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Sharding-JDBC: A data sharding, read-write splitting, BASE transaction and database orchestration middleware. It provides maximum compatibilities for applications by JDBC and MySQL protocol.
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1. Data sharding
- Both databases and tables sharding supported.
- Standard aggregation functions, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, LIMIT and JOIN DQL supported.
- Standard DML, DDL, TCL and database administrator command supported.
- Sharding operator
and IN
- Sharding algorithm customization and inline expression supported.
- Route by hint supported.
- Distributed sequence supported.
2. Read-write splitting
- Multiple slaves replica supported.
- Data consistency guarantee in same thread supported.
- Mix read-write splitting and data sharding supported.
- Route by hint supported.
3. BASE Transaction
- Best efforts delivery transaction supported.
- Try confirm cancel transaction (TBD).
4. Orchestration
- Configuration center supported, can refresh dynamically.
- Circuit breaker supported.
- Open tracing supported.
Use JDBC connect databases without redirect cost for java application, best performance for production.
- ORM compatible. JPA, Hibernate, Mybatis, Spring JDBC Template or JDBC supported.
- Connection-pool compatible. DBCP, C3P0, BoneCP, Druid supported.
- Multi SQL-based databases compatible. Any Database supported theoretically. Support MySQL, Oracle, SQLServer and PostgreSQL right now.
![Sharding-JDBC Architecture](http://shardingsphere.apache.org/document/legacy/2.x/en/img/jdbc_brief_en.png)
Database router. Deploy as a stateless server, support MySQL protocol for now.
- Use standard MySQL protocol, application do not care about whether proxy or real MySQL.
- Any MySQL command line and UI workbench supported in theoretically. MySQL Workbench are fully compatible right now.
![Sharding-Proxy Architecture](http://shardingsphere.apache.org/document/legacy/2.x/en/img/proxy_brief_en.png)
Use sidecar to connect databases, best for Kubernetes or Mesos together.
![Sharding-Sidecar Architecture](http://shardingsphere.apache.org/document/legacy/2.x/en/img/sidecar_brief_v2_en.png)
Quick Start
Add maven dependency
<!-- import sharding-jdbc core -->
Sharding-JDBC support 4 types for sharding rule configuration, they are Java
, Spring namespace
and Spring boot starter
. Developers can choose any one for best suitable situation.
Create DataSource
Use ShardingDataSourceFactory to create ShardingDataSource, which is a standard JDBC DataSource. Then developers can use it for raw JDBC, JPA, MyBatis or Other JDBC based ORM frameworks.
DataSource dataSource = ShardingDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(dataSourceMap, shardingRuleConfig);
Edit ${sharding-proxy}\conf\sharding-config.yaml
. Same format with Sharding-JDBC-Driver’s YAML
Start server
${sharding-proxy}\bin\start.sh ${port}