The performance-test report

The performance-test report of Sharding-JDBC

The summary of test result

1、The test of performance lose: When the server resources are sufficient and the number of concurrency is the same, we compare the performance loss of JDBC and Sharding-JDBC, the result is that the performance loss of Sharding-JDBC is less than 7%, compared with JDBC.
2、The test of performance: The server resources are used to the limit, the throughput of Sharding-JDBC and JDBC are on a fairly level.
3、The test of performance: The server resources are used to the limit, the throughput of Sharding-JDBC with Sharding is improved nearly twice than JDBC without Sharding.
4、The test of performance: The server resources are used to the limit, The performance of Sharding-JDBC V1.5.2 is more stable V1.4.2.

The baseline performance test

Operation JDBC Sharding-JDBC1.5.2 The loss ratio of Sharding-JDBC1.5.2/JDBC
The SELECT for single table in single DB 493 470 4.7%
The UPDATE for single table in single DB 6682 6303 5.7%
The INSERT for single table in single DB 6855 6375 7%

The performance test for different DBs and Tables in JDBC and Sharding-JDBC

Operation Two tables in single DB for JDBC Two tables in each of two DBs for Sharding-JDBC The improved performance percentage
SELECT 1736 3331 192%
UPDATE 9170 17997 196%
INSERT 11574 23043 199%
Operation One table in single DB for JDBC One table in each of two DBs for Sharding-JDBC The improved performance percentage
SELECT 1586 2944 185%
UPDATE 9548 18561 194%
INSERT 11182 21414 192%

Sharding-JDBC v1.4.2与v1.5.2版本对

Operation Sharding-JDBC 1.4.2  Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2    The improved ratio of
SELECT 2934 2944 100.34%
UPDATE 18454 18561 100.58%
INSERT 21045 21414 101.75%

The test purpose

  • To get the performance loss comparison between Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 and JDBC.
  • To get the performance loss comparison between Sharding-jdbc 1.52 and 1.4.2.
  • To check whether there are performance problems in Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2.

The test scene

The business scene for JDBC

Operation    The operation abbreviation    
The SELECT in one table in one DB JSdbStSelect
The INSERT in one table in one DB JSdbStInsert
The UPDATE in one table in one DB JSdbStUpdate
The SELECT in two tables in one DB JSdbMtSelect
The INSERT in two tables in one DB JSdbMtInsert
The UPDATE in two tables in one DB JSdbMtUpdate

The business scene for Sharding-JDBC

Operation    The operation abbreviation    
The SELECT in one table in one DB SJSdbStSelect
The INSERT in one table in one DB SJSdbStInsert
The UPDATE in one table in one DB SJSdbStUpdate
The SELECT in two tables in one DB SJSdbMtSelect
The INSERT in two tables in one DB SJSdbMtInsert
The UPDATE in two tables in one DB SJSdbMtUpdate
The SELECT in one table in each of two DBs SJMdbStSelect
The INSERT in one table in each of two DBs SJMdbStInsert
The UPDATE in one table in each of two DBs SJMdbStUpdate
The SELECT in two tables in each of two DBs SJMdbMtSelect
The INSERT in two tables in each of two DBs SJMdbMtInsert
The UPDATE in two tables in each of two DBs SJMdbMtUpdate

The limit test scope is the whole operations, and the baseline test scope is the following operations:

Operation    The operation abbreviation    
The SELECT in one table in one DB JSdbStSelect
The INSERT in one table in one DB JSdbStInsert
The UPDATE in one table in one DB JSdbStUpdate
The SELECT in one table in one DB SJSdbStSelect
The INSERT in one table in one DB SJSdbStInsert
The UPDATE in one table in one DB SJSdbStUpdate

The test method

The baseline test: the server resources are sufficient and the number of concurrency is the same.
The limit test: The server resources are used to the limit, and TPS is no longer increasing.

The test environment

The Server Configuration:

DB-Name Hardware Information Software Information Hybrid Application
DB0 OS:CentOS 6.6 64bit
CPU:2C 4core
Network card:1000mbps
Mysql 5.7.13 N
DB1 OS:CentOS 6.6 64bit
CPU:2C 4core
Network card:1000mbps
Mysql 5.7.13 N

The test procedure

The baseline test

The SELECT in one table in one DB

Operation Average response time(ms) TPS
The SELECT in one table in one DB for JDBC 7 493
The SELECT in one table in one DB for Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 8 470

The display of TPS info:


The display of RT info:


The UPDATE in one table in one DB

Operation Average response time(ms) TPS
The UPDATE in one table in one DB for JDBC 2 6682
The UPDATE in one table in one DB for Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 3 6303

The display of TPS info:


The display of RT info:


The INSERT in one table in one DB

Operation Average response time(ms) TPS
The INSERT in one table in one DB for JDBC 2 6855
The INSERT in one table in one DB for Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 2 6375

The display of TPS info:


The display of RT info:


The limit test

The SELECT in one table in one DB and The SELECT in one table in each of two DBs

Operation Average response time(ms) TPS
The SELECT in one table in one DB for JDBC 7 1586
Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2单库单表查询 7 1600
Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2两库各1表查询 13 2944

The display of TPS info


The display of RT info:


The SELECT in two tables in one DB and The SELECT in two tables in each of two DBs

Operation Average response time(ms) TPS
The SELECT in two tables in one DB for JDBC 6 1736
The SELECT in two tables in one DB for Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 7 1732
The SELECT in two tables in each of two DBs for Sharding-JDBC 10 3331

The display of TPS info


The display of RT info:


The UPDATE in one table in one DB and The UPDATE in one table in each of two DBs

Operation Average response time(ms) TPS
The UPDATE in two tables in one DB for JDBC 7 9548
The UPDATE in one table in one DB for Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 7 9263
The UPDATE in one table in each of two DBs for Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 4 18561

The display of TPS info


The display of RT info:


The UPDATE in two tables in one DB and The UPDATE in two tables in each of two DBs

Operation Average response time(ms) TPS
The UPDATE in two tables in one DB for JDBC 7 9170
The UPDATE in two tables in one DB for Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 7 8941
The UPDATE in two tables in each of two DBs for Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 5 17997

The display of TPS info


The display of RT info:


The INSERT in one table in one DB and The INSERT in one table in each of two DBs

Operation Average response time(ms) TPS
The INSERT in one table in one DB for JDBC 5 11182
The INSERT in one table in one DB for Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 5 10882
The INSERT in one table in each of two DBs for Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 4 21414

The display of TPS info


The display of RT info:


The INSERT in two tables in one DB and The INSERT in two tables in each of two DBs

Operation Average response time(ms) TPS
The INSERT in two tables in one DB for JDBC 4 11574
The INSERT in two tables in one DB for Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 5 10849
The INSERT in two tables in each of two DBs Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 4 23043

The display of TPS info


The display of RT info:


The operations in one table in each of two DBs for Sharding-JDBC 1.4.2 and 1.5.2

Operation Sharding-JDBC 1.4.2  Sharding-JDBC 1.5.2 
SELECT 2934 2944 100.34%
UPDATE 18454 18561 100.58%
INSERT 21045 21414 101.75%

The display of TPS info


The display of RT info:


The appendix

There are two test servers, and two parent tables and two child tables in single database in each of servers.

The SQL of creating tables

The structure of parent table:

order_0 | CREATE TABLE `order_0` (
  `id` bigint(50) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `order_id` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `order_type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `cust_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `cust_type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `cust_email` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `payment_method_type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `payment_provider_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `shipping_method_type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `packing_type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `preferred_shipping_time_type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `receiver_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
  `receiver_address` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
  `receiver_country_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `receiver_province_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `receiver_city_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `receiver_zip` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `receiver_tel` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `receiver_mobile_tel` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `cust_message` varchar(500) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `index_id` (`id`) USING BTREE

The structure of child table:

ordert_0 | CREATE TABLE `ordert_0` (
  `idm` bigint(50) NOT NULL,
  `id` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `order_idm` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
  `order_typem` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `cust_idm` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `cust_typem` int(11) DEFAULT NULL

SQL Statements


into order_?(order_id,order_type,cust_id,cust_type,cust_email,payment_method_type,payment_provider_id,shipping_method_type,packing_type,preferred_shipping_time_type,receiver_name,receiver_address,receiver_country_id,receiver_province_id,receiver_city_id,receiver_zip,receiver_tel,receiver_mobile_tel,cust_message) VALUES (?, 0, 10, 1, '', 1, 6, 1, 0, 3, 'ttt ttt', 'beijingshijinganzhongxin', 9000, 111, 1, '100011', '51236117', ' ', ' ');


select,order_id,order_type,cust_id,cust_type,cust_email,payment_method_type,payment_provider_id,shipping_method_type,packing_type,preferred_shipping_time_type,receiver_name,receiver_address,receiver_country_id,receiver_province_id,receiver_city_id,receiver_zip,receiver_tel,receiver_mobile_tel,cust_message from order_? a,ordert_? b where and;


Update order_? SET order_id=?,order_type=0,cust_id=10,cust_type=1,cust_email='' where id=?;


INSERT INTO `order`(order_id,order_type,cust_id,cust_type,cust_email,payment_method_type,payment_provider_id,shipping_method_type,packing_type,preferred_shipping_time_type,receiver_name,receiver_address,receiver_country_id,receiver_province_id,receiver_city_id,receiver_zip,receiver_tel,receiver_mobile_tel,cust_message) VALUES (?, 0, 10, 1, '', 1, 6, 1, 0, 3, 'ttt ttt', 'beijingshijinganzhongxin', 9000, 111, 1, '100011', '51236117', ' ', ' ');


select cust_id,cust_type,cust_email,payment_method_type,payment_provider_id,shipping_method_type,packing_type,preferred_shipping_time_type,receiver_name,receiver_address,receiver_country_id,receiver_province_id,receiver_city_id,receiver_zip,receiver_tel,receiver_mobile_tel,cust_message from order a,order_item b where and;


update order SET order_id=?,order_type=0,cust_id=10,cust_type=1,cust_email='' where id=?;