncryptColumnSegment, EncryptRuleConfiguration, EncryptRuleSegment, EncryptTableRuleConfiguration, Properties, Property, RuleMetaData]. | 56 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmSegment, AlterEncryptRuleStatement, CountRuleStatement, CreateEncryptRuleStatement, DatabaseSegment, DropEncryptRuleStatement, EncryptColumnItemSegment, EncryptColumnSegment, EncryptRuleSegment, IdentifierValue, Properties, ShowEncryptRulesStatement, ShowPluginsStatement, TableNameSegment]. | 58 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 58 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [CacheOption, EncryptColumnItemRuleConfiguration, EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration, EncryptShowCreateTableMergedResult, EncryptTable, EncryptTableRuleConfiguration, IdentifierValue, SQLParserRule, SQLParserRuleConfiguration, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 64 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmSQLContext, CipherColumnItem, ColumnProjection, ColumnSegmentBoundInfo, Date, EncryptColumn, EncryptMergedResult, IdentifierValue, RuleMetaData, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, TableSegmentBoundInfo]. | 63 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 26 (max allowed is 20). | 63 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 60 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 17 (max allowed is 10) classes [EncryptAlterTableTokenGenerator, EncryptCreateTableTokenGenerator, EncryptGroupByItemTokenGenerator, EncryptIndexColumnTokenGenerator, EncryptInsertAssignmentTokenGenerator, EncryptInsertCipherNameTokenGenerator, EncryptInsertDefaultColumnsTokenGenerator, EncryptInsertDerivedColumnsTokenGenerator, EncryptInsertOnUpdateTokenGenerator, EncryptInsertPredicateColumnTokenGenerator, EncryptInsertPredicateRightValueTokenGenerator, EncryptInsertSelectProjectionTokenGenerator, EncryptInsertValuesTokenGenerator, EncryptPredicateColumnTokenGenerator, EncryptPredicateRightValueTokenGenerator, EncryptSelectProjectionTokenGenerator, EncryptUpdateAssignmentTokenGenerator]. | 53 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 53 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, ColumnProjection, ColumnSegmentBoundInfo, EncryptColumnItemRuleConfiguration, EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration, EncryptRule, EncryptRuleConfiguration, EncryptTableRuleConfiguration, IdentifierValue, Properties, TableSegmentBoundInfo]. | 44 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 57 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [AddColumnDefinitionSegment, AssistedQueryColumnItem, ChangeColumnDefinitionSegment, CipherColumnItem, ColumnDefinitionSegment, ColumnSegment, DataTypeSegment, EncryptAlterTableTokenGenerator, EncryptColumn, IdentifierValue, LikeQueryColumnItem, ModifyColumnDefinitionSegment]. | 53 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 32 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, BinaryOperationExpression, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, ColumnSegmentBoundInfo, EncryptColumnItemRuleConfiguration, EncryptColumnRuleConfiguration, EncryptInsertValuesToken, EncryptRule, EncryptRuleConfiguration, EncryptTableRuleConfiguration, IdentifierValue, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertStatementContext, InsertValue, InsertValuesSegment, LiteralExpressionSegment, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, MySQLUpdateStatement, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ProjectionsSegment, Properties, SetAssignmentSegment, ShardingSphereMetaData, SimpleTableSegment, SubquerySegment, TableNameSegment, TableSegmentBoundInfo, UpdateStatementContext, WhereSegment]. | 78 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 37 (max allowed is 20). | 78 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 57 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 136 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 20). | 59 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 26 (max allowed is 20). | 57 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [AliasSegment, ColumnProjection, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, ColumnSegmentBoundInfo, EncryptProjectionTokenGenerator, IdentifierValue, OwnerSegment, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, TableSegmentBoundInfo, TablesContext]. | 53 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 20 (max allowed is 10) classes [CaseInsensitiveMap, ColumnSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, GeneratedKeyContextEngine, IdentifierValue, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValueContext, InsertValuesSegment, LiteralExpressionSegment, MySQLInsertStatement, OracleInsertStatement, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, PostgreSQLInsertStatement, SQL92InsertStatement, SQLServerInsertStatement, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 58 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 20). | 58 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnSegment, GroupByContextEngine, GroupBySegment, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, OracleSelectStatement, OrderByItem, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, SQL92SelectStatement, SQLServerSelectStatement]. | 44 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, GroupByContext, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, OracleSelectStatement, OrderByContextEngine, OrderByItem, OrderBySegment, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SQL92SelectStatement, SQLServerSelectStatement]. | 52 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [GroupBySegment, IndexOrderByItemSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, NumberLiteralLimitValueSegment, OracleSelectStatement, OrderBySegment, PaginationContext, ParameterMarkerLimitValueSegment, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SQL92SelectStatement, SQLServerSelectStatement, SelectStatementContext, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData]. | 50 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 18 (max allowed is 10) classes [LimitSegment, MySQLDatabaseType, MySQLSelectStatement, NumberLiteralLimitValueSegment, OracleSelectStatement, PaginationContextEngine, PostgreSQLDatabaseType, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, ProjectionsContext, ProjectionsSegment, SQL92DatabaseType, SQL92SelectStatement, SQLServerDatabaseType, SQLServerSelectStatement, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, TopProjectionSegment, WhereSegment]. | 49 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 49 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, AliasSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, IdentifierValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ProjectionEngine, ShorthandProjectionSegment]. | 52 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 27 (max allowed is 10) classes [AliasSegment, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, ExpressionOrderByItemSegment, GroupByContext, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, OracleSelectStatement, OrderByContext, OrderByItem, OwnerSegment, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, ProjectionsContextEngine, ProjectionsSegment, SQL92SelectStatement, SQLServerSelectStatement, SelectStatementContext, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment, TableSegmentBoundInfo]. | 62 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 62 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [AliasSegment, ColumnSegment, IdentifierValue, OwnerSegment, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, TableSegmentBoundInfo, TablesContext]. | 47 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 41 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlterIndexStatementContext, AlterTableStatementContext, AlterViewStatementContext, AnalyzeTableStatementContext, CloseStatementContext, CommentStatementContext, CopyStatementContext, CreateFunctionStatementContext, CreateIndexStatementContext, CreateProcedureStatementContext, CreateSchemaStatementContext, CreateTableStatementContext, CreateViewStatementContext, CursorStatementContext, DeleteStatementContext, DenyUserStatementContext, DropIndexStatementContext, DropTableStatementContext, DropViewStatementContext, ExplainStatementContext, FetchStatementContext, FlushStatementContext, GrantStatementContext, InsertStatementContext, LoadDataStatementContext, LoadXMLStatementContext, MoveStatementContext, OptimizeTableStatementContext, PrepareStatementContext, RenameTableStatementContext, RevokeStatementContext, SelectStatementContext, ShowColumnsStatementContext, ShowCreateTableStatementContext, ShowIndexStatementContext, ShowTableStatusStatementContext, ShowTablesStatementContext, TruncateStatementContext, UnknownSQLStatementContext, UnsupportedSQLOperationException, UpdateStatementContext]. | 117 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 91 (max allowed is 20). | 117 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 145 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 512 (max allowed is 200). | 145 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 10). | 173 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 1,048,576 (max allowed is 200). | 173 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 512 (max allowed is 200). | 250 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 21 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnSegment, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, LimitSegment, MySQLAlterDatabaseStatement, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, OpenGaussCloseStatement, OpenGaussFetchStatement, OpenGaussMoveStatement, OracleInsertStatement, PostgreSQLInsertStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SQL92InsertStatement, SQLBindEngine, SQLServerInsertStatement, SetAssignmentSegment, ShardingSphereMetaData, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 65 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 26 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlterTableStatementContext, ConstraintSegment, IdentifierValue, IndexNameSegment, IndexSegment, MySQLAlterTableStatement, OracleAlterTableStatement, PostgreSQLAlterTableStatement, SQL92AlterTableStatement, SQLServerAlterTableStatement, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, TableSegmentBoundInfo]. | 56 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 56 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnSegment, IdentifierValue, PostgreSQLDeleteStatement, PostgreSQLInsertStatement, PostgreSQLPrepareStatement, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, PostgreSQLUpdateStatement, PrepareStatementContext, SetAssignmentSegment, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, TableSegmentBoundInfo]. | 48 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [DeleteStatementContext, IdentifierValue, JoinTableSegment, MySQLDeleteStatement, OracleDeleteStatement, PostgreSQLDeleteStatement, SQL92DeleteStatement, SQLServerDeleteStatement, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, TableSegmentBoundInfo]. | 48 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [AtomicInteger, CaseInsensitiveMap, DatabaseTypeRegistry, GeneratedKeyContextEngine, InsertSelectContext, InsertValueContext, OnDuplicateUpdateContext, SelectStatementContext, TableExtractor, TablesContext, UnknownDatabaseException]. | 68 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 29 (max allowed is 20). | 68 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 24 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnSegment, IdentifierValue, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertStatementContext, InsertValuesSegment, LiteralExpressionSegment, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, OnDuplicateKeyColumnsSegment, OracleInsertStatement, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, PostgreSQLInsertStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SQL92InsertStatement, SQLServerInsertStatement, SetAssignmentSegment, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, SimpleTableSegment, SubquerySegment, TableNameSegment, TableSegmentBoundInfo]. | 68 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 68 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 40 (max allowed is 20). | 87 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 31 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, AliasSegment, BinaryOperationExpression, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, GroupBySegment, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, JoinTableSegment, LiteralExpressionSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, OracleSelectStatement, OrderBySegment, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SQL92SelectStatement, SQLServerSelectStatement, SelectStatementContext, ShardingSphereMetaData, SimpleTableSegment, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment, TableSegmentBoundInfo, WhereSegment]. | 76 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 37 (max allowed is 20). | 76 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). | 143 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 320 (max allowed is 200). | 143 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [CaseInsensitiveString, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, ColumnSegmentBoundInfo, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, MySQLSelectStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SQLStatementBinderContext, ShardingSphereColumn, SimpleTableSegment, SimpleTableSegmentBinderContext, SubquerySegment, TableNameSegment, TableSegmentBoundInfo, WhereSegment]. | 59 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 59 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [CaseInsensitiveString, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, ColumnSegmentBoundInfo, DatabaseTypeRegistry, IdentifierValue, OwnerSegment, SchemaNotFoundException, SimpleTableSegment, SimpleTableSegmentBinderContext, TableExistsException, TableNameSegment, TableNotFoundException, TableSegmentBoundInfo, UnknownDatabaseException]. | 62 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 20). | 62 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [AliasSegment, CaseInsensitiveString, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, ProjectionsSegment, SQLStatementBinderContext, ShardingSphereColumn, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 60 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [AliasSegment, CaseInsensitiveString, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, IdentifierValue, JoinTableSegment, OwnerSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, SimpleTableSegmentBinderContext, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 48 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [BinaryOperationExpression, ColumnSegment, DeleteStatementBinder, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, LiteralExpressionSegment, MySQLDeleteStatement, SQLStatementBinderContext, ShardingSphereColumn, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, WhereSegment]. | 48 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertStatementBinder, InsertValuesSegment, LiteralExpressionSegment, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SQLStatementBinderContext, ShardingSphereColumn, SimpleTableSegment, SubquerySegment, TableNameSegment]. | 55 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [BinaryOperationExpression, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, FunctionSegment, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, LiteralExpressionSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SQLStatementBinderContext, SelectStatementBinder, ShardingSphereColumn, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, WhereSegment]. | 54 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [BinaryOperationExpression, ColumnSegment, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, LiteralExpressionSegment, MySQLUpdateStatement, SQLStatementBinderContext, ShardingSphereColumn, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, UpdateStatementBinder, WhereSegment]. | 48 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 46 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 10). | 47 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 130 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 26 (max allowed is 20). | 52 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 10). | 54 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 4,718,592 (max allowed is 200). | 54 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 15 (max allowed is 10). | 52 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 16,384 (max allowed is 200). | 52 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [ExecutionUnit, GenericSQLRewriteResult, ResourceMetaData, RouteMapper, RouteSQLRewriteResult, RouteUnit, RuleMetaData, SQLRewriteUnit, SQLUnit, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable]. | 54 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [BigDecimal, BufferedReader, ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, Date, InputStreamReader, JDBCMemoryQueryResult, ObjectOutputStream, SQLException, Time, Timestamp]. | 56 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 56 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 18 (max allowed is 10). | 58 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 131,072 (max allowed is 200). | 58 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 56 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 3,075 (max allowed is 200). | 56 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 17 (max allowed is 10). | 153 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 58 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 1,152 (max allowed is 200). | 58 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 17 (max allowed is 10). | 44 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 4,860 (max allowed is 200). | 44 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 38 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 300 (max allowed is 200). | 38 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, DefaultSQLTranslatorRuleConfigurationBuilder, HintValueContext, Properties, RouteContext, RouteMapper, RuleMetaData, SQLRewriteEntry, SQLTranslatorContext, SQLTranslatorRule, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereSchema]. | 53 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 53 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 53 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 37 (max allowed is 20). | 61 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmSegment, AlterMaskRuleStatement, CountRuleStatement, CreateMaskRuleStatement, DatabaseSegment, DropMaskRuleStatement, IdentifierValue, MaskColumnSegment, MaskRuleSegment, Properties, ShowMaskRulesStatement, ShowPluginsStatement]. | 55 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [SchemaAddedEvent, SchemaDeletedEvent, StorageNodeAlteredEvent, StorageNodeRegisteredEvent, StorageNodeUnregisteredEvent, StorageUnitAlteredEvent, StorageUnitRegisteredEvent, StorageUnitUnregisteredEvent, TableCreatedOrAlteredEvent, TableDroppedEvent, ViewCreatedOrAlteredEvent, ViewDroppedEvent]. | 45 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [ComputeNodeInstance, ConfigurationProperties, ContextManager, JDBCInstanceMetaData, MockedDataSource, Properties, ProxyInstanceMetaData, ResourceMetaData, RuleAttributes, RuleMetaData, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereSchema]. | 71 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 26 (max allowed is 20). | 71 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 54 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [CacheEvictedSubscriber, ComputeNodeStateSubscriber, DatabaseDataChangedSubscriber, GlobalRuleConfigurationEventSubscriber, ListenerAssistedSubscriber, MetaDataChangedSubscriber, ProcessListChangedSubscriber, PropertiesEventSubscriber, QualifiedDataSourceSubscriber, RuleItemChangedSubscriber, StateChangedSubscriber, StorageUnitEventSubscriber]. | 42 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, DatabaseRuleConfigurationManager, GlobalConfigurationManager, MetaDataPersistService, ResourceSwitchManager, RuleConfigurationPersistDecorateEngine, RuleItemManager, RuleMetaData, SchemaMetaDataManager, ShardingSphereDatabaseDataManager, ShardingSphereMetaData, StorageUnitManager]. | 51 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 51 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, DataSourceGeneratedDatabaseConfiguration, DataSourcePoolDestroyer, DataSourceProvidedDatabaseConfiguration, DatabaseTypeRegistry, MetaDataContexts, ResourceMetaData, RuleConfigurationPersistDecorateEngine, RuleMetaData, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereStatistics]. | 72 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 72 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, Properties, Property, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereDatabaseData, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereSchemaData, ShardingSphereStatistics, ShardingSphereStatisticsRefreshEngine, ShardingSphereTableData, TemporaryConfigurationProperties]. | 50 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 67 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 62 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 72 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 15 (max allowed is 10). | 83 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 1,728 (max allowed is 200). | 83 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). | 199 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 29 (max allowed is 20). | 90 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [DatabaseTypeRegistry, DriverExecutionPrepareEngine, ExecutionGroupReportContext, JDBCExecutor, ProxyJDBCExecutor, RawExecutionPrepareEngine, RawExecutor, RawSQLExecutorCallback, SQLFederationEngine, SaneQueryResultEngine, StatementOption, TableModifyInTransactionException]. | 86 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 43 (max allowed is 20). | 86 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 19 (max allowed is 10) classes [ContextManager, CreateTableStatementContext, ExecutionContext, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, InsertStatementContext, MySQLCreateTableStatement, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLTruncateStatement, PostgreSQLCreateTableStatement, PostgreSQLInsertStatement, PostgreSQLTruncateStatement, ProxySQLExecutor, QueryContext, RuleMetaData, ShardingSphereMetaData, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, TruncateStatementContext]. | 81 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 35 (max allowed is 20). | 81 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 20 (max allowed is 10) classes [BackendTransactionManager, ConcurrentHashMap, DriverExecutionPrepareEngine, EmptyRuleException, EmptyStorageUnitException, IteratorStreamMergedResult, JDBCQueryResultMetaData, JDBCStreamQueryResult, KernelProcessor, MergeEngine, MetaDataRefreshEngine, ProxySQLExecutor, QueryHeaderBuilderEngine, QueryResponseCell, QueryResponseHeader, QueryResponseRow, SQLException, SQLFederationContext, StatementOption, UpdateResponseHeader]. | 97 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 55 (max allowed is 20). | 97 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, HintValueContext, MemoryMergedResult, Properties, QueryContext, QueryHeaderBuilderEngine, QueryHeaderBuilderFixture, RuleMetaData, SQLException, SQLParserRule, SQLParserRuleConfiguration, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereIndex, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereTable, StandardDatabaseConnector]. | 95 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 42 (max allowed is 20). | 95 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 71 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 384 (max allowed is 200). | 109 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [AuthorityRule, ConfigurationProperties, DefaultAuthorityRuleConfigurationBuilder, DefaultSQLParserRuleConfigurationBuilder, DefaultTransactionRuleConfigurationBuilder, EmptyStatement, Grantee, HintValueContext, Properties, RuleMetaData, SQLParserRule, ShardingSphereDatabase, TransactionRule]. | 83 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 32 (max allowed is 20). | 83 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 68 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [ContextManager, DatabaseSegment, DistSQLQueryBackendHandler, IdentifierValue, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereIndex, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable, ShowTableMetaDataStatement]. | 59 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, DatabaseSegment, ExportDatabaseConfigurationExecutor, ExportDatabaseConfigurationStatement, IdentifierValue, KeyGenerateStrategyConfiguration, MockedDataSource, NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration, Properties, Property, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration]. | 62 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 62 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 18 (max allowed is 10) classes [AuthorityRule, ComputeNodeInstance, ComputeNodeInstanceContext, ConfigurationProperties, DefaultAuthorityRuleConfigurationBuilder, DefaultGlobalClockRuleConfigurationBuilder, EventBusContext, ExportMetaDataExecutor, ExportMetaDataStatement, GlobalClockRule, MockedDataSource, ModeConfiguration, Properties, Property, ResourceMetaData, RuleMetaData, ShardingSphereMetaData, StandaloneWorkerIdGenerator]. | 90 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 36 (max allowed is 20). | 90 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 17 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, AuthorityRule, ConfigurationProperties, DefaultAuthorityRuleConfigurationBuilder, ExportStorageNodesExecutor, ExportStorageNodesStatement, KeyGenerateStrategyConfiguration, MockedDataSource, NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration, Properties, Property, ResourceMetaData, RuleMetaData, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration]. | 79 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 79 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, ImportMetaDataExecutor, ImportMetaDataStatement, MockedDataSource, Property, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereIndex, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable, StorageUnit, YamlDatabaseConfigurationImportExecutor]. | 65 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [DatabaseTypeRegistry, DriverExecutionPrepareEngine, EmptyRuleException, JDBCExecutor, JDBCExecutorCallback, JDBCStreamQueryResult, KernelProcessor, LocalDataQueryResultRow, QueryContext, SQLBindEngine, SQLFederationContext, SQLFederationEngine, StatementOption]. | 75 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 35 (max allowed is 20). | 75 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 49 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 58 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 864 (max allowed is 200). | 58 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [ExpressionProjectionSegment, IdentifierValue, MySQLDialectSaneQueryResultEngine, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, MySQLSetStatement, MySQLShowOtherStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SQLException, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, VariableSegment]. | 44 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [KillProcessExecutor, MySQLSetVariableAdminExecutor, NoResourceShowExecutor, ShowConnectionIdExecutor, ShowCreateDatabaseExecutor, ShowCurrentDatabaseExecutor, ShowCurrentUserExecutor, ShowDatabasesExecutor, ShowFunctionStatusExecutor, ShowProcedureStatusExecutor, ShowProcessListExecutor, ShowTablesExecutor, ShowVersionExecutor, UnicastResourceShowExecutor, UseDatabaseExecutor]. | 62 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 62 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 77 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 1,024 (max allowed is 200). | 77 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 22 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, ExpressionProjectionSegment, IdentifierValue, MockedDataSource, MySQLAdminExecutorCreator, MySQLDeleteStatement, MySQLSetStatement, MySQLShowCreateDatabaseStatement, MySQLShowDatabasesStatement, MySQLShowFunctionStatusStatement, MySQLShowProcedureStatusStatement, MySQLShowProcessListStatement, MySQLShowTablesStatement, MySQLUseStatement, OwnerSegment, Properties, ResourceMetaData, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, VariableSegment]. | 89 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 32 (max allowed is 20). | 89 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 62 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, DatabaseSegment, FromDatabaseSegment, IdentifierValue, MySQLShowTablesStatement, Properties, RuleMetaData, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable, ShowLikeSegment, ShowTablesExecutor]. | 68 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 20). | 68 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 20). | 60 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, DatabasePermittedPrivileges, DefaultSQLParserRuleConfigurationBuilder, Grantee, MockedDataSource, Properties, ResourceMetaData, RuleMetaData, SQLParserRule, SelectInformationSchemataExecutor, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData]. | 77 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 77 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [DriverExecutionPrepareEngine, IteratorStreamMergedResult, JDBCExecutor, JDBCExecutorCallback, JDBCMemoryQueryResult, JDBCQueryResultMetaData, JDBCStreamQueryResult, QueryContext, SQLFederationContext, SQLFederationEngine, StatementOption]. | 64 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 25 (max allowed is 10) classes [BinaryOperationExpression, CacheOption, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, ConfigurationProperties, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, LiteralExpressionSegment, OpenGaussSelectStatement, OpenGaussSystemCatalogAdminQueryExecutor, ProjectionsSegment, Properties, RuleMetaData, SQLFederationRule, SQLFederationRuleConfiguration, SelectStatementContext, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, WhereSegment]. | 72 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 34 (max allowed is 20). | 72 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [CacheOption, DeleteStatementContext, PostgreSQLAdminExecutorCreator, PostgreSQLDeleteStatement, PostgreSQLInsertStatement, PostgreSQLResetParameterStatement, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, PostgreSQLSetStatement, PostgreSQLShowStatement, SQLParserRule, SQLParserRuleConfiguration, UnknownSQLStatementContext]. | 53 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 57 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [AccessDeniedException, AuthenticatorFactory, AuthorityChecker, DatabaseAccessDeniedException, Grantee, HandshakeException, MySQLAuthSwitchRequestPacket, MySQLAuthSwitchResponsePacket, MySQLAuthenticationPluginData, MySQLHandshakePacket, MySQLHandshakeResponse41Packet, MySQLOKPacket, MySQLSSLRequestHandler, ShardingSphereUser, UnknownDatabaseException]. | 66 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 66 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 89 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [MySQLComFieldListPacketExecutor, MySQLComInitDbExecutor, MySQLComPingExecutor, MySQLComQueryPacketExecutor, MySQLComQuitExecutor, MySQLComResetConnectionExecutor, MySQLComSetOptionExecutor, MySQLComStmtCloseExecutor, MySQLComStmtExecuteExecutor, MySQLComStmtPrepareExecutor, MySQLComStmtResetExecutor, MySQLComStmtSendLongDataExecutor, MySQLUnsupportedCommandExecutor]. | 56 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 56 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). | 69 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [MySQLComFieldListPacket, MySQLComInitDbPacket, MySQLComPingPacket, MySQLComQueryPacket, MySQLComQuitPacket, MySQLComResetConnectionPacket, MySQLComSetOptionPacket, MySQLComStmtClosePacket, MySQLComStmtExecutePacket, MySQLComStmtPreparePacket, MySQLComStmtResetPacket, MySQLComStmtSendLongDataPacket, MySQLUnsupportedCommandPacket]. | 44 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 59 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 18 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnSegment, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, MySQLComStmtExecuteExecutor, MySQLCommitStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, MySQLServerPreparedStatement, MySQLUpdateStatement, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ProjectionsSegment, QueryResponseCell, QueryResponseHeader, QueryResponseRow, SetAssignmentSegment, ShardingSphereMetaData, UnknownSQLStatementContext, UpdateResponseHeader]. | 90 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 36 (max allowed is 20). | 90 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 55 (max allowed is 10) classes [MySQLAlterTableStatement, MySQLAlterUserStatement, MySQLAnalyzeTableStatement, MySQLCacheIndexStatement, MySQLCallStatement, MySQLChangeMasterStatement, MySQLChecksumTableStatement, MySQLCommitStatement, MySQLCreateDatabaseStatement, MySQLCreateIndexStatement, MySQLCreateTableStatement, MySQLCreateUserStatement, MySQLCreateViewStatement, MySQLDeleteStatement, MySQLDoStatement, MySQLDropDatabaseStatement, MySQLDropIndexStatement, MySQLDropTableStatement, MySQLDropUserStatement, MySQLDropViewStatement, MySQLFlushStatement, MySQLGrantStatement, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLInstallPluginStatement, MySQLKillStatement, MySQLLoadIndexInfoStatement, MySQLOptimizeTableStatement, MySQLRenameTableStatement, MySQLRenameUserStatement, MySQLRepairTableStatement, MySQLResetStatement, MySQLRevokeStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, MySQLSetStatement, MySQLShowBinaryLogsStatement, MySQLShowBinlogEventsStatement, MySQLShowCreateEventStatement, MySQLShowCreateFunctionStatement, MySQLShowCreateProcedureStatement, MySQLShowCreateTableStatement, MySQLShowCreateViewStatement, MySQLShowErrorsStatement, MySQLShowStatusStatement, MySQLShowWarningsStatement, MySQLStartSlaveStatement, MySQLStopSlaveStatement, MySQLTruncateStatement, MySQLUninstallPluginStatement, MySQLUpdateStatement, XABeginStatement, XACommitStatement, XAEndStatement, XAPrepareStatement, XARecoveryStatement, XARollbackStatement]. | 83 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 57 (max allowed is 20). | 83 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 26 (max allowed is 20). | 69 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [CacheOption, HintValueContext, MySQLComStmtPrepareExecutor, MySQLPacketPayload, ResourceMetaData, RuleMetaData, SQLParserRule, SQLParserRuleConfiguration, ServerPreparedStatementRegistry, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable]. | 82 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 82 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [DefaultLoggingRuleConfigurationBuilder, DefaultSQLParserRuleConfigurationBuilder, DefaultSQLTranslatorRuleConfigurationBuilder, LoggingRule, MultiStatementsUpdateResponseHeader, MySQLComQueryPacketExecutor, QueryResponseHeader, ResourceMetaData, RuleMetaData, SQLParserRule, SQLTranslatorRule, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable, UpdateResponseHeader]. | 81 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 34 (max allowed is 20). | 81 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [BatchPreparedStatementExecutor, DriverExecutionPrepareEngine, ExecutionGroupReportContext, JDBCExecutor, KernelProcessor, MultiStatementsUpdateResponseHeader, QueryContext, SQLBindEngine, StatementOption, UpdateResponseHeader, UpdateResult]. | 74 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 33 (max allowed is 20). | 74 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 20). | 70 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 67 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 18 (max allowed is 10) classes [AuthenticatorFactory, AuthorityChecker, Grantee, InvalidPasswordException, OpenGaussAuthenticationHexData, OpenGaussAuthenticationSCRAMSha256Packet, PostgreSQLAuthenticationOKPacket, PostgreSQLComStartupPacket, PostgreSQLMD5PasswordAuthenticationPacket, PostgreSQLParameterStatusPacket, PostgreSQLPasswordMessagePacket, PostgreSQLSSLUnwillingPacket, PostgreSQLSSLWillingPacket, PrivilegeNotGrantedException, ProtocolViolationException, SslHandler, UnknownDatabaseException, UnknownUsernameException]. | 73 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 20). | 73 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 71 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [OpenGaussComBatchBindExecutor, OpenGaussComQueryExecutor, PostgreSQLAggregatedBatchedStatementsCommandExecutor, PostgreSQLAggregatedCommandExecutor, PostgreSQLComBindExecutor, PostgreSQLComCloseExecutor, PostgreSQLComDescribeExecutor, PostgreSQLComExecuteExecutor, PostgreSQLComFlushExecutor, PostgreSQLComParseExecutor, PostgreSQLComSyncExecutor, PostgreSQLComTerminationExecutor, PostgreSQLUnsupportedCommandExecutor]. | 60 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 60 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 113 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 69 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [CacheOption, ConnectionContext, DefaultLoggingRuleConfigurationBuilder, DefaultSQLTranslatorRuleConfigurationBuilder, HintValueContext, LoggingRule, OpenGaussComBatchBindExecutor, PostgreSQLServerPreparedStatement, RuleMetaData, SQLTranslatorRule, ServerPreparedStatementRegistry, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereSQLParserEngine]. | 79 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 29 (max allowed is 20). | 79 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 26 (max allowed is 20). | 61 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 17 (max allowed is 10) classes [AuthenticatorFactory, AuthorityChecker, Grantee, InvalidPasswordException, PostgreSQLAuthenticationOKPacket, PostgreSQLComStartupPacket, PostgreSQLMD5PasswordAuthenticationPacket, PostgreSQLParameterStatusPacket, PostgreSQLPasswordAuthenticationPacket, PostgreSQLPasswordMessagePacket, PostgreSQLSSLUnwillingPacket, PostgreSQLSSLWillingPacket, PrivilegeNotGrantedException, ProtocolViolationException, SslHandler, UnknownDatabaseException, UnknownUsernameException]. | 69 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 69 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, AuthorityRuleBuilder, AuthorityRuleConfiguration, ConfigurationProperties, PostgreSQLAuthenticationEngine, PostgreSQLMD5PasswordAuthenticator, PostgreSQLPacketPayload, Properties, RuleMetaData, ShardingSphereMetaData, UnpooledHeapByteBuf, UserConfiguration]. | 78 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 20). | 78 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [PostgreSQLAggregatedBatchedStatementsCommandExecutor, PostgreSQLAggregatedCommandExecutor, PostgreSQLComBindExecutor, PostgreSQLComCloseExecutor, PostgreSQLComDescribeExecutor, PostgreSQLComExecuteExecutor, PostgreSQLComFlushExecutor, PostgreSQLComParseExecutor, PostgreSQLComQueryExecutor, PostgreSQLComSyncExecutor, PostgreSQLComTerminationExecutor, PostgreSQLUnsupportedCommandExecutor]. | 55 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 67 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [HintValueContext, Portal, PostgreSQLEmptyStatement, PostgreSQLInsertStatement, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, PostgreSQLServerPreparedStatement, PostgreSQLSetStatement, QueryHeader, QueryResponseCell, QueryResponseRow, UnknownSQLStatementContext, VariableAssignSegment, VariableSegment]. | 95 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 33 (max allowed is 20). | 95 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [CacheOption, ConnectionContext, DefaultLoggingRuleConfigurationBuilder, DefaultSQLTranslatorRuleConfigurationBuilder, HintValueContext, LoggingRule, PostgreSQLAggregatedBatchedStatementsCommandExecutor, PostgreSQLServerPreparedStatement, RuleMetaData, SQLTranslatorRule, ServerPreparedStatementRegistry, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereSQLParserEngine]. | 81 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 81 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 29 (max allowed is 20). | 71 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConnectionContext, DefaultLoggingRuleConfigurationBuilder, DefaultSQLTranslatorRuleConfigurationBuilder, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, LoggingRule, PostgreSQLBatchedStatementsExecutor, PostgreSQLServerPreparedStatement, PostgreSQLTypeUnspecifiedSQLParameter, RuleMetaData, SQLTranslatorRule, ShardingSphereColumn, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 80 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 32 (max allowed is 20). | 80 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 40 (max allowed is 20). | 81 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [CacheOption, DefaultLoggingRuleConfigurationBuilder, DefaultSQLTranslatorRuleConfigurationBuilder, HintValueContext, LoggingRule, PostgreSQLColumnDescription, PostgreSQLComDescribeExecutor, PostgreSQLServerPreparedStatement, RuleMetaData, SQLTranslatorRule, ServerPreparedStatementRegistry, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereSQLParserEngine, ShardingSphereTable]. | 100 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 44 (max allowed is 20). | 100 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 20). | 69 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 26 (max allowed is 20). | 61 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmSegment, AlterReadwriteSplittingRuleStatement, AlterReadwriteSplittingStorageUnitStatusStatement, CountRuleStatement, CreateReadwriteSplittingRuleStatement, DatabaseSegment, DropReadwriteSplittingRuleStatement, IdentifierValue, Properties, ReadwriteSplittingRuleSegment, ShowReadwriteSplittingRulesStatement, ShowStatusFromReadwriteSplittingRulesStatement]. | 55 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, HintValueContext, Properties, QueryContext, ReadwriteSplittingDataSourceGroupRuleConfiguration, ReadwriteSplittingRule, ReadwriteSplittingRuleConfiguration, RouteContext, RouteMapper, RouteUnit, RuleMetaData, ShardingSphereDatabase]. | 62 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 62 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 19 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmSegment, AlterDefaultShadowAlgorithmStatement, AlterShadowRuleStatement, CountRuleStatement, CreateDefaultShadowAlgorithmStatement, CreateShadowRuleStatement, DatabaseSegment, DropDefaultShadowAlgorithmStatement, DropShadowAlgorithmStatement, DropShadowRuleStatement, IdentifierValue, Properties, ShadowAlgorithmSegment, ShadowRuleSegment, ShowDefaultShadowAlgorithmStatement, ShowPluginsStatement, ShowShadowAlgorithmsStatement, ShowShadowRulesStatement, ShowShadowTableRulesStatement]. | 74 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 41 (max allowed is 20). | 74 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 63 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 119 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 28 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, CacheOption, ComputeNodeInstanceContext, HintValueContext, MockedDataSource, Properties, Property, QueryContext, ResourceMetaData, RuleMetaData, SQLBindEngine, SQLStatementParserEngine, ShardingAutoTableRuleConfiguration, ShardingCacheConfiguration, ShardingCacheOptionsConfiguration, ShardingRouteCacheableChecker, ShardingRule, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable, ShardingTableReferenceRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration, TimestampServiceRule, TimestampServiceRuleConfiguration]. | 76 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 35 (max allowed is 20). | 76 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 17 (max allowed is 10) classes [ShardingAlterIndexSupportedChecker, ShardingAlterTableSupportedChecker, ShardingAlterViewSupportedChecker, ShardingCopySupportedChecker, ShardingCreateFunctionSupportedChecker, ShardingCreateIndexSupportedChecker, ShardingCreateProcedureSupportedChecker, ShardingCreateTableSupportedChecker, ShardingCreateViewSupportedChecker, ShardingDeleteSupportedChecker, ShardingDropIndexSupportedChecker, ShardingDropTableSupportedChecker, ShardingInsertSupportedChecker, ShardingLoadDataSupportedChecker, ShardingLoadXmlSupportedChecker, ShardingRenameTableSupportedChecker, ShardingUpdateSupportedChecker]. | 48 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnSegment, IdentifierValue, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertStatementContext, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, OnDuplicateKeyColumnsSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ProjectionsSegment, ShardingInsertSupportedChecker, ShardingSphereMetaData, SimpleTableSegment, SubquerySegment, TableNameSegment, TablesContext]. | 60 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 60 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [DeleteMultiTableSegment, DeleteStatementContext, IdentifierValue, MySQLDeleteStatement, OracleDeleteStatement, PostgreSQLDeleteStatement, SQL92DeleteStatement, SQLServerDeleteStatement, ShardingDeleteSupportedChecker, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 46 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnSegment, IdentifierValue, JoinTableSegment, LiteralExpressionSegment, MySQLUpdateStatement, SetAssignmentSegment, ShardingUpdateSupportedChecker, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, UpdateStatementContext]. | 48 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 18 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmInitializationException, BindingTableCheckedConfiguration, CaseInsensitiveSet, DataNode, DataNodeInfo, DuplicateRuleException, DuplicateShardingActualDataNodeException, InvalidAlgorithmConfigurationException, InvalidRuleConfigurationException, InvalidShardingStrategyConfigurationException, MissingRequiredRuleException, MissingRequiredStorageUnitsException, NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration, PreciseShardingValue, ShardingAlgorithmClassImplementationException, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingTable, ShardingTableRuleNotFoundException]. | 90 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 36 (max allowed is 20). | 90 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 19 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, AlgorithmSegment, AuditStrategySegment, AutoTableRuleSegment, KeyGenerateStrategyConfiguration, KeyGenerateStrategySegment, MockedDataSource, Properties, Property, ResourceMetaData, RuleMetaData, ShardingAuditorSegment, ShardingAutoTableRuleConfiguration, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingStrategySegment, ShardingTableReferenceRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration, TableRuleSegment]. | 70 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 20). | 70 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 60 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, KeyGenerateStrategyConfiguration, LocalDataQueryResultRow, NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration, Properties, Property, ShardingAuditStrategyConfiguration, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, ShowShardingTableRulesStatement, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration]. | 62 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, KeyGenerateStrategyConfiguration, LocalDataQueryResultRow, NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration, Properties, Property, ShardingAutoTableRuleConfiguration, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, ShowShardingTableRulesUsedAlgorithmStatement, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration]. | 62 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, LocalDataQueryResultRow, NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration, Properties, Property, ShardingAuditStrategyConfiguration, ShardingAutoTableRuleConfiguration, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, ShowShardingTableRulesUsedAuditorStatement, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration]. | 63 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, KeyGenerateStrategyConfiguration, LocalDataQueryResultRow, NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration, Properties, Property, ShardingAutoTableRuleConfiguration, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, ShowShardingTableRulesUsedKeyGeneratorStatement, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration]. | 62 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 20 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, AlgorithmSegment, AlterShardingTableRuleExecutor, AlterShardingTableRuleStatement, AutoTableRuleSegment, KeyGenerateStrategyConfiguration, KeyGenerateStrategySegment, MockedDataSource, Properties, Property, ResourceMetaData, RuleMetaData, ShardingAutoTableRuleConfiguration, ShardingDistSQLParserFacade, ShardingRuleChecker, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingStrategySegment, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration, TableRuleSegment]. | 65 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 21 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, AlgorithmSegment, AutoTableRuleSegment, CreateShardingTableRuleExecutor, CreateShardingTableRuleStatement, KeyGenerateStrategyConfiguration, KeyGenerateStrategySegment, MockedDataSource, Properties, Property, ResourceMetaData, RuleAttributes, RuleMetaData, ShardingAutoTableRuleConfiguration, ShardingDistSQLParserFacade, ShardingRuleChecker, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingStrategySegment, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration, TableRuleSegment]. | 74 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 32 (max allowed is 20). | 74 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [DropShardingTableRuleExecutor, DropShardingTableRuleStatement, IdentifierValue, KeyGenerateStrategyConfiguration, ShardingAuditStrategyConfiguration, ShardingAutoTableRuleConfiguration, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableReferenceRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration, TableNameSegment]. | 54 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 39 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmSegment, AlterDefaultShardingStrategyStatement, AlterShardingTableReferenceRuleStatement, AlterShardingTableRuleStatement, AuditStrategySegment, AutoTableRuleSegment, CountRuleStatement, CreateDefaultShardingStrategyStatement, CreateShardingTableReferenceRuleStatement, CreateShardingTableRuleStatement, DatabaseSegment, DropDefaultShardingStrategyStatement, DropShardingAlgorithmStatement, DropShardingAuditorStatement, DropShardingKeyGeneratorStatement, DropShardingTableReferenceRuleStatement, DropShardingTableRuleStatement, IdentifierValue, KeyGenerateStrategySegment, Properties, ShardingAuditorSegment, ShardingStrategySegment, ShowDefaultShardingStrategyStatement, ShowPluginsStatement, ShowShardingAlgorithmsStatement, ShowShardingAuditorsStatement, ShowShardingKeyGeneratorsStatement, ShowShardingTableNodesStatement, ShowShardingTableReferenceRulesStatement, ShowShardingTableRulesStatement, ShowShardingTableRulesUsedAlgorithmStatement, ShowShardingTableRulesUsedAuditorStatement, ShowShardingTableRulesUsedKeyGeneratorStatement, ShowUnusedShardingAlgorithmsStatement, ShowUnusedShardingAuditorsStatement, ShowUnusedShardingKeyGeneratorsStatement, TableNameSegment, TableReferenceRuleSegment, TableRuleSegment]. | 120 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 88 (max allowed is 20). | 120 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 21 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnSegment, ConfigurationProperties, IdentifierValue, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertStatementContext, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, OpenGaussFetchStatement, OracleSelectStatement, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, PostgreSQLShowStatement, ProjectionsSegment, Properties, SQL92SelectStatement, SQLServerSelectStatement, SelectStatementContext, ShardingResultMergerEngine, ShardingSphereMetaData, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, UnknownSQLStatementContext]. | 59 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 26 (max allowed is 20). | 59 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 20). | 52 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [CursorConnectionContext, CursorNameSegment, CursorStatementContext, DirectionSegment, FetchStatementContext, IdentifierValue, ProjectionsSegment, ShardingDDLResultMerger, ShardingSphereMetaData, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 67 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 20). | 67 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 53 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 23 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, GroupBySegment, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, LimitSegment, LiteralExpressionSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, NumberLiteralLimitValueSegment, NumberLiteralRowNumberValueSegment, OracleSelectStatement, OrderBySegment, ProjectionsSegment, SQLServerSelectStatement, SelectStatementContext, ShardingDQLResultMerger, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 79 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 37 (max allowed is 20). | 79 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationProjectionSegment, BigDecimal, GroupBySegment, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, OrderBySegment, ProjectionsSegment, SelectStatementContext, ShardingDQLResultMerger, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 66 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 66 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [GroupByRowComparator, GroupBySegment, IndexOrderByItemSegment, MemoryQueryResultRow, MySQLSelectStatement, OracleSelectStatement, OrderBySegment, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SQL92SelectStatement, SQLServerSelectStatement, SelectStatementContext, ShardingSphereMetaData]. | 53 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 18 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationProjectionSegment, BigDecimal, Date, GroupBySegment, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, OrderBySegment, ProjectionsSegment, SelectStatementContext, ShardingDQLResultMerger, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 63 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 63 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 40 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 41 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 216 (max allowed is 200). | 41 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, OrderBySegment, ProjectionsSegment, SelectStatementContext, ShardingDQLResultMerger, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 61 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnSegment, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, OracleSelectStatement, OrderByItem, OrderBySegment, OrderByValue, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SQL92SelectStatement, SQLServerSelectStatement, SelectStatementContext, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereTable]. | 61 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 61 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 17 (max allowed is 10) classes [GeneratedKeyAssignmentTokenGenerator, GeneratedKeyForUseDefaultInsertColumnsTokenGenerator, GeneratedKeyInsertColumnTokenGenerator, GeneratedKeyInsertValuesTokenGenerator, ShardingAggregationDistinctTokenGenerator, ShardingConstraintTokenGenerator, ShardingCursorTokenGenerator, ShardingDistinctProjectionPrefixTokenGenerator, ShardingFetchDirectionTokenGenerator, ShardingIndexTokenGenerator, ShardingInsertValuesTokenGenerator, ShardingOffsetTokenGenerator, ShardingOrderByTokenGenerator, ShardingProjectionsTokenGenerator, ShardingRemoveTokenGenerator, ShardingRowCountTokenGenerator, ShardingTableTokenGenerator]. | 52 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 52 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, GroupBySegment, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, MySQLSelectStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SelectStatementContext, ShardingRemoveTokenGenerator, ShardingSphereMetaData, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 51 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 52 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 60 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 17 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnSegment, DataNode, IdentifierValue, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertStatementContext, MySQLInsertStatement, OnDuplicateKeyColumnsSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, Property, RouteContext, RouteMapper, RouteUnit, ShardingInsertRouteContextChecker, ShardingSphereMetaData, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 67 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 67 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnSegment, IdentifierValue, LiteralExpressionSegment, MySQLUpdateStatement, Property, RouteContext, RouteMapper, RouteUnit, SetAssignmentSegment, ShardingUpdateRouteContextChecker, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, UpdateStatementContext]. | 61 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 61 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [CommonExpressionSegment, IdentifierValue, InsertClauseShardingConditionEngine, InsertValueContext, LiteralExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, Properties, ShardingTable, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, TimestampServiceRule, TimestampServiceRuleConfiguration]. | 67 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 67 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 63 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [BetweenExpression, BinaryOperationExpression, Column, ColumnSegment, ConditionValueBetweenOperatorGenerator, ConditionValueCompareOperatorGenerator, ConditionValueInOperatorGenerator, IdentifierValue, InExpression, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment]. | 46 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [BetweenExpression, Column, ColumnSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, ConditionValueBetweenOperatorGenerator, IdentifierValue, LiteralExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, Properties, TimestampServiceRule, TimestampServiceRuleConfiguration]. | 54 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). | 81 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [Column, ColumnSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, ConditionValueInOperatorGenerator, IdentifierValue, InExpression, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, Properties, TimestampServiceRule, TimestampServiceRuleConfiguration]. | 47 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 18 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, H2DatabaseType, HintShardingStrategyConfiguration, ListShardingConditionValue, MockedDataSource, Properties, Property, ShardingCondition, ShardingConditions, ShardingRule, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableReferenceRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, SingleRule, SingleRuleConfiguration, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration, TimestampServiceRule, TimestampServiceRuleConfiguration]. | 67 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 67 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 57 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, GrantStatementContext, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, MySQLGrantStatement, OracleGrantStatement, PostgreSQLGrantStatement, Properties, QueryContext, SQL92GrantStatement, SQLServerGrantStatement, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment]. | 81 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 34 (max allowed is 20). | 81 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 60 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [CacheOption, ConfigurationProperties, ConnectionContext, HintValueContext, Properties, QueryContext, RuleMetaData, SQLBindEngine, SQLRouteEngine, SQLStatementParserEngine, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable]. | 64 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregatedDataSourceRuleAttribute, AlgorithmInitializationException, BindingTableRule, CaseInsensitiveMap, DataNode, DatabaseTypeRegistry, NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration, RuleAttributes, RuleMetaData, ShardingAuditStrategyConfiguration, ShardingCache, ShardingDataNodeRuleAttribute, ShardingRuleChecker, ShardingTable, ShardingTableNamesRuleAttribute, ShardingTableRuleNotFoundException]. | 89 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 41 (max allowed is 20). | 89 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 22 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, ColumnSegment, ComplexShardingStrategyConfiguration, DataNode, IdentifierValue, KeyGenerateStrategyConfiguration, MockedDataSource, NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration, OwnerSegment, Properties, Property, ShardingAuditStrategyConfiguration, ShardingAutoTableRuleConfiguration, ShardingRule, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableReferenceRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, SimpleTableSegment, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration, TableNameSegment, TablesContext, WhereSegment]. | 90 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 36 (max allowed is 20). | 90 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [AlgorithmConfiguration, ComplexShardingStrategyConfiguration, HintShardingStrategyConfiguration, KeyGenerateStrategyConfiguration, NoneShardingStrategyConfiguration, Properties, Property, ShardingAuditStrategyConfiguration, ShardingCacheConfiguration, ShardingCacheOptionsConfiguration, ShardingRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableReferenceRuleConfiguration, ShardingTableRuleConfiguration, StandardShardingStrategyConfiguration]. | 48 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 68 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 58 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 22 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, CreateTableStatementContext, DataNode, H2DatabaseType, HintValueContext, IdentifierValue, MockedDataSource, MySQLCreateTableStatement, Properties, QueryContext, RouteContext, RouteMapper, RouteUnit, RuleMetaData, ShardingSphereDatabase, SimpleTableSegment, SingleRule, SingleRuleConfiguration, SingleSQLRouter, StorageUnit, TableNameSegment, TableSegmentBoundInfo]. | 77 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 77 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [DataNode, IdentifierValue, MockedDataSource, MySQLCreateTableStatement, MySQLDatabaseType, QualifiedTable, RouteContext, RuleAttributes, SimpleTableSegment, SingleRouteEngine, SingleRule, SingleRuleConfiguration, TableNameSegment]. | 63 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 33 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, BetweenExpression, BinaryOperationExpression, BooleanLiteralValue, CollectionValue, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, IndexOrderByItemSegment, Interval, KeywordValue, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, NotExpression, NullLiteralValue, NumberLiteralValue, OrderBySegment, OtherLiteralValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerValue, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubquerySegment, TableNameSegment]. | 79 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 75 (max allowed is 20). | 79 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 25 (max allowed is 10) classes [AliasSegment, BooleanLiteralValue, ClickHouseDeleteStatement, ClickHouseInsertStatement, ClickHouseSelectStatement, ClickHouseUpdateStatement, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, GroupBySegment, HavingSegment, IdentifierValue, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValuesSegment, Interval, JoinTableSegment, OwnerSegment, ProjectionsSegment, SetAssignmentSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, WhereSegment]. | 80 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 74 (max allowed is 20). | 80 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 278 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 768 (max allowed is 200). | 278 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 76 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, AliasSegment, BetweenExpression, BigDecimal, BinaryOperationExpression, BooleanLiteralValue, CaseWhenExpression, CollateExpression, CollectionValue, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, CombineSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, CommonTableExpressionSegment, ConstraintSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, DatabaseSegment, DeleteMultiTableSegment, DorisDeleteStatement, DorisInsertStatement, DorisSelectStatement, DorisUpdateStatement, EngineSegment, ExistsSubqueryExpression, ExpressionOrderByItemSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, FunctionTableSegment, GroupBySegment, HavingSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, IndexNameSegment, IndexOrderByItemSegment, IndexSegment, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValuesSegment, Interval, JoinTableSegment, LimitSegment, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, LockSegment, MatchAgainstExpression, NotExpression, NullLiteralValue, NumberLiteralLimitValueSegment, NumberLiteralValue, OnDuplicateKeyColumnsSegment, OrderBySegment, OtherLiteralValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerLimitValueSegment, ParameterMarkerValue, ParenthesesSegment, ProjectionsSegment, RowExpression, SetAssignmentSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment, UnaryOperationExpression, ValuesExpression, VariableSegment, WhereSegment, WithSegment]. | 256 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 220 (max allowed is 20). | 256 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Number of public methods is 111 (max allowed is 100). | 256 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 143 (max allowed is 100). | 256 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 443 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 396 (max allowed is 200). | 443 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 18 (max allowed is 10). | 601 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 20,736 (max allowed is 200). | 601 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 17 (max allowed is 10). | 993 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 65,536 (max allowed is 200). | 993 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 1274 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 768 (max allowed is 200). | 1274 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 17 (max allowed is 10). | 1794 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 5,376 (max allowed is 200). | 1794 |
Warning | metrics | BooleanExpressionComplexity | Boolean expression complexity is 5 (max allowed is 3). | 1840 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 89 (max allowed is 10) classes [CacheTableIndexSegment, CloneActionSegment, CloneInstanceSegment, CollectionValue, DorisAlterResourceGroupStatement, DorisAnalyzeTableStatement, DorisBinlogStatement, DorisCacheIndexStatement, DorisCheckTableStatement, DorisChecksumTableStatement, DorisCloneStatement, DorisCreateLoadableFunctionStatement, DorisCreateResourceGroupStatement, DorisDelimiterStatement, DorisDropResourceGroupStatement, DorisExplainStatement, DorisFlushStatement, DorisHelpStatement, DorisInstallComponentStatement, DorisInstallPluginStatement, DorisKillStatement, DorisLoadIndexInfoStatement, DorisOptimizeTableStatement, DorisRepairTableStatement, DorisResetPersistStatement, DorisResetStatement, DorisRestartStatement, DorisSetResourceGroupStatement, DorisSetStatement, DorisShowBinaryLogsStatement, DorisShowBinlogEventsStatement, DorisShowCharacterSetStatement, DorisShowCollationStatement, DorisShowColumnsStatement, DorisShowCreateDatabaseStatement, DorisShowCreateEventStatement, DorisShowCreateFunctionStatement, DorisShowCreateProcedureStatement, DorisShowCreateTableStatement, DorisShowCreateTriggerStatement, DorisShowCreateUserStatement, DorisShowCreateViewStatement, DorisShowDatabasesStatement, DorisShowEngineStatement, DorisShowErrorsStatement, DorisShowEventsStatement, DorisShowFunctionCodeStatement, DorisShowFunctionStatusStatement, DorisShowGrantsStatement, DorisShowIndexStatement, DorisShowMasterStatusStatement, DorisShowOpenTablesStatement, DorisShowOtherStatement, DorisShowPluginsStatement, DorisShowPrivilegesStatement, DorisShowProcedureCodeStatement, DorisShowProcedureStatusStatement, DorisShowProcessListStatement, DorisShowProfileStatement, DorisShowProfilesStatement, DorisShowRelayLogEventsStatement, DorisShowReplicaStatusStatement, DorisShowReplicasStatement, DorisShowSlaveHostsStatement, DorisShowSlaveStatusStatement, DorisShowStatusStatement, DorisShowTableStatusStatement, DorisShowTablesStatement, DorisShowTriggersStatement, DorisShowVariablesStatement, DorisShowWarningsStatement, DorisShutdownStatement, DorisUninstallComponentStatement, DorisUninstallPluginStatement, DorisUseStatement, FromDatabaseSegment, FromTableSegment, IdentifierValue, LoadTableIndexSegment, NumberLiteralValue, PartitionDefinitionSegment, PartitionSegment, ResetMasterOptionSegment, ResetSlaveOptionSegment, ShowFilterSegment, ShowLikeSegment, VariableAssignSegment, VariableSegment, WhereSegment]. | 226 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 198 (max allowed is 20). | 226 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 20 (max allowed is 10) classes [DorisAlterUserStatement, DorisCreateRoleStatement, DorisCreateUserStatement, DorisDropRoleStatement, DorisDropUserStatement, DorisGrantStatement, DorisRenameUserStatement, DorisRevokeStatement, DorisSetDefaultRoleStatement, DorisSetPasswordStatement, DorisSetRoleStatement, GrantLevelSegment, IdentifierValue, NumberLiteralValue, PasswordOrLockOptionSegment, PrivilegeSegment, RoleOrPrivilegeSegment, TLSOptionSegment, UserResourceSegment, UserSegment]. | 120 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 92 (max allowed is 20). | 120 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 599 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 69 (max allowed is 10) classes [AddColumnDefinitionSegment, AddConstraintDefinitionSegment, AlgorithmTypeSegment, ChangeColumnDefinitionSegment, CharsetNameSegment, CollectionValue, ColumnAfterPositionSegment, ColumnDefinitionSegment, ColumnFirstPositionSegment, ColumnSegment, CommentSegment, ConstraintDefinitionSegment, ConstraintSegment, ConvertTableDefinitionSegment, CreateTableOptionSegment, DorisAlterDatabaseStatement, DorisAlterEventStatement, DorisAlterFunctionStatement, DorisAlterInstanceStatement, DorisAlterLogfileGroupStatement, DorisAlterProcedureStatement, DorisAlterServerStatement, DorisAlterTableStatement, DorisAlterTablespaceStatement, DorisAlterViewStatement, DorisCreateDatabaseStatement, DorisCreateEventStatement, DorisCreateFunctionStatement, DorisCreateIndexStatement, DorisCreateLogfileGroupStatement, DorisCreateProcedureStatement, DorisCreateServerStatement, DorisCreateTableStatement, DorisCreateTablespaceStatement, DorisCreateTriggerStatement, DorisCreateViewStatement, DorisDeallocateStatement, DorisDropDatabaseStatement, DorisDropEventStatement, DorisDropFunctionStatement, DorisDropIndexStatement, DorisDropLogfileGroupStatement, DorisDropProcedureStatement, DorisDropServerStatement, DorisDropTableStatement, DorisDropTablespaceStatement, DorisDropTriggerStatement, DorisDropViewStatement, DorisExecuteStatement, DorisPrepareStatement, DorisRenameTableStatement, DorisTruncateStatement, DropColumnDefinitionSegment, DropConstraintDefinitionSegment, DropIndexDefinitionSegment, FunctionNameSegment, IdentifierValue, IndexNameSegment, IndexSegment, Interval, LockTableSegment, ModifyColumnDefinitionSegment, ModifyConstraintDefinitionSegment, RenameColumnSegment, RenameIndexDefinitionSegment, RenameTableDefinitionSegment, RoutineBodySegment, TablespaceSegment, ValidStatementSegment]. | 204 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 173 (max allowed is 20). | 204 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). | 329 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 403 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 1,536 (max allowed is 200). | 403 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 216 (max allowed is 200). | 603 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 12 (max allowed is 10) classes [CommonExpressionSegment, DorisCallStatement, DorisDoStatement, DorisHandlerStatement, DorisImportStatement, DorisLoadDataStatement, DorisLoadXMLStatement, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, IndexHintSegment, WindowItemSegment, WindowSegment]. | 60 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 60 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [AutoCommitSegment, DorisBeginTransactionStatement, DorisCommitStatement, DorisLockStatement, DorisReleaseSavepointStatement, DorisRollbackStatement, DorisSavepointStatement, DorisSetAutoCommitStatement, DorisSetTransactionStatement, DorisUnlockStatement, XABeginStatement, XACommitStatement, XAEndStatement, XAPrepareStatement, XARecoveryStatement, XARollbackStatement]. | 70 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 42 (max allowed is 20). | 70 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 72 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 33 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, BetweenExpression, BinaryOperationExpression, BooleanLiteralValue, CollectionValue, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, IndexOrderByItemSegment, Interval, KeywordValue, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, NotExpression, NullLiteralValue, NumberLiteralValue, OrderBySegment, OtherLiteralValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerValue, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubquerySegment, TableNameSegment]. | 110 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 75 (max allowed is 20). | 110 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 25 (max allowed is 10) classes [AddColumnDefinitionSegment, AddConstraintDefinitionSegment, CollectionValue, ColumnDefinitionSegment, ConstraintDefinitionSegment, ConstraintSegment, DropColumnDefinitionSegment, DropConstraintDefinitionSegment, FirebirdAlterDomainStatement, FirebirdAlterProcedureStatement, FirebirdAlterSequenceStatement, FirebirdAlterTableStatement, FirebirdAlterTriggerStatement, FirebirdCommentStatement, FirebirdCreateCollationStatement, FirebirdCreateDomainStatement, FirebirdCreateFunctionStatement, FirebirdCreateProcedureStatement, FirebirdCreateSequenceStatement, FirebirdCreateTableStatement, FirebirdCreateTriggerStatement, FirebirdDropTableStatement, FirebirdExecuteStatement, Interval, ModifyColumnDefinitionSegment]. | 89 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 63 (max allowed is 20). | 89 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 27 (max allowed is 10) classes [AliasSegment, BooleanLiteralValue, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FirebirdDeleteStatement, FirebirdInsertStatement, FirebirdMergeStatement, FirebirdSelectStatement, FirebirdUpdateStatement, GroupBySegment, HavingSegment, IdentifierValue, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValuesSegment, Interval, JoinTableSegment, OwnerSegment, ProjectionsSegment, ReturningSegment, SetAssignmentSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, WhereSegment]. | 108 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 77 (max allowed is 20). | 108 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 321 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 768 (max allowed is 200). | 321 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 29 (max allowed is 10) classes [BetweenExpression, BinaryOperationExpression, BooleanLiteralValue, CollateExpression, CollectionValue, ColumnSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, ExistsSubqueryExpression, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, IndexNameSegment, IndexSegment, Interval, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, NotExpression, NullLiteralValue, NumberLiteralValue, OtherLiteralValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerValue, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubquerySegment, TableNameSegment]. | 94 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 63 (max allowed is 20). | 94 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 276 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 396 (max allowed is 200). | 276 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 16 (max allowed is 10). | 440 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 10,368 (max allowed is 200). | 440 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 55 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, AliasSegment, BigDecimal, BooleanLiteralValue, CaseWhenExpression, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, CombineSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, ConstraintSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, DeleteMultiTableSegment, ExpressionOrderByItemSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, GroupBySegment, HavingSegment, HiveDeleteStatement, HiveInsertStatement, HiveSelectStatement, HiveUpdateStatement, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValuesSegment, Interval, JoinTableSegment, LimitSegment, LiteralExpressionSegment, LockSegment, NumberLiteralLimitValueSegment, NumberLiteralValue, OnDuplicateKeyColumnsSegment, OrderBySegment, OtherLiteralValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerLimitValueSegment, ProjectionsSegment, SetAssignmentSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment, ValuesExpression, VariableSegment, WhereSegment, WindowItemSegment, WindowSegment]. | 201 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 168 (max allowed is 20). | 201 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). | 507 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 4,096 (max allowed is 200). | 507 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 15 (max allowed is 10). | 1150 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 57 (max allowed is 50). | 1150 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 12,288 (max allowed is 200). | 1150 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 53 (max allowed is 20). | 82 |
Warning | metrics | BooleanExpressionComplexity | Boolean expression complexity is 4 (max allowed is 3). | 812 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 76 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, AliasSegment, BetweenExpression, BigDecimal, BinaryOperationExpression, BooleanLiteralValue, CaseWhenExpression, CollateExpression, CollectionValue, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, CombineSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, CommonTableExpressionSegment, ConstraintSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, DatabaseSegment, DeleteMultiTableSegment, EngineSegment, ExistsSubqueryExpression, ExpressionOrderByItemSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, FunctionTableSegment, GroupBySegment, HavingSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, IndexNameSegment, IndexOrderByItemSegment, IndexSegment, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValuesSegment, Interval, JoinTableSegment, LimitSegment, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, LockSegment, MatchAgainstExpression, MySQLDeleteStatement, MySQLInsertStatement, MySQLSelectStatement, MySQLUpdateStatement, NotExpression, NullLiteralValue, NumberLiteralLimitValueSegment, NumberLiteralValue, OnDuplicateKeyColumnsSegment, OrderBySegment, OtherLiteralValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerLimitValueSegment, ParameterMarkerValue, ParenthesesSegment, ProjectionsSegment, RowExpression, SetAssignmentSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment, UnaryOperationExpression, ValuesExpression, VariableSegment, WhereSegment, WithSegment]. | 255 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 219 (max allowed is 20). | 255 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Number of public methods is 109 (max allowed is 100). | 255 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 142 (max allowed is 100). | 255 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 442 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 396 (max allowed is 200). | 442 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 18 (max allowed is 10). | 600 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 20,736 (max allowed is 200). | 600 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). | 997 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 8,192 (max allowed is 200). | 997 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 1230 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 768 (max allowed is 200). | 1230 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 17 (max allowed is 10). | 1759 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 5,376 (max allowed is 200). | 1759 |
Warning | metrics | BooleanExpressionComplexity | Boolean expression complexity is 5 (max allowed is 3). | 1805 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 89 (max allowed is 10) classes [CacheTableIndexSegment, CloneActionSegment, CloneInstanceSegment, CollectionValue, FromDatabaseSegment, FromTableSegment, IdentifierValue, LoadTableIndexSegment, MySQLAlterResourceGroupStatement, MySQLAnalyzeTableStatement, MySQLBinlogStatement, MySQLCacheIndexStatement, MySQLCheckTableStatement, MySQLChecksumTableStatement, MySQLCloneStatement, MySQLCreateLoadableFunctionStatement, MySQLCreateResourceGroupStatement, MySQLDelimiterStatement, MySQLDropResourceGroupStatement, MySQLExplainStatement, MySQLFlushStatement, MySQLHelpStatement, MySQLInstallComponentStatement, MySQLInstallPluginStatement, MySQLKillStatement, MySQLLoadIndexInfoStatement, MySQLOptimizeTableStatement, MySQLRepairTableStatement, MySQLResetPersistStatement, MySQLResetStatement, MySQLRestartStatement, MySQLSetResourceGroupStatement, MySQLSetStatement, MySQLShowBinaryLogsStatement, MySQLShowBinlogEventsStatement, MySQLShowCharacterSetStatement, MySQLShowCollationStatement, MySQLShowColumnsStatement, MySQLShowCreateDatabaseStatement, MySQLShowCreateEventStatement, MySQLShowCreateFunctionStatement, MySQLShowCreateProcedureStatement, MySQLShowCreateTableStatement, MySQLShowCreateTriggerStatement, MySQLShowCreateUserStatement, MySQLShowCreateViewStatement, MySQLShowDatabasesStatement, MySQLShowEngineStatement, MySQLShowErrorsStatement, MySQLShowEventsStatement, MySQLShowFunctionCodeStatement, MySQLShowFunctionStatusStatement, MySQLShowGrantsStatement, MySQLShowIndexStatement, MySQLShowMasterStatusStatement, MySQLShowOpenTablesStatement, MySQLShowOtherStatement, MySQLShowPluginsStatement, MySQLShowPrivilegesStatement, MySQLShowProcedureCodeStatement, MySQLShowProcedureStatusStatement, MySQLShowProcessListStatement, MySQLShowProfileStatement, MySQLShowProfilesStatement, MySQLShowRelayLogEventsStatement, MySQLShowReplicaStatusStatement, MySQLShowReplicasStatement, MySQLShowSlaveHostsStatement, MySQLShowSlaveStatusStatement, MySQLShowStatusStatement, MySQLShowTableStatusStatement, MySQLShowTablesStatement, MySQLShowTriggersStatement, MySQLShowVariablesStatement, MySQLShowWarningsStatement, MySQLShutdownStatement, MySQLUninstallComponentStatement, MySQLUninstallPluginStatement, MySQLUseStatement, NumberLiteralValue, PartitionDefinitionSegment, PartitionSegment, ResetMasterOptionSegment, ResetSlaveOptionSegment, ShowFilterSegment, ShowLikeSegment, VariableAssignSegment, VariableSegment, WhereSegment]. | 226 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 198 (max allowed is 20). | 226 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 20 (max allowed is 10) classes [GrantLevelSegment, IdentifierValue, MySQLAlterUserStatement, MySQLCreateRoleStatement, MySQLCreateUserStatement, MySQLDropRoleStatement, MySQLDropUserStatement, MySQLGrantStatement, MySQLRenameUserStatement, MySQLRevokeStatement, MySQLSetDefaultRoleStatement, MySQLSetPasswordStatement, MySQLSetRoleStatement, NumberLiteralValue, PasswordOrLockOptionSegment, PrivilegeSegment, RoleOrPrivilegeSegment, TLSOptionSegment, UserResourceSegment, UserSegment]. | 120 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 91 (max allowed is 20). | 120 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 598 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 69 (max allowed is 10) classes [AddColumnDefinitionSegment, AddConstraintDefinitionSegment, AlgorithmTypeSegment, ChangeColumnDefinitionSegment, CharsetNameSegment, CollectionValue, ColumnAfterPositionSegment, ColumnDefinitionSegment, ColumnFirstPositionSegment, ColumnSegment, CommentSegment, ConstraintDefinitionSegment, ConstraintSegment, ConvertTableDefinitionSegment, CreateTableOptionSegment, DropColumnDefinitionSegment, DropConstraintDefinitionSegment, DropIndexDefinitionSegment, FunctionNameSegment, IdentifierValue, IndexNameSegment, IndexSegment, Interval, LockTableSegment, ModifyColumnDefinitionSegment, ModifyConstraintDefinitionSegment, MySQLAlterDatabaseStatement, MySQLAlterEventStatement, MySQLAlterFunctionStatement, MySQLAlterInstanceStatement, MySQLAlterLogfileGroupStatement, MySQLAlterProcedureStatement, MySQLAlterServerStatement, MySQLAlterTableStatement, MySQLAlterTablespaceStatement, MySQLAlterViewStatement, MySQLCreateDatabaseStatement, MySQLCreateEventStatement, MySQLCreateFunctionStatement, MySQLCreateIndexStatement, MySQLCreateLogfileGroupStatement, MySQLCreateProcedureStatement, MySQLCreateServerStatement, MySQLCreateTableStatement, MySQLCreateTablespaceStatement, MySQLCreateTriggerStatement, MySQLCreateViewStatement, MySQLDeallocateStatement, MySQLDropDatabaseStatement, MySQLDropEventStatement, MySQLDropFunctionStatement, MySQLDropIndexStatement, MySQLDropLogfileGroupStatement, MySQLDropProcedureStatement, MySQLDropServerStatement, MySQLDropTableStatement, MySQLDropTablespaceStatement, MySQLDropTriggerStatement, MySQLDropViewStatement, MySQLExecuteStatement, MySQLPrepareStatement, MySQLRenameTableStatement, MySQLTruncateStatement, RenameColumnSegment, RenameIndexDefinitionSegment, RenameTableDefinitionSegment, RoutineBodySegment, TablespaceSegment, ValidStatementSegment]. | 205 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 172 (max allowed is 20). | 205 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). | 331 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 405 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 1,536 (max allowed is 200). | 405 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 216 (max allowed is 200). | 610 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [CommonExpressionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, IndexHintSegment, MySQLCallStatement, MySQLDoStatement, MySQLHandlerStatement, MySQLImportStatement, MySQLLoadDataStatement, MySQLLoadXMLStatement, ProjectionsSegment, ReturningSegment, WindowItemSegment, WindowSegment]. | 66 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 37 (max allowed is 20). | 66 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 16 (max allowed is 10) classes [AutoCommitSegment, MySQLBeginTransactionStatement, MySQLCommitStatement, MySQLLockStatement, MySQLReleaseSavepointStatement, MySQLRollbackStatement, MySQLSavepointStatement, MySQLSetAutoCommitStatement, MySQLSetTransactionStatement, MySQLUnlockStatement, XABeginStatement, XACommitStatement, XAEndStatement, XAPrepareStatement, XARecoveryStatement, XARollbackStatement]. | 70 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 42 (max allowed is 20). | 70 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 72 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 71 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, AliasSegment, BetweenExpression, BinaryOperationExpression, BooleanLiteralValue, CaseWhenExpression, CollectionValue, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, CombineSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, CommonTableExpressionSegment, ConstraintSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, ExistsSubqueryExpression, ExpressionOrderByItemSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, ExtractArgExpression, FunctionSegment, FunctionTableSegment, GroupBySegment, HavingSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, IndexNameSegment, IndexOrderByItemSegment, IndexSegment, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValuesSegment, Interval, JoinTableSegment, KeywordValue, LimitSegment, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, LockSegment, NameSegment, NullLiteralValue, NumberLiteralLimitValueSegment, NumberLiteralValue, OnDuplicateKeyColumnsSegment, OpenGaussDeleteStatement, OpenGaussExecuteStatement, OpenGaussInsertStatement, OpenGaussSelectStatement, OpenGaussUpdateStatement, OrderBySegment, OtherLiteralValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerLimitValueSegment, ParameterMarkerValue, ProjectionsSegment, SetAssignmentSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment, TypeCastExpression, WhereSegment, WindowItemSegment, WindowSegment, WithSegment]. | 215 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 178 (max allowed is 20). | 215 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 108 (max allowed is 100). | 215 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 324 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 1,024 (max allowed is 200). | 324 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [CollectionValue, IdentifierValue, OpenGaussAnalyzeTableStatement, OpenGaussEmptyStatement, OpenGaussExplainStatement, OpenGaussLoadStatement, OpenGaussResetParameterStatement, OpenGaussSetStatement, OpenGaussShowStatement, OpenGaussVacuumStatement, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, VariableAssignSegment, VariableSegment]. | 58 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 58 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 48 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 96 (max allowed is 10) classes [AddColumnDefinitionSegment, AddConstraintDefinitionSegment, CollectionValue, ColumnDefinitionSegment, ColumnSegment, ConstraintDefinitionSegment, CursorNameSegment, DirectionSegment, DropColumnDefinitionSegment, DropConstraintDefinitionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, IndexNameSegment, IndexSegment, Interval, ModifyColumnDefinitionSegment, ModifyConstraintDefinitionSegment, OpenGaussAlterAggregateStatement, OpenGaussAlterConversionStatement, OpenGaussAlterDefaultPrivilegesStatement, OpenGaussAlterDirectoryStatement, OpenGaussAlterDomainStatement, OpenGaussAlterExtensionStatement, OpenGaussAlterForeignTableStatement, OpenGaussAlterFunctionStatement, OpenGaussAlterGroupStatement, OpenGaussAlterIndexStatement, OpenGaussAlterLanguageStatement, OpenGaussAlterMaterializedViewStatement, OpenGaussAlterPackageStatement, OpenGaussAlterProcedureStatement, OpenGaussAlterRuleStatement, OpenGaussAlterSchemaStatement, OpenGaussAlterSequenceStatement, OpenGaussAlterSynonymStatement, OpenGaussAlterTableStatement, OpenGaussAlterTablespaceStatement, OpenGaussAlterTextSearchStatement, OpenGaussAlterTypeStatement, OpenGaussAlterViewStatement, OpenGaussCloseStatement, OpenGaussCommentStatement, OpenGaussCreateAggregateStatement, OpenGaussCreateCastStatement, OpenGaussCreateConversionStatement, OpenGaussCreateDatabaseStatement, OpenGaussCreateDirectoryStatement, OpenGaussCreateDomainStatement, OpenGaussCreateExtensionStatement, OpenGaussCreateFunctionStatement, OpenGaussCreateIndexStatement, OpenGaussCreateLanguageStatement, OpenGaussCreateProcedureStatement, OpenGaussCreatePublicationStatement, OpenGaussCreateRuleStatement, OpenGaussCreateSchemaStatement, OpenGaussCreateSequenceStatement, OpenGaussCreateSynonymStatement, OpenGaussCreateTableStatement, OpenGaussCreateTablespaceStatement, OpenGaussCreateTextSearchStatement, OpenGaussCreateTypeStatement, OpenGaussCreateViewStatement, OpenGaussCursorStatement, OpenGaussDeallocateStatement, OpenGaussDeclareStatement, OpenGaussDropCastStatement, OpenGaussDropConversionStatement, OpenGaussDropDatabaseStatement, OpenGaussDropDirectoryStatement, OpenGaussDropDomainStatement, OpenGaussDropExtensionStatement, OpenGaussDropFunctionStatement, OpenGaussDropIndexStatement, OpenGaussDropLanguageStatement, OpenGaussDropProcedureStatement, OpenGaussDropPublicationStatement, OpenGaussDropRuleStatement, OpenGaussDropSchemaStatement, OpenGaussDropSequenceStatement, OpenGaussDropServerStatement, OpenGaussDropSynonymStatement, OpenGaussDropTableStatement, OpenGaussDropTablespaceStatement, OpenGaussDropTypeStatement, OpenGaussDropViewStatement, OpenGaussFetchStatement, OpenGaussMoveStatement, OpenGaussPrepareStatement, OpenGaussTruncateStatement, OwnerSegment, RenameColumnSegment, RenameTableDefinitionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, ValidateConstraintDefinitionSegment]. | 262 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 229 (max allowed is 20). | 262 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Number of public methods is 110 (max allowed is 100). | 262 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 118 (max allowed is 100). | 262 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 297 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [OpenGaussBeginTransactionStatement, OpenGaussCheckpointStatement, OpenGaussCommitPreparedStatement, OpenGaussCommitStatement, OpenGaussReleaseSavepointStatement, OpenGaussRollbackPreparedStatement, OpenGaussRollbackStatement, OpenGaussSavepointStatement, OpenGaussSetConstraintsStatement, OpenGaussSetTransactionStatement, OpenGaussStartTransactionStatement]. | 52 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 52 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 57 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, BetweenExpression, BinaryOperationExpression, BooleanLiteralValue, CaseWhenExpression, CollectionValue, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, ConstraintSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, DateTimeLiteralValue, DatetimeExpression, ExpressionOrderByItemSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, IndexNameSegment, IndexOrderByItemSegment, IndexSegment, IndexTypeSegment, Interval, IntervalDayToSecondExpression, IntervalExpressionProjection, IntervalYearToMonthExpression, KeywordValue, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, MultisetExpression, NotExpression, NullLiteralValue, NumberLiteralValue, OrderBySegment, OtherLiteralValue, OuterJoinExpression, OwnerSegment, PackageSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerValue, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubquerySegment, TableNameSegment, TypeSegment, XmlElementFunctionSegment, XmlNamespaceStringAsIdentifierSegment, XmlNamespacesClauseSegment, XmlPiFunctionSegment, XmlQueryAndExistsFunctionSegment, XmlSerializeFunctionSegment, XmlTableColumnSegment, XmlTableFunctionSegment, XmlTableOptionsSegment]. | 192 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 148 (max allowed is 20). | 192 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 512 (max allowed is 200). | 222 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 606 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 384 (max allowed is 200). | 606 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). | 791 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 4,096 (max allowed is 200). | 791 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). | 1006 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 8,192 (max allowed is 200). | 1006 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 46 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 145 (max allowed is 10) classes [AddColumnDefinitionSegment, AddConstraintDefinitionSegment, CollectionValue, ColumnDefinitionSegment, ConstraintDefinitionSegment, CursorForLoopStatementSegment, DropColumnDefinitionSegment, DropConstraintDefinitionSegment, FunctionNameSegment, IdentifierValue, Interval, ModifyCollectionRetrievalSegment, ModifyColumnDefinitionSegment, ModifyConstraintDefinitionSegment, OracleAlterAnalyticViewStatement, OracleAlterAttributeDimensionStatement, OracleAlterAuditPolicyStatement, OracleAlterClusterStatement, OracleAlterDatabaseDictionaryStatement, OracleAlterDatabaseLinkStatement, OracleAlterDatabaseStatement, OracleAlterDimensionStatement, OracleAlterDiskgroupStatement, OracleAlterFlashbackArchiveStatement, OracleAlterFunctionStatement, OracleAlterHierarchyStatement, OracleAlterInMemoryJoinGroupStatement, OracleAlterIndexStatement, OracleAlterIndexTypeStatement, OracleAlterJavaStatement, OracleAlterLibraryStatement, OracleAlterLockdownProfileStatement, OracleAlterMaterializedViewLogStatement, OracleAlterMaterializedViewStatement, OracleAlterMaterializedZoneMapStatement, OracleAlterOperatorStatement, OracleAlterOutlineStatement, OracleAlterPackageStatement, OracleAlterPluggableDatabaseStatement, OracleAlterProcedureStatement, OracleAlterProfileStatement, OracleAlterRollbackSegmentStatement, OracleAlterSequenceStatement, OracleAlterSessionStatement, OracleAlterSynonymStatement, OracleAlterSystemStatement, OracleAlterTableStatement, OracleAlterTablespaceStatement, OracleAlterTriggerStatement, OracleAlterTypeStatement, OracleAlterViewStatement, OracleAnalyzeStatement, OracleAssociateStatisticsStatement, OracleAuditStatement, OracleCommentStatement, OracleCreateClusterStatement, OracleCreateContextStatement, OracleCreateControlFileStatement, OracleCreateDatabaseLinkStatement, OracleCreateDatabaseStatement, OracleCreateDimensionStatement, OracleCreateDirectoryStatement, OracleCreateDiskgroupStatement, OracleCreateEditionStatement, OracleCreateFlashbackArchiveStatement, OracleCreateFunctionStatement, OracleCreateInMemoryJoinGroupStatement, OracleCreateIndexStatement, OracleCreateJavaStatement, OracleCreateLibraryStatement, OracleCreateLockdownProfileStatement, OracleCreateMaterializedViewLogStatement, OracleCreateMaterializedViewStatement, OracleCreateNestedTableTypeStatement, OracleCreateObjectTypeStatement, OracleCreateOperatorStatement, OracleCreateOutlineStatement, OracleCreatePFileStatement, OracleCreateProcedureStatement, OracleCreateProfileStatement, OracleCreateRestorePointStatement, OracleCreateRollbackSegmentStatement, OracleCreateSPFileStatement, OracleCreateSequenceStatement, OracleCreateSubTypeStatement, OracleCreateSynonymStatement, OracleCreateTableStatement, OracleCreateTablespaceStatement, OracleCreateTriggerStatement, OracleCreateVarrayTypeStatement, OracleCreateViewStatement, OracleDMLStatementVisitor, OracleDisassociateStatisticsStatement, OracleDropClusterStatement, OracleDropContextStatement, OracleDropDatabaseLinkStatement, OracleDropDatabaseStatement, OracleDropDimensionStatement, OracleDropDirectoryStatement, OracleDropDiskgroupStatement, OracleDropEditionStatement, OracleDropFlashbackArchiveStatement, OracleDropFunctionStatement, OracleDropInMemoryJoinGroupStatement, OracleDropIndexStatement, OracleDropIndexTypeStatement, OracleDropJavaStatement, OracleDropLibraryStatement, OracleDropLockdownProfileStatement, OracleDropMaterializedViewLogStatement, OracleDropMaterializedViewStatement, OracleDropMaterializedZoneMapStatement, OracleDropOperatorStatement, OracleDropOutlineStatement, OracleDropPackageStatement, OracleDropPluggableDatabaseStatement, OracleDropProcedureStatement, OracleDropProfileStatement, OracleDropRestorePointStatement, OracleDropRollbackSegmentStatement, OracleDropSequenceStatement, OracleDropSynonymStatement, OracleDropTableStatement, OracleDropTablespaceStatement, OracleDropTriggerStatement, OracleDropTypeStatement, OracleDropViewStatement, OracleFlashbackDatabaseStatement, OracleFlashbackTableStatement, OracleNoAuditStatement, OraclePLSQLBlockStatement, OraclePurgeStatement, OracleRenameStatement, OracleSwitchStatement, OracleSystemActionStatement, OracleTCLStatementVisitor, OracleTruncateStatement, OwnerSegment, ProcedureBodyEndNameSegment, ProcedureCallNameSegment, SQLStatementSegment, StringLiteralValue, TablespaceSegment, TypeDefinitionSegment, VariableSegment]. | 371 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 340 (max allowed is 20). | 371 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Number of public methods is 152 (max allowed is 100). | 371 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 164 (max allowed is 100). | 371 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). | 943 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 1,215 (max allowed is 200). | 943 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). | 1379 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 972 (max allowed is 200). | 1379 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 512 (max allowed is 200). | 1535 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 50 (max allowed is 10) classes [AliasSegment, BooleanLiteralValue, CollectionTableSegment, CollectionValue, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, CombineSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, CommonTableExpressionSegment, DatetimeProjectionSegment, ExpressionOrderByItemSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, ExpressionWithParamsSegment, FunctionTableSegment, GroupBySegment, HavingSegment, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValuesSegment, Interval, IntervalExpressionProjection, JoinTableSegment, LockSegment, ModelSegment, MultiTableConditionalIntoElseSegment, MultiTableConditionalIntoSegment, MultiTableConditionalIntoThenSegment, MultiTableConditionalIntoWhenThenSegment, MultiTableInsertIntoSegment, OracleDeleteStatement, OracleInsertStatement, OracleMergeStatement, OracleSelectStatement, OracleUpdateStatement, OwnerSegment, PivotSegment, ProjectionsSegment, SetAssignmentSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment, WhereSegment, WithSegment]. | 202 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 166 (max allowed is 20). | 202 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 101 (max allowed is 100). | 202 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 880 |
Warning | metrics | BooleanExpressionComplexity | Boolean expression complexity is 4 (max allowed is 3). | 897 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 71 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, AliasSegment, BetweenExpression, BinaryOperationExpression, BooleanLiteralValue, CaseWhenExpression, CollectionValue, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, CombineSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, CommonTableExpressionSegment, ConstraintSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, ExistsSubqueryExpression, ExpressionOrderByItemSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, ExtractArgExpression, FunctionSegment, FunctionTableSegment, GroupBySegment, HavingSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, IndexNameSegment, IndexOrderByItemSegment, IndexSegment, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValuesSegment, Interval, JoinTableSegment, KeywordValue, LimitSegment, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, LockSegment, NameSegment, NullLiteralValue, NumberLiteralLimitValueSegment, NumberLiteralValue, OnDuplicateKeyColumnsSegment, OrderBySegment, OtherLiteralValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerLimitValueSegment, ParameterMarkerValue, PostgreSQLDeleteStatement, PostgreSQLExecuteStatement, PostgreSQLInsertStatement, PostgreSQLSelectStatement, PostgreSQLUpdateStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SetAssignmentSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment, TypeCastExpression, WhereSegment, WindowItemSegment, WindowSegment, WithSegment]. | 216 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 179 (max allowed is 20). | 216 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 109 (max allowed is 100). | 216 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 325 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 1,024 (max allowed is 200). | 325 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 14 (max allowed is 10) classes [CollectionValue, IdentifierValue, PostgreSQLAnalyzeTableStatement, PostgreSQLEmptyStatement, PostgreSQLExplainStatement, PostgreSQLLoadStatement, PostgreSQLResetParameterStatement, PostgreSQLSetStatement, PostgreSQLShowStatement, PostgreSQLVacuumStatement, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, VariableAssignSegment, VariableSegment]. | 58 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 58 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 52 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 133 (max allowed is 10) classes [AddColumnDefinitionSegment, AddConstraintDefinitionSegment, CollectionValue, ColumnDefinitionSegment, ColumnSegment, ConstraintDefinitionSegment, CursorNameSegment, DirectionSegment, DropColumnDefinitionSegment, DropConstraintDefinitionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, IndexNameSegment, IndexSegment, Interval, ModifyColumnDefinitionSegment, ModifyConstraintDefinitionSegment, OwnerSegment, PostgreSQLAlterAggregateStatement, PostgreSQLAlterCollationStatement, PostgreSQLAlterConversionStatement, PostgreSQLAlterDefaultPrivilegesStatement, PostgreSQLAlterDomainStatement, PostgreSQLAlterExtensionStatement, PostgreSQLAlterForeignDataWrapperStatement, PostgreSQLAlterForeignTableStatement, PostgreSQLAlterFunctionStatement, PostgreSQLAlterGroupStatement, PostgreSQLAlterIndexStatement, PostgreSQLAlterLanguageStatement, PostgreSQLAlterMaterializedViewStatement, PostgreSQLAlterOperatorStatement, PostgreSQLAlterPolicyStatement, PostgreSQLAlterProcedureStatement, PostgreSQLAlterPublicationStatement, PostgreSQLAlterRoutineStatement, PostgreSQLAlterRuleStatement, PostgreSQLAlterSchemaStatement, PostgreSQLAlterSequenceStatement, PostgreSQLAlterServerStatement, PostgreSQLAlterStatisticsStatement, PostgreSQLAlterSubscriptionStatement, PostgreSQLAlterTableStatement, PostgreSQLAlterTablespaceStatement, PostgreSQLAlterTextSearchStatement, PostgreSQLAlterTriggerStatement, PostgreSQLAlterTypeStatement, PostgreSQLAlterViewStatement, PostgreSQLCloseStatement, PostgreSQLClusterStatement, PostgreSQLCommentStatement, PostgreSQLCreateAccessMethodStatement, PostgreSQLCreateAggregateStatement, PostgreSQLCreateCastStatement, PostgreSQLCreateCollationStatement, PostgreSQLCreateConversionStatement, PostgreSQLCreateDatabaseStatement, PostgreSQLCreateDomainStatement, PostgreSQLCreateEventTriggerStatement, PostgreSQLCreateExtensionStatement, PostgreSQLCreateForeignDataWrapperStatement, PostgreSQLCreateForeignTableStatement, PostgreSQLCreateFunctionStatement, PostgreSQLCreateIndexStatement, PostgreSQLCreateLanguageStatement, PostgreSQLCreateMaterializedViewStatement, PostgreSQLCreateOperatorStatement, PostgreSQLCreatePolicyStatement, PostgreSQLCreateProcedureStatement, PostgreSQLCreatePublicationStatement, PostgreSQLCreateRuleStatement, PostgreSQLCreateSchemaStatement, PostgreSQLCreateSequenceStatement, PostgreSQLCreateTableStatement, PostgreSQLCreateTablespaceStatement, PostgreSQLCreateTextSearchStatement, PostgreSQLCreateTypeStatement, PostgreSQLCreateViewStatement, PostgreSQLDeallocateStatement, PostgreSQLDeclareStatement, PostgreSQLDiscardStatement, PostgreSQLDropAccessMethodStatement, PostgreSQLDropAggregateStatement, PostgreSQLDropCastStatement, PostgreSQLDropCollationStatement, PostgreSQLDropConversionStatement, PostgreSQLDropDatabaseStatement, PostgreSQLDropDomainStatement, PostgreSQLDropEventTriggerStatement, PostgreSQLDropExtensionStatement, PostgreSQLDropForeignDataWrapperStatement, PostgreSQLDropForeignTableStatement, PostgreSQLDropFunctionStatement, PostgreSQLDropGroupStatement, PostgreSQLDropIndexStatement, PostgreSQLDropLanguageStatement, PostgreSQLDropMaterializedViewStatement, PostgreSQLDropOperatorClassStatement, PostgreSQLDropOperatorFamilyStatement, PostgreSQLDropOperatorStatement, PostgreSQLDropOwnedStatement, PostgreSQLDropPolicyStatement, PostgreSQLDropProcedureStatement, PostgreSQLDropPublicationStatement, PostgreSQLDropRoutineStatement, PostgreSQLDropRuleStatement, PostgreSQLDropSchemaStatement, PostgreSQLDropSequenceStatement, PostgreSQLDropServerStatement, PostgreSQLDropStatisticsStatement, PostgreSQLDropSubscriptionStatement, PostgreSQLDropTableStatement, PostgreSQLDropTablespaceStatement, PostgreSQLDropTextSearchStatement, PostgreSQLDropTriggerStatement, PostgreSQLDropTypeStatement, PostgreSQLDropViewStatement, PostgreSQLFetchStatement, PostgreSQLListenStatement, PostgreSQLMoveStatement, PostgreSQLNotifyStmtStatement, PostgreSQLOpenStatement, PostgreSQLPrepareStatement, PostgreSQLRefreshMatViewStmtStatement, PostgreSQLReindexStatement, PostgreSQLSecurityLabelStmtStatement, PostgreSQLTruncateStatement, PostgreSQLUnlistenStatement, RenameColumnSegment, RenameTableDefinitionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, ValidateConstraintDefinitionSegment]. | 337 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 304 (max allowed is 20). | 337 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Number of public methods is 148 (max allowed is 100). | 337 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 157 (max allowed is 100). | 337 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 372 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 56 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [PostgreSQLBeginTransactionStatement, PostgreSQLCheckpointStatement, PostgreSQLCommitPreparedStatement, PostgreSQLCommitStatement, PostgreSQLLockStatement, PostgreSQLPrepareTransactionStatement, PostgreSQLReleaseSavepointStatement, PostgreSQLRollbackPreparedStatement, PostgreSQLRollbackStatement, PostgreSQLSavepointStatement, PostgreSQLSetConstraintsStatement, PostgreSQLSetTransactionStatement, PostgreSQLStartTransactionStatement]. | 65 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 37 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 33 (max allowed is 10) classes [BetweenExpression, BigDecimal, BinaryOperationExpression, BooleanLiteralValue, CollateExpression, CollectionValue, ColumnSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, DatabaseSegment, ExistsSubqueryExpression, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, IndexNameSegment, IndexSegment, Interval, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, NotExpression, NullLiteralValue, NumberLiteralValue, OtherLiteralValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerValue, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubquerySegment, TableNameSegment]. | 105 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 72 (max allowed is 20). | 105 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 299 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 396 (max allowed is 200). | 299 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). | 463 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 3,456 (max allowed is 200). | 463 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 54 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 54 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, AliasSegment, BooleanLiteralValue, CaseWhenExpression, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, CombineSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, ConstraintSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, DeleteMultiTableSegment, ExpressionOrderByItemSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, GroupBySegment, HavingSegment, IdentifierValue, IndexOrderByItemSegment, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValuesSegment, Interval, JoinTableSegment, LimitSegment, LiteralExpressionSegment, LockSegment, NumberLiteralLimitValueSegment, NumberLiteralValue, OnDuplicateKeyColumnsSegment, OrderBySegment, OtherLiteralValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerLimitValueSegment, PrestoDeleteStatement, PrestoInsertStatement, PrestoSelectStatement, PrestoUpdateStatement, ProjectionsSegment, SetAssignmentSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment, ValuesExpression, VariableSegment, WhereSegment, WindowItemSegment, WindowSegment]. | 197 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 164 (max allowed is 20). | 197 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). | 503 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 4,096 (max allowed is 200). | 503 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 15 (max allowed is 10). | 1109 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 57 (max allowed is 50). | 1109 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 12,288 (max allowed is 200). | 1109 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 33 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, BetweenExpression, BinaryOperationExpression, BooleanLiteralValue, CollectionValue, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, IndexOrderByItemSegment, Interval, KeywordValue, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, NotExpression, NullLiteralValue, NumberLiteralValue, OrderBySegment, OtherLiteralValue, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerValue, SimpleTableSegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubquerySegment, TableNameSegment]. | 110 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 75 (max allowed is 20). | 110 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [AddColumnDefinitionSegment, AddConstraintDefinitionSegment, CollectionValue, ColumnDefinitionSegment, ConstraintDefinitionSegment, ConstraintSegment, DropColumnDefinitionSegment, DropConstraintDefinitionSegment, Interval, ModifyColumnDefinitionSegment, SQL92AlterTableStatement, SQL92CreateTableStatement, SQL92DropTableStatement]. | 65 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 39 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 25 (max allowed is 10) classes [AliasSegment, BooleanLiteralValue, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, GroupBySegment, HavingSegment, IdentifierValue, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValuesSegment, Interval, JoinTableSegment, OwnerSegment, ProjectionsSegment, SQL92DeleteStatement, SQL92InsertStatement, SQL92SelectStatement, SQL92UpdateStatement, SetAssignmentSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, WhereSegment]. | 104 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 73 (max allowed is 20). | 104 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 303 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 768 (max allowed is 200). | 303 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 81 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationDistinctProjectionSegment, AggregationProjectionSegment, AliasSegment, BetweenExpression, BinaryOperationExpression, BooleanLiteralValue, CollectionValue, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnOrderByItemSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, CommonTableExpressionSegment, ConstraintSegment, DataTypeLengthSegment, DataTypeSegment, DeleteMultiTableSegment, ExecSegment, ExpressionOrderByItemSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, ExpressionWithParamsSegment, FunctionNameSegment, FunctionSegment, FunctionTableSegment, GroupBySegment, HavingSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, IndexNameSegment, IndexOrderByItemSegment, IndexSegment, InsertColumnsSegment, InsertValuesSegment, Interval, JoinTableSegment, JsonNullClauseSegment, KeyValueSegment, KeywordValue, LimitSegment, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, MergeWhenAndThenSegment, NotExpression, NullLiteralValue, NumberLiteralLimitValueSegment, NumberLiteralRowNumberValueSegment, NumberLiteralValue, OptionHintSegment, OrderBySegment, OtherLiteralValue, OutputSegment, OwnerSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerLimitValueSegment, ParameterMarkerRowNumberValueSegment, ParameterMarkerValue, ProjectionsSegment, SQLServerCreateTableStatement, SQLServerDeleteStatement, SQLServerInsertStatement, SQLServerMergeStatement, SQLServerSelectStatement, SQLServerUpdateStatement, SQLServerUpdateStatisticsStatement, SampleOptionSegment, SetAssignmentSegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, StatisticsOptionSegment, StatisticsStrategySegment, StringLiteralValue, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableHintLimitedSegment, TableNameSegment, TopProjectionSegment, WhereSegment, WithSegment, WithTableHintSegment]. | 249 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 213 (max allowed is 20). | 249 |
Warning | sizes | MethodCount | Total number of methods is 129 (max allowed is 100). | 249 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 512 (max allowed is 200). | 682 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 969 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 768 (max allowed is 200). | 969 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 256 (max allowed is 200). | 1500 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 20 (max allowed is 10) classes [IdentifierValue, LoginSegment, OwnerSegment, SQLServerAlterLoginStatement, SQLServerAlterRoleStatement, SQLServerAlterUserStatement, SQLServerCreateLoginStatement, SQLServerCreateRoleStatement, SQLServerCreateUserStatement, SQLServerDenyUserStatement, SQLServerDropLoginStatement, SQLServerDropRoleStatement, SQLServerDropUserStatement, SQLServerGrantStatement, SQLServerRevertStatement, SQLServerRevokeStatement, SQLServerSetUserStatement, SimpleTableSegment, TableNameSegment, UserSegment]. | 76 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 49 (max allowed is 20). | 76 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 40 (max allowed is 10) classes [AddColumnDefinitionSegment, CollectionValue, ColumnDefinitionSegment, ConstraintDefinitionSegment, DropColumnDefinitionSegment, DropConstraintDefinitionSegment, Interval, ModifyColumnDefinitionSegment, ModifyConstraintDefinitionSegment, SQLServerAlterDatabaseStatement, SQLServerAlterFunctionStatement, SQLServerAlterIndexStatement, SQLServerAlterProcedureStatement, SQLServerAlterSchemaStatement, SQLServerAlterSequenceStatement, SQLServerAlterServiceStatement, SQLServerAlterTableStatement, SQLServerAlterTriggerStatement, SQLServerAlterViewStatement, SQLServerCreateDatabaseStatement, SQLServerCreateFunctionStatement, SQLServerCreateIndexStatement, SQLServerCreateProcedureStatement, SQLServerCreateSchemaStatement, SQLServerCreateSequenceStatement, SQLServerCreateServiceStatement, SQLServerCreateTableStatement, SQLServerCreateTriggerStatement, SQLServerCreateViewStatement, SQLServerDropDatabaseStatement, SQLServerDropFunctionStatement, SQLServerDropIndexStatement, SQLServerDropProcedureStatement, SQLServerDropSchemaStatement, SQLServerDropSequenceStatement, SQLServerDropServiceStatement, SQLServerDropTableStatement, SQLServerDropTriggerStatement, SQLServerDropViewStatement, SQLServerTruncateStatement]. | 130 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 102 (max allowed is 20). | 130 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 45 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 29 (max allowed is 20). | 57 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 66 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 459 (max allowed is 200). | 66 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 58 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 10). | 164 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 55 (max allowed is 50). | 164 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 2,985,984 (max allowed is 200). | 164 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [BinaryOperationExpression, ColumnSegment, CommonExpressionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, ListExpression, LiteralExpressionSegment, ParameterMarkerExpressionSegment, TypeCastExpression, WhereSegment]. | 45 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 20). | 56 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 15 (max allowed is 10). | 150 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 16,384 (max allowed is 200). | 150 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 19 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationProjectionSegment, BinaryOperationExpression, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, CombineSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, InExpression, JoinTableSegment, LiteralExpressionSegment, ProjectionsSegment, SimpleTableSegment, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment, WhereSegment]. | 54 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 54 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 44 (max allowed is 20). | 75 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 16 (max allowed is 10). | 144 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 32,768 (max allowed is 200). | 144 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 205 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 25 (max allowed is 10) classes [AggregationProjectionSegment, AliasSegment, BinaryOperationExpression, ColumnAssignmentSegment, ColumnProjectionSegment, ColumnSegment, CombineSegment, ExpressionProjectionSegment, FunctionSegment, IdentifierValue, JoinTableSegment, LiteralExpressionSegment, LockSegment, OnDuplicateKeyColumnsSegment, OwnerSegment, ProjectionsSegment, RoutineBodySegment, ShorthandProjectionSegment, SimpleTableSegment, SubqueryExpressionSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, TableExtractor, TableNameSegment, ValidStatementSegment]. | 64 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 29 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [BinaryOperationExpression, ColumnSegment, IdentifierValue, JoinTableSegment, ProjectionsSegment, SimpleTableSegment, SubqueryProjectionSegment, SubquerySegment, SubqueryTableSegment, TableNameSegment, WhereSegment]. | 44 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 122 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [CalciteConnectionConfigImpl, EnumerableScanExecutor, ExecutionPlanCacheKey, JavaTypeFactoryImpl, NoSuchTableException, ProcessEngine, SQLFederationBindContext, SQLFederationCompilerEngine, SQLFederationExecutorContext, SQLFederationResultSet, SQLFederationSchemaNotFoundException, SQLFederationUnsupportedSQLException, SQLStatementCompiler]. | 87 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 46 (max allowed is 20). | 87 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [AbstractEnumerable, EmptyRowEnumerator, ExecutionGroupReportContext, HintValueContext, JDBCRowEnumerator, KernelProcessor, MemoryRowEnumerator, MergeEngine, ProcessEngine, QueryContext, SQLBindEngine, SQLStatementParserEngine, SystemDatabase]. | 84 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 42 (max allowed is 20). | 84 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 25 (max allowed is 20). | 74 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 10). | 84 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 8,388,608 (max allowed is 200). | 84 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 11 (max allowed is 10) classes [CalciteConnectionConfigImpl, DefaultSQLParserRuleConfigurationBuilder, JavaTypeFactoryImpl, Properties, RexBuilder, SQLFederationSchema, SQLParserRule, SQLStatementCompiler, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable]. | 61 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 61 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 30 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 72 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 27 (max allowed is 20). | 58 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 45 (max allowed is 10). | 48 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 64 (max allowed is 50). | 48 |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 328 (max allowed is 200). | 48 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 34 (max allowed is 20). | 86 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 18 (max allowed is 10) classes [CDCClient, CDCClientConfiguration, CDCJobType, CDCLoginParameter, ConsistencyCheckJobItemProgressContext, DataSourceRecordConsumer, DatabaseTypeRegistry, E2EIncrementalTask, PipelineContainerComposer, PipelineDataSource, Properties, QualifiedTable, RetryStreamingExceptionHandler, SnowflakeKeyGenerateAlgorithm, StandardPipelineDataSourceConfiguration, StandardPipelineTableMetaDataLoader, StartStreamingParameter, TableInventoryCheckParameter]. | 77 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 32 (max allowed is 20). | 77 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 115 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 56 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 63 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | sizes | ExecutableStatementCount | Executable statement count is 53 (max allowed is 50). | 162 |
Warning | sizes | ExecutableStatementCount | Executable statement count is 51 (max allowed is 50). | 442 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 20). | 74 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 14 (max allowed is 10). | 265 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 21 (max allowed is 20). | 59 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 15 (max allowed is 10). | 175 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | coding | NestedForDepth | Nested for depth is 2 (max allowed is 1). | 126 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 24 (max allowed is 10) classes [ContextManager, CreateTableConfiguration, DatabaseTypeRegistry, ImporterConfiguration, MetaDataPersistService, MigrationIncrementalDumperContextCreator, MigrationJobItemContext, MigrationTaskConfiguration, PipelineColumnMetaData, PipelineContext, PipelineContextKey, PipelineDataSourceManager, QualifiedTable, ShardingColumnsExtractor, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSpherePipelineDataSourceConfiguration, ShardingSphereTable, TransmissionProcessContext, YamlDataSourceConfigurationSwapper, YamlModeConfigurationSwapper, YamlPipelineProcessConfiguration, YamlPipelineProcessConfigurationSwapper, YamlPipelineReadConfiguration, YamlRuleConfigurationSwapperEngine]. | 90 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 42 (max allowed is 20). | 90 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | BooleanExpressionComplexity | Boolean expression complexity is 5 (max allowed is 3). | 109 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | coding | NestedForDepth | Nested for depth is 2 (max allowed is 1). | 55 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 23 (max allowed is 10) classes [ConfigurationProperties, CursorConnectionContext, DataSourceProvidedDatabaseConfiguration, DatabaseTypeRegistry, DefaultSQLTranslatorRuleConfigurationBuilder, HintValueContext, Properties, QueryContext, ResourceMetaData, RuleMetaData, SQLBindEngine, SQLParserRule, SQLParserRuleConfiguration, SQLRewriteEntry, SQLRouteEngine, SQLStatementParserEngine, SQLTranslatorRule, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, TimestampServiceRule, TimestampServiceRuleConfiguration, YamlDataSourceConfigurationSwapper, YamlRuleConfigurationSwapperEngine]. | 93 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 42 (max allowed is 20). | 93 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 13 (max allowed is 10) classes [CacheOption, ConfigurationProperties, DatabaseTypeRegistry, Properties, SQLBindEngine, SQLCaseAssertContext, SQLParserEngine, SQLStatementVisitorEngine, ShardingSphereColumn, ShardingSphereDatabase, ShardingSphereMetaData, ShardingSphereSchema, ShardingSphereTable]. | 67 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 67 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | NPathComplexity | NPath Complexity is 512 (max allowed is 200). | 51 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 66 (max allowed is 20). | 108 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 32 (max allowed is 10). | 631 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 96 (max allowed is 50). | 631 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 12 (max allowed is 10). | 62 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 110 (max allowed is 20). | 188 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 54 (max allowed is 10). | 198 |
Warning | sizes | ExecutableStatementCount | Executable statement count is 54 (max allowed is 50). | 198 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 159 (max allowed is 50). | 198 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 40 (max allowed is 20). | 83 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 19 (max allowed is 10). | 93 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 54 (max allowed is 50). | 93 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 78 (max allowed is 20). | 140 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 38 (max allowed is 10). | 150 |
Warning | metrics | JavaNCSS | NCSS for this method is 111 (max allowed is 50). | 150 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 20). | 59 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 69 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 59 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 22 (max allowed is 20). | 56 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 64 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). | 74 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 23 (max allowed is 20). | 58 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 68 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 28 (max allowed is 20). | 65 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 13 (max allowed is 10). | 75 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 24 (max allowed is 20). | 59 |
Warning | metrics | CyclomaticComplexity | Cyclomatic Complexity is 11 (max allowed is 10). | 69 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 34 (max allowed is 20). | 40 |
Severity | Category | Rule | Message | Line |
Warning | metrics | ClassDataAbstractionCoupling | Class Data Abstraction Coupling is 15 (max allowed is 10) classes [AbstractResultMessage, AtomicLong, BranchCommitResponse, BranchRegisterResponse, BranchReportResponse, BranchRollbackResponse, ConcurrentLinkedQueue, GlobalBeginResponse, GlobalCommitResponse, GlobalRollbackResponse, GlobalStatusResponse, MergeResultMessage, RegisterRMResponse, RegisterTMResponse, RpcMessage]. | 62 |
Warning | metrics | ClassFanOutComplexity | Class Fan-Out Complexity is 31 (max allowed is 20). | 62 |