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Metadata Repository


Apache ShardingSphere provides different metadata persistence methods for different running modes. Users can freely choose the most appropriate way to store metadata while configuring the running mode.


Database Repository

The optional values of provider are H2, MySQL, EmbeddedDerby, DerbyNetworkServer and HSQLDB. Since third-party Vulnerability Reports often misreport H2 Database, avoiding the use of H2 Database in ShardingSphere Standalone Mode may be an option. Discuss the case where provider is not the default value H2.

  1. If provider is set to MySQL, a ready MySQL Server is required. The classpath should contain the Maven dependency of com.mysql:mysql-connector-j:9.0.0.
  2. If provider is set to EmbeddedDerby, the Derby database engine will run in the same JVM as the application. The classpath should contain Maven dependencies of org.apache.derby:derby: and org.apache.derby:derbytools:, and the JDK version required to compile or run the downstream project is greater than or equal to JDK19. Possible configurations are as follows.
  type: Standalone
    type: JDBC
      provider: EmbeddedDerby
      jdbc_url: jdbc:derby:memory:config;create=true
  1. If provider is set to DerbyNetworkServer, a ready Derby Network Server is required. There is no available Docker Image for Derby Network Server, and users may need to start Derby Network Server manually. The classpath should contain Maven dependencies of org.apache.derby:derbyclient: and org.apache.derby:derbytools:, and the JDK version required to compile or run the downstream project is greater than or equal to JDK19.
  2. If provider is set to HSQLDB, a ready HyperSQL using Server Modes is required, or a database is created as an in-process database. The classpath should contain the Maven dependency of org.hsqldb:hsqldb:2.7.3 with classifier as jdk8. There is no available Docker Image for HyperSQL using Server Modes, and users may need to manually start HyperSQL using Server Modes. If HyperSQL using mem: protocol is used, the possible configuration is as follows,
   type: Standalone
      type: JDBC
         provider: HSQLDB
         jdbc_url: jdbc:hsqldb:mem:config
         username: SA

Type: JDBC

Mode: Standalone


Name Type Description Default Value
provider String Type for metadata persist H2
jdbc_url String JDBC URL jdbc:h2:mem:config;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false;MODE=MYSQL
username String username sa
password String password

ZooKeeper Repository

Type: ZooKeeper

Mode: Cluster


Name Type Description Default Value
retryIntervalMilliseconds int Milliseconds of retry interval 500
maxRetries int Max retries of client connection 3
timeToLiveSeconds int Seconds of ephemeral data live 60
operationTimeoutMilliseconds int Milliseconds of operation timeout 500
digest String Password of login

Etcd Repository

Type: Etcd

Mode: Cluster


Name Type Description Default Value
timeToLiveSeconds long Seconds of ephemeral data live 30
connectionTimeout long Seconds of connection timeout 30


  1. Configure running mode in global.yaml.
  2. Configure metadata persistence warehouse type.


  • Standalone mode configuration method.
  type: Standalone
    type: JDBC
      provider: H2
      jdbc_url: jdbc:h2:mem:config;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false;MODE=MYSQL
      username: test
      password: Test@123
  • Cluster mode.
  type: Cluster
    type: zookeeper
      namespace: governance_ds
      server-lists: localhost:2181
      retryIntervalMilliseconds: 500
      timeToLiveSeconds: 60
      maxRetries: 3
      operationTimeoutMilliseconds: 500