The following document contains the results of SpotBugs
SpotBugs Version is 4.9.2
Threshold is medium
Effort is default
Classes | Bugs | Errors | Missing Classes |
29 | 9 | 0 | 0 |
Class | Bugs |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.parser.autogen.MaskDistSQLStatementLexer | 5 |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.parser.autogen.MaskDistSQLStatementParser | 4 |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.parser.autogen.MaskDistSQLStatementLexer.channelNames should be both final and package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_FINAL_PKGPROTECT | 33 | Medium |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.parser.autogen.MaskDistSQLStatementLexer.modeNames should be both final and package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_FINAL_PKGPROTECT | 37 | Medium |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.parser.autogen.MaskDistSQLStatementLexer._decisionToDFA should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 654 | Medium |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.parser.autogen.MaskDistSQLStatementLexer.ruleNames should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 60 | Medium |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.parser.autogen.MaskDistSQLStatementLexer.tokenNames should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 101 | Medium |
Bug | Category | Details | Line | Priority |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.parser.autogen.MaskDistSQLStatementParser._decisionToDFA should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 1554 | Medium |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.parser.autogen.MaskDistSQLStatementParser.ruleNames should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 49 | Medium |
org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.parser.autogen.MaskDistSQLStatementParser.tokenNames should be package protected | MALICIOUS_CODE | MS_PKGPROTECT | 90 | Medium |
Switch statement found in org.apache.shardingsphere.distsql.parser.autogen.MaskDistSQLStatementParser.execute() where default case is missing | STYLE | SF_SWITCH_NO_DEFAULT | 173-207 | Medium |